

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,655 Member
    Hi Gals,

    Allie and Rita – great pictures!

    Pip – congrats!

    I got some yard work done today in my own yard! There is much to do but a cool day with sun and a couple of hours and out I went, what I got done is really not that exciting but a good start on a bigger project. My new neighbors are nice folks but he is very particular… and I have trees, and some shrubs by the shared fence, he cleans up the leave every hour! If there is one or 30, I have even heard him out with a flash light picking up leaves after dark. LOL On of my bushes is touching the fence, and he says it rubs in the wind and is both ruining the fence and makes a squeaking sound that keeps them up at night…I’ve never heard the squeak, but I am not that attached to the shrub – however it is quiet large – so I am slowly trimming it back off the fence, some of it is how much time I have and some is the yard waste can space to get rid of it…it quite cracks me up that this is such a big deal to him, such a 1st world problem…


    Kim from N. California
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,087 Member
    I too worked in the yard as much as I could today. Our highs this week will only be in the thirties.

    Prayers for our world as another senseless tragedy happened in Texas.

    :heart: Margaret
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Kate - correct me if I am wrong I think you are working with a 13 kg kettle bell which would be approximately 26lbs. You're doing a fantastic job!

    Allie - you look fantastic! Great pictures!

    Lenora - very nice looking family!

  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,577 Member
    So sad about the shooting today. I am really weary of this crap.

    We just need to be thankful for every day.

    Exciting about the marathon, Pip.

    Willamette Valley, Oregon
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Mary - Thank you ... I'm very proud of them.

    Katla - I will be tracking from hereon out; but, when I eat something I know I shouldn't because I am craving it; it makes me want to 'kick myself in the butt'; but, it is tracked anyway. Sundays are 'exercise-free days' for me; but, I sure think I need to jump up on that treadmill anyway.

    Michele - Thanks, we think Tami is pretty and has such a fun personality. Jenn has a 'good heart'; but, I guess in some ways we are too much alike and we tend to tip-toe around one another. She's not happy with her weight; but, at this point she does have the discipline to lose weight. The MD who did their health insurance physical told her that he needed to get her 'emotional being' in check before they attempt to worry about her weight issue. She won't take the medication he Rx'd for her if it doesn't make her feel 120% better in less than a month. When she went to my Neurologist for 'migraines' and stopped taking the medication, she basically fired her as a patient. She told her she was 'wasting her time and her money if she wasn't going to follow her orders'. That would be embarrassing ... to be 'fired by your doctor'. He has put her on a medication for depression, if it means she cannot drink while on it, the drinking will come first. I hate to say that; but, it is the truth. Will and Tami and Mallory are not coming home for Thanksgiving, because of how they feel towards her. I hate it, but, that's life. I'm not going to let her try to drive a wedge into my family unit. My boys are my life and my granddaughters are, too. I can deal with it but, it is difficult.

    It's been hard to come to grips that just because of Jenn's actions my family isn't as close as we once were. She's even posted on FB that 'if I ever got pissed with her I'd run her off with a stick'. I wanted to post, 'yeah, haven't found it yet'; but, she had already blocked me. I had a friend request from her the other day; I accepted it, then went in and 'blocked' her. I don't need the added stress of being blocked and not able to respond 'in kind'. I just sit and listen and go, 'mmmhhhhmmmmhhhh ... yeah ... whatever you say' (she is ALWAYS right).

    HAHAHAHAHA! Grammar is something that got 'drilled' into our heads by our mother who was a HS English/Lit/Grammar teacher. I used to correct my grandchildren when they would say things like, "I'm done eating." "NO, you are 'finished' ... you're only 'done' if you are a steak. Bring that knife and fork over here and let me check you out." They'd just look at me. Sad thing is they hear it all the time. It has become so frequent that even TV commentaries use it a lot. Louis will look over at me and 'correct' what they've said, like they could 'hear' him. It's no longer as funny as it was to start with. These people are supposedly 'educated'. Sure, I make mistakes. I don't always 'proofread' what I have typed and posted. I drop the 'r' of 'your' all the time. English is one of the 'hardest' languages to learn and do it correctly. All the words that 'sound alike' but 'spelled differently' but change the entire meaning of a sentence if used incorrectly.

    When Mother was still alive we'd see one another a lot more often than we do now; but, each one of us have our own families and then they have their own traditions. I'd just like to be able to see Will and Tami more than just once a year - when we go out to stay for a week. About all I can 'wish for' is that they will surprise us again and come sometime during the spring. The bad thing about it is that she and her 'ex' share custody of Mallory. It has become more of an issue now that she has remarried. He isn't very flexible about things, unless it is in 'his favor'. Tami said she really thought it would end up being a legal issue and they'd have to go back to court over it. But, she is going to let him make that move. The Judge had chewed him out the last time they appeared in front of him over something trivial ... he kept trying to take Mallory away from her - no reason - just to yank her chain. I think he is intimidated by Will. Will doesn't take 'anything' off 'anybody'.

    Weigh-in on Tuesday. I just hope I haven't gained anything and that my 'water' is up in %. This weekend it seems like I have just 'grazed'. PT on Wednesday at 4:00pm; then again on Friday at 8:00AM ... which means I will have to be showered, dressed, made up and ready to leave the house about 7:00am since I don't know what 'morning traffic is like'. OH, well. Get my hair cut on Thursday, so I will go ahead and get all my ducks in a row on Thursday.

    I 'try' to pre-track my food each day. Usually, it works well for me; but, today - ate a decent breakfast; nothing until we went out to eat and ate 1/2 of what I got; then totally wrecked it by eating a caramel apple. Oh well! I'll get back on it this week. I think. I just want to break through that 160lb mark, and be able to stay under it (on my way to my goal). UGH!

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Lenora, I don't know if you still don't know but a lone shooter went to a small church in SanAntonio Texas and starts shooting. So far I think the death count is 26 and I don't know if they count the shooter I that or not. Many were injured also. Pastors daughter killed, woman in her 3rd trimester killed. I know that shouldn't matter but it just makes the heart hurt even more. When will it stop?

    When my girls were in night school and went to prom, it is a pretty dress up affair. Some families spend hundreds on it because of the meal before going out, hiring the limo, the dress, make up, hair, corsage, tux. And. Can't remember how much the ticket it. Thinking back on it, I'm not really sure either of my girls wanted to go to try prom all that much. One went with a fellow youth group guy from church. They had never dated and never did. Just good friends. Michelle went with a really good friend also. One of the big things that is expected f ong time couples is that they rent a hotel room and 'express their love' . I'm glad that didn't happen with my girls. Michelle's prom date was a homosexual and I felt very safe with her. I think Christina wanted to go so she could glare at her ex boyfriends date!

    Well the weather just blew on by today. We did have some heavy rain along with lightning and heavy thunder but nothing damaging. So,stokes the thunder felt like the house was going to break apart. The cats were totally unimpressed.

    Rita,, loved your picture. Were those holes in the rock actual homes from many years ago?

    Machca, also loved you pictures. So serene and relaxing.

    We had our multigenerational choir this morning. The kids and youth was up in the choir loft only for announce,Mets and our song. But the youth I was sitting next to was texting the whole time she sat there. Ther needs to be a way of turning that off and the kids don't know how.

    Heather, beautiful picture of your daughter in law.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,157 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Dentist today ... in just a few hours.

    She is removing the badly damaged tooth, and that is OK with me because a) that tooth has had so much work done on it, I don't think it is salvageable, and b) if it is salvageable, it would cost me a fortune to salvage it (we're talking $5000+ at this point).

    However, for some reason I can't put my finger on ... I feel sad about losing that tooth.

    Machka in Oz

    Worst dental experience ever.

    Not my dentist's fault. She was great. It was the fault of my previous dentist and my extra-long tooth.

    She had to break my jaw bone ... well, drill quite a hole in it, all around the root which was embedded in the bone. She also had to cut my gum open. 3 stitches.

    Maximum amount of freezing ... didn't freeze everything because I had a bad infection in there. About as painful as trying to pass a kidney stone (and I've been there, done that with a kidney stone that got lodged on it's way out and had to be surgically removed).

    Panic attack mid-procedure. I've never experienced anything like it.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,342 Member
    So sorry Machka! Hope it all heals up well. <3

    I first heard of the church massacre through your posts, but have now read the news. These days I feel so much part of you all in the US and have a much greater understanding of your communities. My heart goes out to everyone, especially in that little town. <3<3<3

    I woke up early worrying about the babysitting. My DDIL has been sending detailed diaries of the kids routines over to us all by email and I started to wonder if we ought to offer to go over earlier to help out the nanny. We are meant to get there Thursday pm to pick up DGS from school. It all looks so complicated with a toddler and two older kids who are going in two totally different locations and need equipment and dressing up stuff! How did we ever cope???? :sad: I will text the nanny and ask her if she is ok with the arrangements.

    Breakfast arrives!

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    Kate - correct me if I am wrong I think you are working with a 13 kg kettle bell which would be approximately 26lbs. You're doing a fantastic job!

    Allie - you look fantastic! Great pictures!

    Lenora - very nice looking family!

    I wish! No only on 6kg but will order 8kg soon

    Didn't know about Texas shootings, so sad the world really has gone mad.

    Kate UK <3
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Too tired to comment. Time change has me upside down.
    -Sharon in Lethbridge ( still waiting for that Chinook)
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,157 Member
    So sorry Machka! Hope it all heals up well. <3


    It took 1.5 hours to get it out, and we had to take breaks several times (especially when I went into the panic attack ... I've never screamed in pain at a dentist office before and I was shaking uncontrollably for about 10 min while she and her assistant tried to calm me).

    In fact, I've been cold, dizzy, and shaky all evening so far. 3 hours later I'm just starting to feel a little bit better. But she did say that because she had to cut my gum open and drill out the bone, I'm going to be in a lot of pain and have a swollen face for the next 48 hours ... when the freezing comes out. She's given me quite an extensive pain management program.

    I can only have cold, plain vanilla ice cream, yogurt, and Ensure for the next 48 hours ... not even "soft food".

    M in Oz
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Machka sounds so so painful. Follow the directions of your dds to the letter, it's going to be challenging, but you will heal. Try to sleep through as much of this as you can. Also, listen to soothing music or meditation tapes to see you through--I can only imagine the pain. Sending <3 and peace as you heal.

    Didn't get any yard work done, but spent time with DH and that is more important than raking leaves yes? I do plan on hitting the gym afterwork and if it isn't too wet, I will get out the blower and move some leaves around. My tomato plants are ready to be pulled out of the ground, I had the best heirloom harvest ever. So no more tomatoes sprinkled with salt for breakfast :'(:'(

    Heather sounds like a daunting schedule for the 3 grands, just remember, the best part for them is that you both are with them and if something falls through the cracks, so be it.

    Peaceful Monday, NYKAREM
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,517 Member
    DST: hate the semi annual change, throws me off for weeks. Yuck.
    Dishwashers: use ours for Tupperware storage. Find handwashing dishes meditative ;}
    Only caught up thru page 10 of 15 but need to sleep. ttyl.

    Terry Could the cusp of tears be simply exhaustion from doing without power for so long? {{hugs}} What a jerk your ex was/is!
    Heather "... need to visit the pharmacy and the Chinese supermarket for frozen dim sum and fermented black beans. I've got some bubble wrap with me." how will you use the bubble wrap? Heart goes out to you for the loss of your daughter, the post-natal depression and your son's crippling anxiety. Glad for the greyhounds and girlfriend, sounds like some healing going on.
    Katla Hope your DH can accept your need to see Hazel now. Then you can both go and stay where he feels comfortable in January. Like Barbie and Jake, Joe and I always stay in hotels for our privacy. Think it's more common and acceptable nowadays. When my parents were alive my relatives would have been hurt if we hadn't bunked with them, no matter how crowded and challenging that could be!
    Becca great pic of the service dogs. :) Con VERY gratulations on the NSV size 20 AND the scale victory. Wow!
    AZ Mary and janetr belated best birthday wishes!
    Joyce Terrible tornadoes in Indiana on the news tonight, hoping all is well with you and yours.
    Sharon thank you for sharing your story. How brave you are to return to that job.
    Rye Quinn is a beaut! What a sweetie.
    Wendy: You may never know it but your compassionate example will have its effect. None the less, having someone outside the compassion-challenged family care for the animals sounds like a good plan.
    Barbie Broke in my new waterproof walking shoes yesterday. Woo HOO and thanks for the recommendation!

    desismileys_4280.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD who is grateful to be feeling a little better every day.

    Rx aim log, cod liver oil and bp daily, yog/prob twice daily, 80% rule, line dance, Nov 4 reduce 2-300 cals daily from average.
    November Goals add one of the Rx aims:
    BP, walk, CLO, yog + Log daily, keep under 1500
    Line dance weekly.
    Hook up the wii.
    Nov 4-: log=2, <1500=1, clo=2, yogx1=0, LD=0, walk 5Ksteps=1.5, BP=0, wii=0
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited November 2017
    Heather: Your daughter-in-law is gorgeous, smart, & wise. No wonder you are so pleased with your son's choice. :heart:

    Becca: I can't guess how long you'll be logging, but I will be logging for the foreseeable future. I need the discipline & it keeps me honest with myself.

    Kate UK: I tried kettle bells and didn't do so well. I lifted poorly and gave myself a cranky back that lasted awhiIe. I am focusing on yoga instead, along with walking, riding & other cardio activities. :flowerforyou:

    Pip: You and Kirby look happy and at peace together. :smiley: I love the photo of the wheelchair cyclist. It is a good example of someone overcoming limitations and excelling in sports. :star:

    DH & I did some shopping yesterday, but we've been pretty quiet. Our dog is still having health issues and I went to the vet yesterday for another round of medicine for digestive problems. Hopefully this will lead to a better situation. :smiley:

    I am so sorry about the needless deaths in Sutherland Springs, TX. My heart goes out to the community and the families of those who died. :cry: :broken_heart:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    "The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another." - William James
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,416 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Dentist today ... in just a few hours.

    Machka in Oz

    Worst dental experience ever.

    Not my dentist's fault. She was great. It was the fault of my previous dentist and my extra-long tooth.

    She had to break my jaw bone ... well, drill quite a hole in it, all around the root which was embedded in the bone. She also had to cut my gum open. 3 stitches.

    Maximum amount of freezing ... didn't freeze everything because I had a bad infection in there. About as painful as trying to pass a kidney stone (and I've been there, done that with a kidney stone that got lodged on it's way out and had to be surgically removed).

    Panic attack mid-procedure. I've never experienced anything like it.

    Machka - wow, feel so sorry for you. Do they have an "oral surgeon" in your area? Too late now, but you should have been "out" for it in my opinion. Sounds like it was a much bigger job than a regular dentist could handle.

    Now that it's all over, you'll feel better soon. HUGS!!

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,087 Member