

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,411 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    Advice needed! as everyone knows we moved from Minnesota to Arizona because of my Lymes disease and that my husband could possibly transfer jobs. As you know the job transfer did not happen. He is still looking for full-time work but he did file for Social Security benefits starting in January. I have been retired since November 2012 and have a very difficult time with brain fog and malaise. I on the other hand could get a teaching position very easily here as they are over 1300 teachers short for this school year. I also am licensed in math and science which are sought after fields of expertise. Just for the heck of it I have been applying online and several schools are interested in me. I'm not sure if I can physically or mentally work a full-time job because of my illness. I substituted after my retirement and ended up with migraines almost every day that I did. Mainly because if you are not the classroom teacher students that are disrespectful for their normal teacher will act out generally for a substitute as well as students that don't usually act up will try to see what they could get away with. I have excellent classroom management skills but it always seemed as though I was in a battle. I actually hate substituting. There is also an opportunity to teach English to online Chinese students. The problem with that is it is from 3:30 AM to 7:30 AM my time. We really don't need the extra money. Working would be mainly for healthcare since we decided that we would not pay $1300 a month for insurance. My DH will be eligible for Medicare in one year next December. I have five more years before I can collect Medicare. So, to work or not to work that is the question!

    Mary from Arizona

    Mary - I agree with Karen, maybe something part time wouldn't be bad. If your disease is in remission, maybe you'd be better able to handle the classroom without developing a migraine.

    Also, are any of these jobs in private and/or parochial schools? I think discipline is probably encouraged in those situations and it wouldn't be so much like babysitting, lol. My DH taught in both private and public funded vocational schools, and far preferred the private. Those students were there to learn.

    So that might be an option you'd like if available.

    How close are you to Tucson? I did a little searching and there's a Direct Care clinic there that costs $40 per month with a little extra for office visits. Not sure what kind of insurance you'd get for $1300 per month, but if you can find an inexpensive catastrophic policy and a Direct Care office for regular stuff, that might make health care more affordable. I am glad to see more of these types of clinics popping up; we love ours.

    Good luck!

  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Today is Chaos Never Dies Day!

    "Chaos Never Dies Day takes the stance that the perfect, quiet moment we’re all striving for and anticipating doesn’t – and likely never will – exist, and that we should make the most of now, chaos-and-all, and embrace the moment."

    Karen - I'd be more willing to comply with the doc's advice on lab work if it didn't cost so much! ;D

    Vicki - Sounds like your sister left you a wonderful treasure box!

    Meg - I couldn't find the soup recipe I liked so much last time, so tonight I'm making the one below, which is a little more involved. The one I used before was super simple, and I'm determined to find it again. http://www.myrecipes.com/recipe/roasted-cauliflower-soup-0

    Becca - Thank you! I sang "What A Wonderful World" to myself on your behalf.

    Ginger - Thanks! I didn't realize until after I'd posted that your recipe link was for the muffins... I thought it was for the breakfast sandwiches! Anyhow, I'll try making my own next time, but last night I got the makings for some using "light" English muffins, which will still make some nice hot breakfasts for us.

    Barbara - Photographs are what first led me to work on my weight too. It seems like some people put on weight when they're stressed and others lose it. I remember a friend, going through a divorce about the same time I was, commenting that she looked "like a scarecrow" in family pictures. And I looked like a stuffed turkey in mine.

    Michelle - If you can't expand your mother-in-law's quilt, it might make a dramatic wall hanging. I like to use them behind beds, sofas, etc.

    Rye - Ouch! Typical cats, pigging out while Mom's bleeding on the floor.

    Pip - Congratulations to Kirby on attaining his marathon goals! That's a heck of a come-back story, and I agree that it would probably be inspirational to other runners.

    Today is my last work day before another long weekend at Dad's river house, sans cell phone and internet. Hopefully I'll at least manage to get in cell range long enough to check in every day. I'm taking a small trailer down there (goes behind a riding mower), so I have to take the older car and the utility trailer. Not looking forward to that... I've already scouted out a slightly longer route that doen't involve getting on the interstate or the toll road.

    Anyhow, I'd better get on it if I want to finish work at a reasonable hour today.

    Wish you all a beautiful day.

    -Yvonne in TX
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    lhscapil wrote: »
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    Advice needed! as everyone knows we moved from Minnesota to Arizona because of my Lymes disease and that my husband could possibly transfer jobs. As you know the job transfer did not happen. He is still looking for full-time work but he did file for Social Security benefits starting in January. I have been retired since November 2012 and have a very difficult time with brain fog and malaise. I on the other hand could get a teaching position very easily here as they are over 1300 teachers short for this school year. I also am licensed in math and science which are sought after fields of expertise. Just for the heck of it I have been applying online and several schools are interested in me. I'm not sure if I can physically or mentally work a full-time job because of my illness. I substituted after my retirement and ended up with migraines almost every day that I did. Mainly because if you are not the classroom teacher students that are disrespectful for their normal teacher will act out generally for a substitute as well as students that don't usually act up will try to see what they could get away with. I have excellent classroom management skills but it always seemed as though I was in a battle. I actually hate substituting. There is also an opportunity to teach English to online Chinese students. The problem with that is it is from 3:30 AM to 7:30 AM my time. We really don't need the extra money. Working would be mainly for healthcare since we decided that we would not pay $1300 a month for insurance. My DH will be eligible for Medicare in one year next December. I have five more years before I can collect Medicare. So, to work or not to work that is the question!

    Mary from Arizona

    Mary - I agree with Karen, maybe something part time wouldn't be bad. If your disease is in remission, maybe you'd be better able to handle the classroom without developing a migraine.

    Also, are any of these jobs in private and/or parochial schools? I think discipline is probably encouraged in those situations and it wouldn't be so much like babysitting, lol. My DH taught in both private and public funded vocational schools, and far preferred the private. Those students were there to learn.

    So that might be an option you'd like if available.

    How close are you to Tucson? I did a little searching and there's a Direct Care clinic there that costs $40 per month with a little extra for office visits. Not sure what kind of insurance you'd get for $1300 per month, but if you can find an inexpensive catastrophic policy and a Direct Care office for regular stuff, that might make health care more affordable. I am glad to see more of these types of clinics popping up; we love ours.

    Good luck!


    Thanks for the information on healthcare I had no idea that the direct care clinic. Does that count as having insurance for the government taxes? I will check into that. We are two hours away from Tucson so maybe there is something closer. I will also look at the private and parochial schools for full-time employment. I just got off the phone with somebody that wants me to work for them. It's kind of unsettling when I really don't know if I would be able to be successful.

    KarenVA,KarenNY, and Carol - thanks for the feedback! I would very much like to be a personal trainer or life coach. I thought about that as well. The main reason I would be working though to get health benefits. Not sure if that would be a benefit. Thanks for your thoughts on my dilemma! All your feedback is given me a lot to think about!

    Mary from Arizona
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,411 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    lhscapil wrote: »
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    Advice needed! as everyone knows we moved from Minnesota to Arizona because of my Lymes disease and that my husband could possibly transfer jobs. As you know the job transfer did not happen. He is still looking for full-time work but he did file for Social Security benefits starting in January. I have been retired since November 2012 and have a very difficult time with brain fog and malaise. I on the other hand could get a teaching position very easily here as they are over 1300 teachers short for this school year. I also am licensed in math and science which are sought after fields of expertise. Just for the heck of it I have been applying online and several schools are interested in me. I'm not sure if I can physically or mentally work a full-time job because of my illness. I substituted after my retirement and ended up with migraines almost every day that I did. Mainly because if you are not the classroom teacher students that are disrespectful for their normal teacher will act out generally for a substitute as well as students that don't usually act up will try to see what they could get away with. I have excellent classroom management skills but it always seemed as though I was in a battle. I actually hate substituting. There is also an opportunity to teach English to online Chinese students. The problem with that is it is from 3:30 AM to 7:30 AM my time. We really don't need the extra money. Working would be mainly for healthcare since we decided that we would not pay $1300 a month for insurance. My DH will be eligible for Medicare in one year next December. I have five more years before I can collect Medicare. So, to work or not to work that is the question!

    Mary from Arizona

    Mary - I agree with Karen, maybe something part time wouldn't be bad. If your disease is in remission, maybe you'd be better able to handle the classroom without developing a migraine.

    Also, are any of these jobs in private and/or parochial schools? I think discipline is probably encouraged in those situations and it wouldn't be so much like babysitting, lol. My DH taught in both private and public funded vocational schools, and far preferred the private. Those students were there to learn.

    So that might be an option you'd like if available.

    How close are you to Tucson? I did a little searching and there's a Direct Care clinic there that costs $40 per month with a little extra for office visits. Not sure what kind of insurance you'd get for $1300 per month, but if you can find an inexpensive catastrophic policy and a Direct Care office for regular stuff, that might make health care more affordable. I am glad to see more of these types of clinics popping up; we love ours.

    Good luck!


    Thanks for the information on healthcare I had no idea that the direct care clinic. Does that count as having insurance for the government taxes? I will check into that. We are two hours away from Tucson so maybe there is something closer. I will also look at the private and parochial schools for full-time employment. I just got off the phone with somebody that wants me to work for them. It's kind of unsettling when I really don't know if I would be able to be successful.

    Mary from Arizona

    Mary - this is the clinic in Tucson: http://www.tucsondirectcare.com/individuals/ This one is very similar to the clinic DH and I go to.

    There should be resources, even an insurance broker you could call and ask what it would cost for high deductible health insurance that qualifies for Obamacare. I would think they'd have the lowest premiums. Also, that clinic in Tucson can help with that as well and explain how it works per their website. They might even know of a Direct Care type clinic closer to where you are.

    Luckily, I had high deductible insurance at work when DH and I started going to our Direct Care clinic. Since it wasn't put through insurance, the monthly fee didn't go toward the deductible or out of pocket, but we didn't care. The savings on lab fees and procedures was really great and we did save $$.

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Lanette- thanks for the information! We will definitely look into that. We had 5500 out-of-pocket per person before benefits would kick in. So, we are very used to paying through the nose. John's cobra insurance is 1300 a month if we wanted to continue with them. What was really disheartening is that when John was applying for jobs he applied to be an health insurance salesman. I wonder if the American public would be happy to know that as a health insurance salesman he would have gotten 55% of your premium! That doesn't even count the percentage that the insurance company it self makes.

    Thanks for all your help!
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Mary – Are you retired due to age, or a disability? I never worked after I was disabled because of the job I had – I could not do it – could not have done it even ½ time and I definitely was not going to work somewhere that my 'new' disability (if I could not do the job would be considerably lower than it is now). My bring home pay dropped about 75% - It was a 'shocker'. My husband wanted me to start painting again, and get a foothold into that saying I could supplement my income. I’ve done several paintings on commission; but, if I don’t have a venue to hang my paintings or drawings, I won’t get the business to make it worth my time. I volunteered to help the art teacher at the school my granddaughters go to; but, after the first time she never called me back. I think she was a bit on the jealous side; I majored in art, she only took a few courses. I had the attention of the 3rd graders. She said that I’d do great helping her with the older kids (middle school); but, like I said, never heard from her again. The next year, due to health reasons, she did not teach. Again I volunteered by nothing. After the 3rd year I gave up on it. But, I don't want to make what is something I love doing as a hobby to become a job that I would end up hating.

    Did you retire because of the Lyme disease? Would it be too late to apply for disability? Maybe talk to a SS Disability attorney? You’re right that math and science teacher are in demand. My DOGD is a biology major; but, while she could name her price for teaching, I don’t think she knows what to do. Gets a 50/50 good/bad of teaching. She still might need to. She’d want to teach in middle school, if she does. I would not do ‘anything’ that required me to be up at 3:30am to 7:30AM … I’d be dead on my feet for the rest of the day; or need to sleep all AM.

    This year I asked Louis is he thought I should try to get a part-time job and he wondered what I wanted to do or if I thought I could handle it. We did not talk about it further. I think you have to ask yourself … why do you want to go back to work? Will it affect you with Lyme Disease and how? It isn’t worth it if you are not going to make enough to justify working or if you think you’d give it up if it wasn’t. After our discussion just got tabled … I discovered that I probably would not be able to take the stress of working because of my bipolar disorder and seizures (even though they are controlled by medication. I also did not want to run the risk of having my disability check cut by what I made working a job. While I called the SSA, I never got 2 answers about it at any time. Nah, I wasn’t going to risk it.

    Just found out yesterday that I can get our COBRA-ed insurance for almost $200 less, provided that we always go to a PPO, which we already do. Since we are on Medicare, BC/BS comes in and pays what they don’t at a %. But, we’ve never had to pay the difference because once Medicare and Insurance has paid, they have to write off the balance. Much better than trying to find out what Medicare offers for other things that it doesn’t pay for that my insurance does.

    Also, if your husband only has one more year until he retires; I think I would be working toward getting your monthly bills low enough for his SSI to cover them and then you could go whenever you wanted to. We have no credit card debt other than the one he has for his business which he rarely uses to pay for painting supplies because he doesn’t want to pay the interest on them, when he could buy them out-of-pocket and the people he pays for basically pay for it anyway.

    If you teach, I would say look into private or parochial schools. While you might find they are more willing to work, I don’t know that I would say they would be any easier to deal with (depending on their age) … they’d still be a little too young or too old and even they are not necessarily better mannered, even ‘if’ their parents are paying for them to go to school. I’d say if it hasn’t presented a problem for you not working since you moved there, I would say, no, it would not be worth it; but, that is IMHO only.

    OMGoodness … you pay $1300 per month for insurance (assuming it is health care); do you have something you had to purchase due to The Affordable Health Care Act (ObamaCare). I know my son (who works for DH – his Dad) looked into the exchanges and they were going to cost him about that and still have a $5000 deductible. He chose to ‘not apply for it’ and thankfully DDnL#1 got a job before they were going to be charge a fee – about $1900 a piece for not having it when they filed to the IRS. They get you coming and going.

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,880 Member
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Did Bob Harper's Ultimate Cardio DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do Cathe Legs with Weights and Barre DVD.

    Rye - how far away is it to your SIL's?

    Had the Newcomer general meeting. The speaker next month will be this lady who is a survivor of the Miracle on the Hudson, only we won't be here to see her talk. Boo... We'll be driving to VA to go see TSO. However, the gal who is arranging it is going to have a showing of the movie "Sully". We volunteered our house to have it. So did one other couple. We figure we can handle 8 people including Vince and myself.

    NYKaren - how long do you think the stuffing will need to be in the oven after we get there? It's just me, but I can't go someplace empty handed. It will be all cooked.

    Lisa - do you leave the door open at night, too? I'm not surprised that you haven't gained anything since leaving Texas. You've been pretty busy

    Pat - I'm sorry your DH had to go thru all that. How wonderful that your family was so supportive!

    Carol - I doubt I can bake the stuffing after I arrive since we probably won't be leaving until around 9:30-10 (Loki needs his med). By the time we get up there it'll probably be around 6 or 7. The stuffing probably takes at least 45 minutes to an hour to bake. That'll probably be too late. But thanks for the suggestion. I usually do freeze the desserts and other things I take up to Jess' for thanksgiving and let them thaw in the car on the way up. If I was making the stuffing for Jess, I could probably bake it at her place since we'll be there already. But not this time. Well, maybe we won't be going to their house after all.

    Wondering if someone bought the house across the street from us. It looks like someone moved in yesterday. Vince didn't see any activity, maybe they work. Guess we'll see tonight. I'll probably take something over there, maybe next week. To be honest, I'm a curious one. But I also want them to feel welcome and to be know that they can call us if they need us.

    KJ - How terrible that you may have to bring Joaquim with you <snicker>. Colorful snot...interesting. I'm with you, I always called them "helicopters" too!

    Got 2 pairs of pants in the mail that I ordered from Belk. I wasn't sure if a 6 Short would be too small for me, but they fit OK.

    Vicki - your post about quilts reminded me that I have from MIL what was probably going to be the top of a quilt. It's all hand quilted. Only problem is that it must have been made for either a single or maybe a double bed. I only have queen and king size beds. I wonder how it'll look if I somehow put material on the sides to make it bigger?

    Meg - I've made the pizza crust pizza. I thought it was quite good

    Katla - The lady who passed away (her hubby was the guy we took to ceramics Mon) had this recipe which I will probably make for the people across the street

    Felicia - what an adorable son you have

    Barbara - welcome! We're here to stand behind you all the way

    Michele in NC

    The oven might be full depending on what they are cooking for Thanksgiving I'd wrap the stuffing in aluminum foil and heat it that way. That way you aren't trying to fit another casserole dish in the oven. I'm hungry just thinking about it!
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,294 Member
    Michele - if you take it out of the oven, wrap it in foil and put it in an empty ice chest, it will keeps it hot for a while. I don’t know about several hours though.

  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    ydailey wrote: »
    Today is Chaos Never Dies Day!

    "Chaos Never Dies Day takes the stance that the perfect, quiet moment we’re all striving for and anticipating doesn’t – and likely never will – exist, and that we should make the most of now, chaos-and-all, and embrace the moment."

    Karen - I'd be more willing to comply with the doc's advice on lab work if it didn't cost so much! ;D

    Vicki - Sounds like your sister left you a wonderful treasure box!

    Meg - I couldn't find the soup recipe I liked so much last time, so tonight I'm making the one below, which is a little more involved. The one I used before was super simple, and I'm determined to find it again. http://www.myrecipes.com/recipe/roasted-cauliflower-soup-0

    Becca - Thank you! I sang "What A Wonderful World" to myself on your behalf.

    Ginger - Thanks! I didn't realize until after I'd posted that your recipe link was for the muffins... I thought it was for the breakfast sandwiches! Anyhow, I'll try making my own next time, but last night I got the makings for some using "light" English muffins, which will still make some nice hot breakfasts for us.

    Barbara - Photographs are what first led me to work on my weight too. It seems like some people put on weight when they're stressed and others lose it. I remember a friend, going through a divorce about the same time I was, commenting that she looked "like a scarecrow" in family pictures. And I looked like a stuffed turkey in mine.

    Michelle - If you can't expand your mother-in-law's quilt, it might make a dramatic wall hanging. I like to use them behind beds, sofas, etc.

    Rye - Ouch! Typical cats, pigging out while Mom's bleeding on the floor.

    Pip - Congratulations to Kirby on attaining his marathon goals! That's a heck of a come-back story, and I agree that it would probably be inspirational to other runners.

    Today is my last work day before another long weekend at Dad's river house, sans cell phone and internet. Hopefully I'll at least manage to get in cell range long enough to check in every day. I'm taking a small trailer down there (goes behind a riding mower), so I have to take the older car and the utility trailer. Not looking forward to that... I've already scouted out a slightly longer route that doen't involve getting on the interstate or the toll road.

    Anyhow, I'd better get on it if I want to finish work at a reasonable hour today.

    Wish you all a beautiful day.

    -Yvonne in TX

    Michelle, you can also make a couch throw if you can't expend the quilt. Something for her to cuddle up with.
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,411 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    Lanette- thanks for the information! We will definitely look into that. We had 5500 out-of-pocket per person before benefits would kick in. So, we are very used to paying through the nose. John's cobra insurance is 1300 a month if we wanted to continue with them. What was really disheartening is that when John was applying for jobs he applied to be an health insurance salesman. I wonder if the American public would be happy to know that as a health insurance salesman he would have gotten 55% of your premium! That doesn't even count the percentage that the insurance company it self makes.

    Thanks for all your help!

    Mary - wow. Good luck.

    I just read an article on the AARP website about Direct Care. It said people on Medicare can't use Direct Care.

    That is NOT accurate, of course they can. Direct Care physicians don't take insurance so aren't covered by Medicare or Supplemental Insurance, but if patients can come up with the monthly fee, it's not a problem. Labs and specialists and diagnostic tests are covered by Medicare just fine.

    In fact, our Direct Care provider has a lot of patients on Medicare - we are more than willing to pay the fee in order to have a whole HOUR with our physician if we need it, plus there are fewer physicians in our area and they are super busy and it takes days to get appointments.

    AARP = insurance. Sheesh.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Lanette: The dog is doing better and is taking another round of medicine from the vet. The poops I've been finding are the right color and firmer. We're going the right direction! :smiley:

    Pip: Thanks for the information about the Canine Good Citizen course. :star:

    Mary: A part-time position for you with the school district might be just the right bridge for now but brain fog could be a serious worry if you start having trouble again. Students are inclined to take advantage of any variation from routine. Carol's idea of online teaching has real merit. I also like Karen's idea of being a personal trainer. I'm hoping for the best for you. (((hugs)))

    Our under-stairs doors are finally hung and have ring pulls to use for opening them. The ring pulls were made in Britain and we ordered them from there. Since they're British products we needed metric hardware. It was fun for me to point that out to DH in the hardware store. :devil:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!" -Audrey Hepburn

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,655 Member
    Hi Gals,

    Heather – I did some googling and math and your DIL ted talk will be on at 1 am Sunday morning in CA, any chance on tape delay? I love you, but 1 am is pretty brutal!

    Kelly – I just got my hair cut in a bob too! Not graduated, though… “The Girl Who series; The Girl Who Takes An Eye For An Eye. Long title, but it is wonderful to have another installment of the Lisbeth Salander stories.” I read the first 3 and LOVED them, but did not know there were more as I heard the author had died…. Is someone else writing them?

    Mary - the other retired teachers will probably have better input than I but 3 things popped into my head right away, first is in the area of CA I live in many of the school districts do not offer health insurance, the union contract many years back gave up insurance for a retirement program and it is an ongoing battle to get insurance into the contract, so be sure it is offered before you go for it. Second is could you do a tutoring program, or a long term sub (a friend here is doing a 6 month sub job), so the rapport could be built with the kids to solve some of the disrespect problems, with the lymes would you qualify for disability which would give you some insurance?

    Thinking of you all…


    Kim from N. California
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,655 Member
    edited November 2017
    the towels I embroidered for a hostess gift...
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Hello ladies. The wind is out of my sails a little. I am not quite sure why. I have nibbled on some on my husband's Marion berry strudel bites, so I must be feeling guilty about that. I am really hard on myself and can even convince myself that my day is lost by eating one wrong thing. I am not perfect, and my sister told me the other day I was so diligent with eating clean and healthy. That made me feel good. I want to be that girl that sees this thru. I want to be that accountable. Maybe realizing that as long as I log things, and keep at this, my weight loss journey will be a success.

    There's perfection in being imperfect.

    I need to know my choices aren't based on things from a diet, they are choices that are healthy, and stuff I like to eat. My husband has to beg me to buy healthy food, because I'm used to buying for other people. Its just him and I and so the other day when we went shopping I was looking at grapefruit segments in cups. Looking at the large container it made more "cents" to buy that instead of the individual cups. But the large container costs $9 which was uncomfortable for me to rationalize. My husband was saying if you want it get it! I got it, but jeez! Soon I will need my wild rice, and that is $9 as well!

    Take care!
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,086 Member
    Mary cobra insurance is one of the most expensive health care insurance.

    I sub because I do not have it in me to teach full time anymore. I know you have great routines and ways to handle students, so that would not be the issue. Another thought is if you could find the right para position. It does not pay as well, but often offers health care insurance. I would go for kindergarten or preschool para. The special ed one can be tough because of behavior issues. You do not have all the lesson plans and pressures of being in charge. You also work a set number of hours and have holidays and summers off unless you want to do summer school.

    :heart: Margaret