trainers, nutritionists, health experts... please help.

ok so as im sitting here at work, im beginning to realize that i HATE my job. very thankful to have one, espcially now when they are so hard to come by, but i just DONT want to be doing this the rest of my life. while im making all these other life altering changes, why shouldnt i think about my career as well. with that being said, i think i want to go to school for health and fitness. i just dont know what kind of health and fitness. but i do know that i LOVE everything about it. i dont know what kinda of jobs there are out there for it, or if theres a need for it, or if it will even work out, but i WANT to do it! maybe even go for something in the nursing field. i dunno just ANYTHING other then what im doing right now at this very moment... or supposed to be doing anyways. im tired of sitting on my *kitten* all day! i wanna job where i can get up and move around. anyways, for anyone who has gone to school for it, has a profession in it, any advice for me??


  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member
    I am Surgical Technologist. 2 years of school. I have been doing it for 11 years now. I love it. I feel you should be..... thick skinned to do it though. Like let things roll off your back so to speak. Feel free to ask me any questions!

  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    Definately not personal training. Very underpaid in my opinion. The gym takes the majority of the session fee. I had looked into being a PT and still might do it part-time for fun, but its definately no full time job.
  • JesaGrace
    JesaGrace Posts: 799 Member
    There are a lot of medical jobs that you can get with just two years at a technical school.....
  • triciary1223
    If you go back to school, go into healthcare!! Nursing, surgical tech, x-ray, occupational therapy assist, physical therapy, or even a nutritionist... something along those lines - nothing clerical!! I'm starting nursing school this year. I've been taking my pre-req classes for six years (had a few babies in between), and am thrilled to finally get to start!! Personal training are typically commission jobs... usually contract only, with no benefits - at least in this area. Few gyms here actually have them as employees... FYI... good luck!! :-)