

  • YAZ and YASMIN are in a class action lawsuit right at the moment and that leads me to believe that it is NOT safe to take either one of those birth control meds. An IUD seems safer than hormone manipulation.
  • WOW, You look great. Knee surgery is just a minor setback. You'll be better off when your knee heals and can get back to exercising.
  • Unfortunately unless you cook or make it yourself it's gonna have sodium and lots of it. Fruits and veggies are about the only thing with little or no sodium. I also have to watch my sodium for medical reasons and its a real challenge. ANYTHING processed is gonna have lots of sodium, even if it says "organic", "healthy",…
  • The important thing is to eat AT LEAST 1200 calories a day before exercising and dont eat back the calories you earn from exercise. if you keep your calories at 1200 and exercise at least 5x per week burning at least 300 to 400 calories per workout the weight will start to come off again. That's the way it has worked for…
  • Like all the people above said: don't beat yourself up just start a new day and get back on the wagon. You need to blow it once in a while it helps with the whole calorie restriction throughout the week. It helps you to keep going and it's the net that counts not the day to day. I only weigh myself once a month because of…
  • Ditto, me too. I think why I do it is I exercise at night so I have the calories higher for dinner. Lunch and breakfast are "light" because all I'm doing is sitting at my job for 6 hours a day.
  • Maybe you need to restructure the strick budget and put food first and everything else after. I don't know what your budget is but there has got to be something that can be downgraded and give more money to the food list. Everyone has their priorities, mine would be to not buy so much clothing, shoes, non-food items and…
  • Your dad is a mirror image of mine except my dad never lost any digits. He was on 15 meds some of them 2x a day. He had stopped smoking but when he had and stroke a couple of years ago he decided he wanted to smoke again...UGH. He finally passed last year at 73 and 120#, but the last 5 years of his life were miserable. He…
  • My new find is "So Delicious" Coconut Milk Ice Cream Sandwiches. They are to die for and only 100 calories. I try and stay away from artificial crap like cool whip. It's great to watch calories but to put things like "grease" and artificial sweetners into your body is counter productive to healthy living IMO. You can eat…
  • keep drinking the coffee you like but use AGAVE sweetner. It has less of a calorie impact and is better for your blood sugar. You can find it at Health food stores, Walmart, Costco. I use it all the time in my coffee and it tastes great!!!
  • I use dymatize whey w/almomd milk after a workout which is treadmill, walking or gardeing. It helps rebuild muscle and reduce muscle aches for me. There is also rice protein which in some cases is better than whey that comes from cows milk which may or may not have rBSH and in some opinions is not a healthy choice. So you…
  • sausage italian chicken or pork, lamb leg steaks, veggies of all kinds, fish(do in a basket)
    in Grilling? Comment by bparsont May 2011
  • Vitalicous Vita Tops 100 calories and loaded w/fiber and vitamins.
  • I agree with Atlantique, anything prepared not by you is gonna have a ton of salt. you'll need to start eating whole foods and watch the labeling. how is your BP? that's a good indication if you are eating too much salt.
  • How about eating a snack(any of the above) BEFORE you work out. You need energy to exercise and if you're starving after working out then you didn't have enough fuel in you to start with. And then whey, rice or soy protein drink/bar after your workout.
  • I know where you're coming from. I hate to exercise also, but found that if I don't exercise I won't lose weight and I'll have to go on all kinds of meds to control the high blood pressure, diabetes, sore joints etcetera. You are very young and should have no problem losing weight if you exercise. there has got to be…
  • Costco and sams club also have good prices on ellipticals. Walking for me does good, treadmill, gardening, grooming my horses, these all have a calorie burn to them according to MFP data base.
  • Your husband needs to get a grip and figure out what side of the fence he wants to be on. If all he wants is his "friend Ben" then you need to leave. Because a MAN should never stick up for his "friend Ben" to say or do anything disrespectful to you if he really loves and respects you!!! You really need to do some soul…
  • I use Dymatize Whey Protein Powder and it's REALLY good tasting. Mixing it with Almond Milk is a breeze to drink.
  • I've used a PRECOR (very expensive) but I've also seen on this website an add for YOWZA , they also have ellipticals and they look really nice for not alot of $. And all the feed back has been very good. Here is the website: http://www.yowzafitness.com/Ellipticals
  • If you're strapped for money WALK, WALK, WALK at a brisk pace. My GF lost 90 pounds and spent "zero" money on exercise equipment. Walking can really take the pounds off and it's cheap. I walk and also have an old treadmill to walk on when it's bad weather. YOU CAN DO IT, just WALK!! :flowerforyou:
  • same here, just bring up a similar item and go from there. You'll be within the ball park, so go and enjoy!! :bigsmile:
  • She seems to have a problem. Who's calling the kettle black? I would try and stay away from her. IMHO i would just tell her that if she has nothing nice to say to you then say nothing at all. Don't worry about the family, they are not in control of your destiny or your life. This is your life and you have full control of…
  • I am in the same perdicament. I have had alot of stress lately and I'm an emotional eater. Put that together and I've gained a # this week. But with the stress hopefully behind me I can get back on track and start exercising again. The thing to remember is that you can always continue where you left off if you fall off the…
  • thanks for all the information. I was wondering the same thing. This web-site rocks. :flowerforyou:
  • I have been eating them for about six months and I haven't found one that I don't like. They are all great , just shop around to get the good deals. The web-site is a bit pricey you can get them in the southeast at Publix for $4.49 a box which is cheaper than the web-site. Be adventurous and try them all.
  • you have to have friends and then you can look at their diary's. If you want I can friend you.:flowerforyou:
  • Lean Cuisine is very good for the money and the nutrition. They are giving away a LUNCH BAG if you buy 20 LC and enter the codes inside the box at their website, expires 3.31.11. I'm almost there and it will be interesting to see the bag when it arrives.
  • I don't believe you should. If you meet your DAILY calorie goal and then you exercise and get "extra" calories to use don't and you will lose weight. It logically makes sense to control calories and exercise so it makes you body's metabolism kick in and burn off excess weight (fat). That's what I've been doing and I've…
  • If you are looking to lose weight you shouldn't eat back the calories you burned off unless you are under your DAILY calorie goal. The exercise is to help you tone and get your metabolism going. I haven't seen too many people eat up all their calories they gain when exercising, you need to be under your calories in order…