

  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    To those who asked Lanette and leanerstronger (sorry I don't know your name) I've had kettlebells for about a year now (checked on Amazon) but haven't been consistent. Trying now to do regularly but I still love my cardio. Don't need BP medication now and I put that down to cardio.
    I do stretches and balancing to help prevent falls

    Kate UK <3
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 856 Member
    Lanette, yes we did have snow last night. Funny tho, an inch or so at my house, by the time I got to work, which is only about a 10 min drive away, there was nothing! Work is closer to the ocean, so we don't get as much here as "inland" areas!
    Terry, glad you are starting to feel better!
    Allie, glad you had a good time at your dad's reunion! And thanks for the photos, they are great!
    Rita and M (from Oz), awesome pics of incredible scenery! Thanks so much!
    Rye, I too am looking forward to seeing the new Murder on The Orient Express, probably won't go to the theatre tho, DH just can't sit for that long, and I don't want to go by myself, so will wait til it's on Netflix or DVD.
    Becca, I'm so glad I'm not a donut fan! Those look pretty darn good! Good on you for sticking with the corn chex, your body will appreciate it!

    Well, the rain from yesterday did turn into snow last night. I wouldn't mind the snow so much but we are just so unprepared for it here, it just doesn't happen enough for the city to spend a ton of money on removal equipment, so if we get a big dump, we are in major trouble! Even an inch or so will shut down some parts of the city, especially hard on streets with hills.... The wind today feels like it's right off the polar ice cap! Brrr!!! Fortunately my job doesn't entail too much outside stuff, but I'm sure not happy when I do have to go out there!
    Yesterday was a better day, eating wise, although dinner was salty and I am very prone to water retention. It usually releases the next morning tho, so guess where I've spent a lot of time already! Sorry if that's TMI..... didn't help that I was feeling cold so decided to have a cup of green tea to warm me up....
    Anyway, like I said yesterday was better, today is starting out good, it's just those after dinner snacking urges! Working on it...
    We changed our clocks back last night, which was great, theoretically was able to get an extra hour's sleep, but I was still awake at the "usual" time. I did get up, tho, and got a few things done this morning, like cleaning a couple of bathrooms - YAY! Now just need to clean our ensuite when I get home tonite. Been threatening to clean it for three days now, really need to get on it.... It usually gets done once a week, so I'm only a few days behind, but really don't want to leave it much longer.
    Hope everyone has a great day!!
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Machka9 – I went to a small HS (as did Carol – Peach). Homecoming is held during the HS football season. Each class picks a representative, the Senior Class picks 3; and then, the entire school picks the queen. A big parade and floats that the students decorated. Then they were driven around the field in a convertible so that they could be seen. It is an honor to be on the Homecoming Court. My DOGD was the representative of her junior year – I was in the hospital getting my medications tweaked after having a bipolar episode, so I missed it. There is a dance afterwards that the girls work ‘suits’ like they’d wear to church – not even semi-formal. Prom is a dance – in our school for the seniors and juniors and their dates. Dress-up (long gowns and tuxes); flowers and boutonnieres for the boys (usually the same color as the girl’s gown). Actually the sophomore class puts it on and sets a theme with a small play for entertainment (and a band). They aren’t the same and the only thing they have to do with graduation is the timing. Homecoming 1st; then in May, the prom, with graduation being in late May or early June. Most parents let their daughters and sons stay out late than curfew and a lot went to Macon to eat out late. We were never allowed out past 2:00am. I don’t think even Taylor got to stay out late. Some of the kids would rent motels and party – even motel rooms and hopefully they’d keep it down so the cops would not get called on them. Some of Taylor’s cheerleaders thought that DOS was ‘hot’ when they saw him walking around in his suit. Taylor’s reaction was ‘He’s my DAD’! Not very understanding of why they were so impressed with someone old enough to be her Dad. But, he is a head-turner, just like his brother. The girls got to choose their escort. They had a mum (gold) with black ribbons because that was our school’s colors. Taylor got a rose that was given to them on the sidelines by their mothers. Of course, Taylor had both her real mother and Jenn there. He real mother only ‘if’ she was ‘sober’. She was at least ‘sober’ enough that it did not embarrass Taylor and she left as soon as it was over at halftime.

    Dear youngest son and wife (Will and Tami)

    Dear oldest son and wife (Trey and Jenn)

    Heather – I’m sorry your daughter was born stillborn. That had to be awful. I lost my first pregnancy due to a ‘Hydatidiformole pregnancy’ which is a rare complication. I went a month being 5 months – 6 months pregnant before they realized there wasn’t a fetus in my abdomen. But, once they found out, they ended the pregnancy and I had to take chemo due to the placenta breaking off and in my blood stream attaching to other organs. Thankfully my OB had researched it so much to make sure he had the proper diagnosis and that he did everything so I had a good prognosis. I now have 2 wonderful sons – 39 and 41. It occurs in 1:2000 pregnancies while naturally conceived twins occur 1:89.

    I think it would be difficult to have a stillborn because even when you know it, they don’t do anything to end the pregnancy or deliver it by C-section or induce labor. I’m never understood that, for the life of me. How hard it would be for all the questions you get and know that the baby isn’t alive. My grandmother-in-law was pregnant when they moved from Shreveport, LA to Savannah (Port Wentworth) because they were building the Dixie Crystal Sugar Refinery there. The only building large enough for a fame of 5 children + adults was the recreation hall which they turned into their home. They had to wash it down with lye because of lice infestation. A month later she gave birth to a stillborn son. They decided that it was the cooking of the lye soap and her breathing in the fumes was the cause of his death. Of course, back them most people went to mid-wives and whatever was wrong or went wrong was simply a guess.

    I’m sorry for your loss.

    Katie – Your school had the same rules as I did – just seniors and juniors and their dates, no matter if they were younger or older, or whether they were graduates of the school. A lot of the kids were engaged by that time of the year, and, they fiancés might not have gone to school there.

    Welcome to all the Newbies, congrats to all that deserve it, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} to those who need it.

    Love all the pictures posted ... always do.

  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Ooh my sandwich was devine!!! There is a bit of architecture to sandwich making! The mayo helped glue the spinach leaves, then tomatoes with a drizzle of EVOO dressing. I cut the avocado and used it to anchor the tomato! I tried to scarf it down slowly, really I did!
    Sandwich inhaler in
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,655 Member
    Sutherland Springs, TX --- oh my! anyone near there? I know there are a few from texas in our group...

    Kim N. California
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,295 Member
    I’m a couple of hours from there. I was in San Antonio for brunch with my Aunt who was visiting from Oregon. Prayers for their community.

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited November 2017
    What a tragedy in Sutherland Springs. Tiny little town and so many senselessly dead. :'(:'(:'(

    Karen in Virginia
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,791 Member
    Good evening Ladies~
    Such a tragedy in Texas what is this world coming to?tucked into bed after a long weekend. and it feels wonderful..
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Karen in Virginia - What occurred in Sutherland Springs (TX?). I guess I must have scrolled right over it. The only 'news' we watch now is "The Five" and local news at 6:00pm (to find out what is going on it town). I get tired of hearing the griping and complaining and finger pointing and name calling from all sides. I really don't care to get into the "Chicken Little" mentality either ... if the 'sky falls' I hope I am raised up with the smoke and not worry about the after-fire. I read and draw and paint and take care of my house, my husband, and myself and my pets. That keeps me busy enough.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,384 Member
    edited November 2017
    Did Denise Austin's Hot Body Yoga DVD. Boy, did I get hot!. The plan for tomorrow is to do a 10 Minute Yoga DVD, hold my plank, then take the extremepump class.

    Made butternut squash soup for me for later in the week. Then made some catfish. I tried frying some to see how it would be if frozen and then baked the rest.

    At first I turned my watch AHEAD but then I remembered that we need to turn the clocks back! I hate when we have to do this, I really do. Wish we could stay on the other time all the time. I really like when an appliance/whatever changes time automatically and doesn't require anything from me. Guess I'm lazy!

    Lisa - do you know that I never had shrimp and grits until I moved down here? I'd never heard of scrapple, either. Never had persimmon pudding until we moved down here. I absolutely and completely understand your not wanting to stop by. We'll get together after you get settled. When I heard about Texas the first thing I thought of was "thank goodness Lisa isn't in Texas any more"

    Heather - thanks so much for the info about an induction burner. Sounds really interesting.

    NYKaren - Vince and I are complete opposites, too. In a way, I think this is what really helps our marriage so much. I'm an extrovert, he's an introvert, things like that. I'm the one who first got him to go to the Newcomers and now even Jess says how proud she is that he's gotten so social.

    Karen in VA - phew! I couldn't for the life of me figure out how the calories could be so high. Glad you found out. Now that's a pleasant surprise, huh? Much better than finding out that something is much higher in calories than you thought

    Since we didn't do much decorating for Halloween this year, I reposted some of the pics from our Halloween last year on Facebook.

    Making myself a cup of hot tea right now. A little cool here. With the time change (I guess that has something to do with it), I seem to be craving carbs and I definitely don't want them. I'm hoping that this tea will do in place of carbs.

    Becca - I think I'll always be logging. If I don't, I just know that I'll start "over-guesstimating". Right now, I can go a few days (like I did at the wedding) making decent choices (but I know not the best). Maintenance is a life-long thing and so will logging. Wish I could say that it would end, but I know that for me it won't and I suspect others will be the same way, starting to "over-guesstimate". I jot down on a piece of paper what I had/will have during the day and then log it at one time. Well, really, maybe a few times a day. The other thing is, by doing it this way I can see what I should back off of (like today I realized that I probably should only have one piece of the spinach/feta instead of the 2 I logged so I cut it back to only one slice) How funny putting detergent in washing machines that you didn't need!

    I'm feeling a bit sad today. Actually, quite a bit sad. Bryan won't talk to me and I'm trying to come to terms with the fact that I usually only see Denise once/year. Now that she and Pete are married, I know that he's going to dictate what they do and where they go (she's so dependent on him) and he has this thing about wanting to spend Christmas with his grandmother "because it may be her last Christmas". No one thought it would be my mother's last Christmas the year she died and that my grandfather would have many more Christmases. Pete can leave here early Christmas day and still be back in time to spend christmas with his grandmother. But I'm going to bet that he doesn't want to do that. Last year I invited a friend of Jess', her husband, their son, and his mother here. They came but Denise wouldn't even talk to them! This year I THINK Jess will be here, but her bf (Colby) won't. I'll ask Amanda again. But it's so sad when there aren't many of us. I did invite Pete's mother, father, and grandmother here, but I'm suspecting that they won't take me up on it.

    Lenora - Tami is really pretty. Love Jenns' ring

    Just checked Facebook. Maria had written something about "the trees turning color" and someone in her family said that she can edit her post to "tree's". I couldn't help myself, I posted that Maria was right, "trees" is plural, "tree's" is posessive. I'm not a grammar guru, but at least I know that much!!!

    Michele in NC

    [editied by MFP Staff]
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Prayers for the families and community in TX. Such sad news.

    Michele, plan to make it a happy Christmas no matter who comes. Don’t let others ruin it for you.

    Eating went better today. Tracked my food for the first time in a week. I’ll weigh in tomorrow and see what damage I did. Hopefully it’s not too bad. Mood was better today but I had to work at it. I’m dreading being around people tomorrow and being “on”. Acting like everything is fine when it’s not is exhausting.

    Terry in VT and headed to bed and book.
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    edited November 2017
    Well my ramen was properly hot! I made it with two tilapia fillets, so it pumped up my calories to 1000 calories, 40 g fats, and a whopping 69 g protein for today. Each fillet is only 110 calories, 2 fat and 21 g proteins. A good food choice!
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Friends,

    Allie, I know you were drained after that drive but it sure sounds like a successful trip. I know your Dad had a ball.

    Lisa, so glad you made it to NC. I hope you can rest some soon.

    Pip, I hope you had a good run.

    NYKaren, good for you on going with your DH. I’m also glad he showed his appreciation. *sweet*

    Allie, great pic of all of you. You look fantastic. The photo book for your dad is a wonderful gift.

    Heather, I hope your DDIL doesn’t get too nervous but obviously she is very smart and knows her material so it should go fine. She is a beautiful young lady.

    Lanette, if I told my DH I wouldn’t be talking much he would act the same way as yours and grin, but the truth is my DH is the one that never stops talking and talking and talking and talking……. And talking

    It is so sad about the shooting in Texas. You just never know where something is going to happen next. We surely need to cherish every moment of life. My thoughts and prayers are with all the people there. :'(

    pretty-pink-welcome-smiley-emoticon.gifto all the Newbies. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I changed the clocks in my room before I went to bed last night. I woke up at 4:00 this morning and never really went back to sleep. I finally got up about 6:00 and only then remembered the time change. I did expect to take a nap today but that never happened so I’m off to bed soon and it’s now 9:30.

    Sending love, good thoughts and cool sunshine to all of you.

    I Love youwriting-a-love-letter-smiley-emoticon.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,140 Member
    Dentist today ... in just a few hours.

    She is removing the badly damaged tooth, and that is OK with me because a) that tooth has had so much work done on it, I don't think it is salvageable, and b) if it is salvageable, it would cost me a fortune to salvage it (we're talking $5000+ at this point).

    However, for some reason I can't put my finger on ... I feel sad about losing that tooth.

    Machka in Oz
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: Your daughter in law is gorgeous, smart, & wise. No wonder you are so pleased with your son's choice. :heart:

    Becca: I can't guess how long you'll be logging, but I will be logging for the foreseeable future. :wink: (It keeps me honest with myself.)

    Kate UK: I tried kettle bells and didn't do so well. I lifted poorly and gave myself a cranky back that lasted awhiIe. I am focusing on yoga instead, along with walking, riding & other cardio activities. :flowerforyou:

    Pip: You and Kirby look happy and at peace together. :smiley: I love the photo of the wheelchair cyclist. It is a good example of someone overcoming limitations and excelling in sports. :heart:

    DH & I did some shopping today, but we've been pretty quiet. Our dog is still having health issues and we took him to the vet. He now has another round of medication for digestive problems. Hopefully this will lead to a better situation. :smiley:

    I am so sorry about the needless deaths in Sutherland Springs, TX. My heart goes out to the community and the families of those who died. :broken_heart:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison