February 1st

All right today is the day....so far my calorie count is right on track....calories are never the problem though...it's working out. I guess I have the time, but would rather spend it cleaning my house when LO sleeps. I had a baby December 13th and have lost all the weight I gained...but was overweight before getting preg. I really just need to focus on making right choices. Working in healthcare, I've really come to see all the risks if not being healthy and taking care of yourself. I just need to hold myself accountable. It's nice and sunny right now....I think I need to go for a walk with LO


  • sneakers71
  • triciary1223
    Good for you!! It's really hard to find the time to exercise with a new baby... but keep trying to get it when you can, it's worth it. I was the same way, overweight before kids, and then had three in 4 years... it was not pretty. If you've lost what you gained in the pregnancy already, that's great! :-)

    My youngest is 4 now, and I wonder sometimes if I hadn't lost the weight if I'd be able to keep up with him. HA! I had gotten so far off the deep end I went to a hospital sponsored weight loss clinic where they used "meal replacements" and monitored you every week. Seeing all the people there in the clinic who were in such bad shape they could barely start a walking program was a wake-up call. I lost my first 40 there, and then the last 35 by myself using what I learned there.

    I'm working now to lose my last 15 pounds... and I'm convinced holding myself accountable for every bite is the key... we'll see. Best of luck to you! :-)
  • rileybaby2010
    Thanks ladies...thats whats so great about this website....to have encouragement. Having my daughter now really motivates me to get healthier so I can keep up with her!!!