Something isn't right, what caloried should I be aiming for

I lost 98lbs between June 2009 and July 2010. I ate daily 800-1200cals, I also normally burnt 200cals a day walking but didn't know that I was meant to be eating back my exercise calories. Most weeks I lost weight, a few I maintained, the scales never went up once. I followed the same meal plan throughout my dieting, eventually at the end I added in an 200cal protein shake and I began to maintain weight.

But after 6 months maintaining I entered my final term and a half of university, I didn't have time to cook the meals off my meal plan, my hand written food diaries show I was eating 1500cals a day, exercise was scarce. I gained nearly 2 stone.

So what am I meant to be doing now to lose weight? It isn't budging. In the last 3 months I've tried eating a net 1200cals, I've tried eating 1200cals regardless of exercise and I've tried eating 1000cals net, and my weight hasn't budged, but atleast it isn't going up anymore. It seems that a years dieting may have had an effect on my metabolism, do I just keep lowering the calories until eventually I lose?

*sorry for the typo in the topic heading


  • pooeies
    pooeies Posts: 4
    mmmm..... maybe you should ask your Doctor about this one. It sounds complicated.
  • bparsont
    bparsont Posts: 50
    The important thing is to eat AT LEAST 1200 calories a day before exercising and dont eat back the calories you earn from exercise. if you keep your calories at 1200 and exercise at least 5x per week burning at least 300 to 400 calories per workout the weight will start to come off again. That's the way it has worked for me. If you go under 1200 calories a day your body will tend to hold onto the weight because you will be in starvation mode. So make sure you maintain the 1200C before exercise.

  • I can tell you now don't go under 1200 calories, I was doing that and barely losing, I started eating aver 1200 (my net calories is 1510) I don't usually hit my net but I do eat over 1200 calories. I can't see your diary so I can't see if there is anywhere that you can improve, if you want I can take a look at it and see what you can improve if anything.
  • soifua
    soifua Posts: 82
    I'd do 2 things, have a physical from your doctor (blood work should be taken to make sure everything's working properly) and increase your exercise
  • On the contrary.

    Eat MORE.

    Just do it. For 2 weeks. Try.
  • you should probably try upping your calories instead of continuing to lower them.
  • The important thing is to eat AT LEAST 1200 calories a day before exercising and dont eat back the calories you earn from exercise. if you keep your calories at 1200 and exercise at least 5x per week burning at least 300 to 400 calories per workout the weight will start to come off again. That's the way it has worked for me. If you go under 1200 calories a day your body will tend to hold onto the weight because you will be in starvation mode. So make sure you maintain the 1200C before exercise.


    This does not hold true for everyone, while it may have worked for you, she may be eating too few calories.
    CFAITH_WARD Posts: 281 Member
    If you still need to loose it isn't much the closer you get to your goal the harder it gets to loose..........I really would think it is time to just tone things up.....exercise woman exercise.
  • Shani262
    Shani262 Posts: 68 Member
    MFP does the work for you. Eat what it says you should eat. Never eat below 1200 cals ever! You may have screwed up your metabolism a bit, but in time it should right itself. Be patient and be healthy. When you don't eat enough your body wont burn calories. Your body thinks its starving so it'll hold on to all the fat and go for your muscle. This is why you see weight loss when you only eat 1000 cals. There's a motto I always follow " Eat like the thin person you want to be". Good Luck!
  • mea9
    mea9 Posts: 561 Member
    Not long ago somebody, can't remember who, posted a link:

    Really helped me!
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    Don't worry... you haven't screwed with your metabolism, but it's normal to reach plateau status after a while. It happens to us all at some stage and if you think about it, it's probably happend to you before.

    The past 5-6 years I have reached several plateaus... i went from a 40" waist to a 42"... stayed there for about 2-3 years then crept up to a 44" stayed there for about 2 years and then in the year after I lost my mum I started gaining weight again.

    In all the time that my size was stable (sorry folks, but I was FAT... do you think I bothered to weigh myself) I wasn't eating any more than I usually did. Sure it was way too many calories than I burned off in my sedentary way of life should have been able to cope with, yet it did, until it couldn't cope any more.

    The same applies when you're losing weight. There will be periods when your bdy gets comfortable and yes, that may mean you have to start increasing your calorie intake, but only if you are going to get motivated and get moving. you don't have to pound your life away in the gym, go swimming a couple of times a week, get out on your bike if you have one, or go for a nice long envigourating walk somewhere nice, get some fresh air and get your body moving.

    Just don't give up. :flowerforyou: