
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    Barbiecat - I got the book I asked you to order for me. Thanks!

    :) Thanks for letting me know. I hope it is useful.
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,997 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    Hi. I'm new to this group. Turning 62 this month. My daughter got married in September and when I saw the wedding photos I realize how unhappy I am about my weight.

    I need some accountability partners to motivate me.


    :) Welcome. I found this thread at age 62 when I was sick and tired of my weight. The women on this thread encouraged and supported me and shared their stories with me. If you come to this thread every day and join the conversation, you will find the accountability partners you seek.

    :) Barbie from NW Washington
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    patceoh wrote: »
    Good Wed morn.I only skimmed the last pages of Oct,was a super busy/stressful month.Love the pictures,so many beautiful children & lovely views.Thanks to all for sharing.Have a couple pictures to share,if I remember how.

    SIL is doing well thru chemo,tho his taste has changed & has very little appetite.His Drs say he is doing well.
    I noticed DH’s skin had a very light yellow cast to it & insisted he call the Dr.That led to emerg,to testing for 3 days
    & diagnosed with gall bladder disease ,with recommend of surgery.
    He then had 3 days at home.

    The surgery went on & on with estimated 60-90 minutes turned into 3 &1/2 hrs.
    Surgeon came out,said it was way more complicated than expected &
    Not done yet.He had well over 100 stones ,with bile duct full of them.
    I had to sign for a diff surgeon to put a camera thru mouth to put balloon in the duct,
    inflate and push them out of duct.Both surgeons said have the procedure now,rather
    rather than 2nd surgery in a few days.

    DD&SIL were with us from 5am till 8 pm,with NC DD Calling often.So thankful for the great Drs & nurses.The out patient
    turned into 5 days in hospital & came home late Monday.They were just being watchful due to age...in 70’s,
    but he is doing fine with my nursing care. Lol ..has Dr appt tomor.
    We are gonna make it thru!

    Sorry to be so long winded! Pat

    Hoping for a speedy recovery. ((Hugs))
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,092 Member
    stats for the day:

    bike ride hm 2 gym- 8.06min, 145mhr, 11.1amph. 1.5mi= 87c
    apple watch- 65c
    0 RUNNER- 50min, 39al, 10ah, 108ac, 9.53min mi, 120ahr, 143mhr, 5.06mi= 391c
    apple watch- 413c
    bike ride gym 2 dome- 6.18min, 13.9amph, 129mhr, 1.4mi= 69c
    appple watch- 43c
    ride bike puy 2 sumn sta- 16.25min, 145mhr, 11.1amph, 3mi= 163c
    apple watch- 113c
    JOG sta 2 wk- 5.07min, 150mhr, 10.01min mi, .5mi= 68c
    apple watch- 50c
    jog wk 2 sta- , 5.42min, 11.05min mi, 153mhr, .5mi = 68c
    apple watch- 53c
    ride dome 2 hm- 19.05min, 8amph, 166mhr, 2.5mi = 218c
    apple watch- 150c

    total cal 1064
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,479 Member
    Did Bob Harper's Ultimate Cardio DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do Cathe Legs with Weights and Barre DVD.

    Rye - how far away is it to your SIL's?

    Had the Newcomer general meeting. The speaker next month will be this lady who is a survivor of the Miracle on the Hudson, only we won't be here to see her talk. Boo... We'll be driving to VA to go see TSO. However, the gal who is arranging it is going to have a showing of the movie "Sully". We volunteered our house to have it. So did one other couple. We figure we can handle 8 people including Vince and myself.

    NYKaren - how long do you think the stuffing will need to be in the oven after we get there? It's just me, but I can't go someplace empty handed. It will be all cooked.

    Lisa - do you leave the door open at night, too? I'm not surprised that you haven't gained anything since leaving Texas. You've been pretty busy

    Pat - I'm sorry your DH had to go thru all that. How wonderful that your family was so supportive!

    Carol - I doubt I can bake the stuffing after I arrive since we probably won't be leaving until around 9:30-10 (Loki needs his med). By the time we get up there it'll probably be around 6 or 7. The stuffing probably takes at least 45 minutes to an hour to bake. That'll probably be too late. But thanks for the suggestion. I usually do freeze the desserts and other things I take up to Jess' for thanksgiving and let them thaw in the car on the way up. If I was making the stuffing for Jess, I could probably bake it at her place since we'll be there already. But not this time. Well, maybe we won't be going to their house after all.

