

  • Melissa!!! Awesome job. Looking good, girl - way to go! :-)
  • I have just recently discovered it myself... quite yummy I think. I'm using it as a spread on wraps and sandwhiches... I love it! :-) 70 cals for about 2 tbsp... more nutritional value than "mayo" with the "good kind" of fat. Or so I read... HA! There is apparently a variety of types of as well... I've been using the…
    in Hummus? Comment by triciary1223 May 2011
  • If you go back to school, go into healthcare!! Nursing, surgical tech, x-ray, occupational therapy assist, physical therapy, or even a nutritionist... something along those lines - nothing clerical!! I'm starting nursing school this year. I've been taking my pre-req classes for six years (had a few babies in between), and…
  • With rare exceptions, I don't exceed my calories, and I do my "regular cardio" with it at least 4/5 days per week. I do the elliptical 30 minutes OR run 3 miles OR do the "stair master" 25 minutes. I'm on day 10 of the shred, and going to start "level 2" this week. I've lost an inch around the middle already. Using my HRM,…
  • You're welcome! I think the majority of people who experience "success" on these diets, are more like the friend needing to lose 15 pounds. I have that "yo-yo's" 10 pounds constantly... she's always on the Slim Fast. HA! And so even then... you are right, "the diet" becomes a "crutch" so to speak. When I did my meal…
  • I am not familiar with either of those programs you mentioned. But... I lost my first 40 pounds on a "meal replacement" diet. However, it was a hospital's program that required doctor supervision and attendance of two 12 week classes, the first one about over eating in general, and the second one about nutrition. I lost 40…
  • Yes... not your imagination, but apparently part of the "the curse". HA!! I just skip the scale that week as well so I don't get frustrated... I always feel "fat" that week anyway.
  • Good for you!! It's really hard to find the time to exercise with a new baby... but keep trying to get it when you can, it's worth it. I was the same way, overweight before kids, and then had three in 4 years... it was not pretty. If you've lost what you gained in the pregnancy already, that's great! :-) My youngest is 4…
  • It does vary by person, frame size, current weight, and how quickly you want to lose. I'm 5'1, 145, and I maintain at 1400-ish... I'm gonna have to drop it down to get these last 15 off. But when I was 180, I could eat 1400 and lose. The more you lose, the more you have to cut back to continue. At least that has been my…
  • Yes! I've got mine set too. It looks really intense.
  • Thanks for the FYI. I agree... going with the low end is best. I've been double checking the food labels also (and some restaurants for future reference), and they all have been accurate. And... I try not to eat all the calories they give back to you for your exercise... I *try* to stay within the original alloted amount…
  • I just joined a week ago, and am loving it! Good luck, friend! I'm hoping the Blackberry app gets done soon too! :-)
  • Thank you to everyone so much! Very helpful info! :-)
  • Hi! I'm new too! And have heard great things about this site! So far, I think it is awesome! I'm almost 37, married mom of 3 kids (8, 6, and 4). I've lost 75 pounds since I started trying to do so in 2007, and am hoping 2011 is the year I shead the last 15! I'm excited about using the tools on this site to boost me over…