    Wondering if someone bought the house across the street from us. It looks like someone moved in yesterday. Vince didn't see any activity, maybe they work. Guess we'll see tonight. I'll probably take something over there, maybe next week. To be honest, I'm a curious one. But I also want them to feel welcome and to be know that they can call us if they need us.

    KJ - How terrible that you may have to bring Joaquim with you <snicker>. Colorful snot...interesting. I'm with you, I always called them "helicopters" too!

    Got 2 pairs of pants in the mail that I ordered from Belk. I wasn't sure if a 6 Short would be too small for me, but they fit OK.

    Vicki - your post about quilts reminded me that I have from MIL what was probably going to be the top of a quilt. It's all hand quilted. Only problem is that it must have been made for either a single or maybe a double bed. I only have queen and king size beds. I wonder how it'll look if I somehow put material on the sides to make it bigger?

    Meg - I've made the pizza crust pizza. I thought it was quite good

    Katla - The lady who passed away (her hubby was the guy we took to ceramics Mon) had this recipe which I will probably make for the people across the street

    Felicia - what an adorable son you have

    Barbara - welcome! We're here to stand behind you all the way

    Michele in NC
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    Whelp. I was about to make lunch today when I first decided to give my kitties some dental treats. All good except I didn’t close the kitchen cabinet all the way and the door swung open and as I stood up BLAM! Smack in the head. I must have been some sight on the floor, clutching my head surrounded by cats pigging out on their treats!

    Head pounding, I layed listlessly on the couch until work time. I forgot all about eating. I didn’t have much appetite when I got home so today became an unexpected Fast day.

    I’m fine, there is a BIG lump/gash on the top of my head, but I just wore a hat today, lol. I don’t think I want to go swimming tomorrow tho.

    It is early, but bed is looking attractive so I’ll say goodnight!

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,475 Member
    Peach1948 wrote: »
    MACHKA ~ Beautiful scenery.

    ALISON ~ Glad you had fun. 65th reunion....WOW!

    RVing ~ When we were first married, my in-laws towed their air stream through downtown NY City. Can you imagine what that must have been like.

    LISA ~ Loved reading your blog.

    Went to the urgent care this AM and found out why I was in so much pain on my right side. Figured I must have shingles when the area started blistering up. Dr. said it was a classic case of shingles and prescribed valtrex.
    Hope it does the job.

    Our renter came by and said the dryer had gone out, so that is a new expense. So glad we are blessed and can take care of it.

    Carol in GA

    Sorry about the shingles. My mother got those a time or two and they were quite painful. I hope you will be feeling better soon.

    M in Oz

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,475 Member
    ryenday wrote: »
    Whelp. I was about to make lunch today when I first decided to give my kitties some dental treats. All good except I didn’t close the kitchen cabinet all the way and the door swung open and as I stood up BLAM! Smack in the head. I must have been some sight on the floor, clutching my head surrounded by cats pigging out on their treats!

    Head pounding, I layed listlessly on the couch until work time. I forgot all about eating. I didn’t have much appetite when I got home so today became an unexpected Fast day.

    I’m fine, there is a BIG lump/gash on the top of my head, but I just wore a hat today, lol. I don’t think I want to go swimming tomorrow tho.

    It is early, but bed is looking attractive so I’ll say goodnight!


    You should probably get checked for concussion!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,092 Member
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    langman22 wrote: »
    Too tired tonight to post much.

    ((Hugs)) to all that need one.

    ATA girl to all those who have lost or reached a goal.

    Love all the pics.

    I love teddy bears too.

    Didn’t weight today as I couldn’t face the scale. Still eating and not tracking. Got to get turned around and headed in the right direction soon.

    Tomorrow is a new day to start again. Send me good thoughts for a better day. I need them.

    So thankful for each and every one of you!

    Terry, sending you heaps and heaps of good thots. You know you CAN DO THIS. Brings to mind Barbie's quote, I have it taped up in a couple places in my house to keep my going "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."

    You know what you WANT. We gotcha girl. <3<3<3

    Janetr OKC
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,697 Member

    Hi Gals,

    Lisa Love your blog!

    Meg – glad to see you…

    Felicia – taking a teens advice, or looking to them to lead/teach has always helped my relationships with the teens in my life.

    Michele - regarding the towels, I set up what I want, words or art work in the computer and then transfer the file to my big embroidery machines, set up the colors and turn it on… no hand embroidery for this gal.

    Regarding stuffing, so much of how long it will take to heat up is dependent on how much stuffing but if you put it in a 9x13 pan full I would tent it with foil for 25 min at 350, take the tent off and bake it another 15+ min, testing it as you go.

    Allie – great job on keeping the heat under control, I too control my finances with my lack of heat…but it works.

    Everything here busy, and I’m tired, headed to bed!


    Kim from N. California
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Meg, I have been thinking about you and your husband for awhile wonderimg when his time would come. Prayers to all involved. Glad he will have an instant friend and you can have some one drive with you to see him. Take care. You have so much stress right now. Crying is a big relief.

    100 gall stones! Yee gads!!!!!!! Hope he is OK. I remember when I was working that was a long time ago! Anyway, those gall stones were something to talk about so the surgeon would always give them to the patient after surgery. Well one time about all the gall stones was as sludge. Back then after surgery the first diet you are on is a clear liquid diet. So this person had some pretty bad eye sight. Pretty much everything on a c,ear liquid diet comes on the tray in a small round container with a lid on it. So did the sludge. So he complained that what he was eating didn't taste good at all. Some one went to check and sure enough he was trying to spoon in that awful sludge. Well there was the time when we had cataract surgeries that you stayed in the hosptial for two day. When you co,e out of surgery, your eye is bandaged up pretty good. The surgeon also have the family the cataract in what looks like what you give your urine specimen in. It had a screw top lid. So this old mad called out and said his meal was real nasty. He had taken off the lid and drank his cataract. Of course it was give to the patient in fermaldenyde! Right after that the policy was changed. We also had the old lady that was kind of sick in her head that ate her thermometer. Yep, it was the old Mercury kind. Now that story got around the hosptial fast! Once housekeeping heard any story it spread like a wild fire. You never knew if it was true or not but I was on the unit that all of these stories happened. Wow, has nursing changed.

    Kelly, tell us how many kids have put something up their noses in your day care???

    Choir practice was good tonight. We are trying to work on new music while still working on the Christmas cantata. A new guy joined the choir tonight. He's a neat kid, mist graduated from high school and a very polite guy. I'm not sure what his voice is like but I know being in the youth group is very important to him and being a leader is. He says he is a bass and we really need them so we will see if he stays. It's kind of hard to walk into choir practice when we are doing this hard stuff and most of us are getting it pretty well and he doesn't know a thing. Directors policy is that you attend three practices before you sing on a Sunday. That way she knows you are serious and half way know the music. He was put beside two basses that know their music real well. He has the most beautiful long wavy blonde hair. And blue eyes! He has a twin sister. She sang beside me last Wednesday night when the multigenerational choir was practicing and she can't sing at all.

    My sis is gong to come over tomorrow and we are going to fill a shoe box for Operation Christmas Child. And we might go shopping or Culvers for iced custard. She hasn't seen Mozart for awhile so I a, anxious to see what she thingks of my little boy. Had my routine hair appointment today and she has a 3 year old dog and 5 month old puppy. They acted just like my two. The puppy just irritating the dickens out of the adult dog.

    Pip, saw on tv tonight a story of a group that raises golden retrievers as hug dogs. They take me to areas of disasters. They were there in the small town in Texas just to let people hug them. They looked exactly liked yours. The eyes have so much compassion in them.,

    Joyce, Imdiana
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited November 2017
    Joyce wrote "Choir practice was good tonight. We are trying to work on new music while still working on the Christmas cantata. A new guy joined the choir tonight. He's a neat kid, mist graduated from high school and a very polite guy. I'm not sure what his voice is like but I know being in the youth group is very important to him and being a leader is. He says he is a bass and we really need them so we will see if he stays. It's kind of hard to walk into choir practice when we are doing this hard stuff and most of us are getting it pretty well and he doesn't know a thing. Directors policy is that you attend three practices before you sing on a Sunday. That way she knows you are serious and half way know the music. He was put beside two basses that know their music real well. He has the most beautiful long wavy blonde hair. And blue eyes! He has a twin sister. She sang beside me last Wednesday night when the multigenerational choir was practicing and she can't sing at all."

    It says in the Psalms "make a joyful noise onto the Lord". I'm glad He loves to hear my voice even tho I can't carry a tune in a bucket. :):)

    Janetr OKC
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK <3