Running Out of Steam

Hi, I have been logging on and doing MFP for 26 days. Not a long time, I know. I love it, but am running out of steam....I am beginning to dislike or have a lack of want to keep counting each bite I put into my mouth. It is not that I don't see or feel the results, I am just tired of worry. Does anyone understand this? Any motivation out in the community to keep me on track? I'll take it!


  • kitchentales
    I know exactly what you're talking about! I've found since last week I just don't want to keep track any more. Before I eat anything I look at the nutritional information, and I feel I have a pretty good idea of when I'm above or below my daily goals. And I know if what I'm eating is bad for me, or if it's good for me etc. I'm trying to push through and remind myself that I like seeing real numbers rather than vaguely guessing. I've also lost about 6lbs so far, so that is a good reminder that it's working for me.

    The advice I gave myself was to keep sticking with it. I have an iPhone, so it's really easy to use the app and as soon as I eat something, or while it's cooking, I put it in and then it's done. If you have a smartphone, see if there's an app - that helps me! Hopefully we can motivate each other to continue keeping track of our food intake!
    don't give up :) we are all here and willing to be support! just remember WHY YOU are doing this and use that to stay with it!
  • rebecca_goss0
    Yes I use my droid....but it is becoming crazy, I go out and all I can think about is let me grab my phone and put this food in so I can see if it is okay. I too know if I am doing healthy or un-healthy. I am just tired of the worry. Like I have these great snacks, but I actually have to count out how many....uggg. I also weigh out my meats and count out each thing. I feel crazy.
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Hi there, I'm starting my 4th week here and I know what you mean . I think everyone gets down and stresses sometimes but think what more you would probably eat if you weren't keeping up with it. I know with me, keeping a food diary was HUGE! Surround yourself with friends with similar goals and that helps tremendously. I sometimes want to have that unhealthy snack. We all do! Or tempted to be bad a day or two~ We are all human but just continue to do what you are doing and you will do great. Are you also measuring yourself? I know sometimes when the scale isn't moving as fast as I like, I can measure myself, like today and had great results. I was down 3.5 inches from the week before. It's easy to be inspired when you are losing but not so easy when the scale isn't moving and you aren't seeing the results. Don't give up!!:) Add me if you like and good luck on your journey:)
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    I sometimes feel the same way but then when I stop tracking I don't lose or even worse I gain. So as much as it can be a PITA the motivation for me is seeing results. I feel more energetic and more confident each day.

    One thing I have found that helps me is to enter in everything I expect to eat first thing in the morning while I am eating breakfast. That way I have a plan for the day. Then I only have to come back to log in someting if I don't follow my plan. It also helps me stay within my limits.

    Stick with it, it gets easier the longer you do it :-)
  • redefiningmyself
    redefiningmyself Posts: 476 Member
    I've been on here since the end of August, and I won't lie, having to log and pay attention every single day, for every single thing I eat sucks.

    But I pull up my big girl panties and do it. Every day. Because I know that its the only way I'm going to learn how to eat more healthy and take off this extra weight for good. If I don't do it, I have no doubt in my mind that I will begin to slip back into old habits and just end up bigger and bigger.

    I'll say this, it does get easier. The more I learn about nutrition the more I've been able to accurately anticipate the nutritional value of most foods. Also as you build up your favourites list, recipes etc, logging gets quicker.

    I hope that helps.
  • bparsont
    bparsont Posts: 50
    I am in the same perdicament. I have had alot of stress lately and I'm an emotional eater. Put that together and I've gained a # this week. But with the stress hopefully behind me I can get back on track and start exercising again. The thing to remember is that you can always continue where you left off if you fall off the wagon, so to speak. Nobody is perfect and to change eating habits is very challenging. Cutting down on quantity is very difficult also. But just keep up the good work you have already done and remember that it's an ongoing process.
  • thetorontokid2
    I do find logging some things to be frustrating and/or annoying sometimes, but it's not often! I tried the first time last May then quit at about 20 days and ended up putting on 15 more pounds on top of the weight I wanted to lose!! So now I've had to work harder...BUT (there's a good but here lol...) I've stuck with it this time and trust me, it DOES get easier if you stick with it and have a GREAT support group!! People who will cheer you on for your daily food and exercise logs and people who are lookin' for ya when you're not around. :) Don't give up!! You're off to a great start!!
  • Isa25
    Isa25 Posts: 46
    Don't give up! I read that if you do something every day for 28 days it becomes habit! :)
  • rebecca_goss0
    Good Idea, planning each day in the morning. I have done that in part, but not in full.
  • sbwood888
    sbwood888 Posts: 953 Member
    have only been on here for a little over 2 months. So far, I am not having a hard time logging, etc. I don't mind it, really. I am sedning you GOOD VIBES so that you can get past this slump and keep on keepin on! :flowerforyou:
  • ccjacks
    ccjacks Posts: 3
    You're not alone. Losing weight is difficult. VERY difficult! Or else everyone on Earth would be in top shape and look like Jennifer Aniston in a bikini and Brad Pitt in Fight Club. And I'm sure no one would disagree that while it's fascinating to some extent, keeping track of calories every day can be annoying and stressful, especially if you go over for the day. But look at it this way- you are already doing it so you got over the first hurdle which is getting motivated enough to actually start watching what you eat and looking after yourself instead of just sitting around thinking about doing it. For me, if I go over my calories, I just say to myself that I will start over tomorrow. No one is judging me but me. So I try to be nice to myself if I "mess up." After awhile, eating this way will become second nature. You said you're seeing results, so don't give up!
  • mrsrhino99
    All I can say is that the thought of having to log what I eat, and my friends being able to observe it, makes me think every time I eat something. (Well, almost every time...sometimes I just give Here is what I decided. I'm not going to be exact. I'm going to come as close as I can to what I'm eating, and log it, and it'll all work out in the end. I'm not going to agonize over how many chips, how many tablespoons, etc. I'm going to make an educated guess and move on. This way I don't drive myself insane with the details. Also, if I know far enough in advance that I want to splurge, I just plan it's not really that hard.

  • rkdesmond
    rkdesmond Posts: 23
    It takes a lot of work to be dedicated in a weight loss plan. Yes, counting every bite is a pain, but the idea is to make you more aware of what you are eating, no matter what. Think about this though, you've lost 8 pounds in 26 days. You have made great headway in 3 weeks. Isn't it worth it when you are making progress like that? Just try to stick with it. If you put your mind to it, you will keep making progress like you have already seen.
  • amandabrady
    amandabrady Posts: 203 Member
    The longer you can stick with this, the better the results you will have, and eventually it just becomes automatic. You don't stress out about it because it's just part of your daily routine. One of my favorite parts is actually logging my exercise and seeing the extra amount of food I can eat because of it, lol. Logging what you think you'll eat for the day in the morning is a good suggestion, and once you log some of your own meals that you eat often, as well as snacks and foods you tend to eat a lot it's easy to find them again, and after a few clicks you've logged the food and you're done with it. To make some things easier as far as snacks and portions are concerned, if it's dry food you can take the whole container and portion it out in advance into little baggies with the correct serving size. That way when you're on the go you can just grab one of the bags and it's all set for you. You can do the same thing with other foods by storing single portions in small tupperware style containers. It has helped me a lot. Trust me, the more you do it, the less you even think/stress about it. It's a big change, and it takes time adjusting to it. No worries, you'll do great and be seeing progress in no time! Good luck, we're here for you!
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,231 Member
    I do the same thing (enter in what I plan to eat for the day) and i'm pretty good @ planning what we're having for dinner for the week. Like yesterday, I made turkey meatloaf muffins; turkey meatballs & minstrone soup. I have dinner done for at least 3-4 days out of the week. Plus I have all the fixings for Flat out Pizzas (Pizza Friday), made my own low-fat greek yogurt (strained a container of Mountain High Low fat plain) and made blueberry compote to top off my yogurt.

    So I have the whole week pretty much planned out. I find if I plan ahead and do a bunch of cooking on the weekend it makes it harder to cheat during the week (does that make sense?).

    Oh, and I do try to let myself have one "cheat" meal during the week. I still enter it into my journal but I try to make up by working out more, or going for a long walk...

    I notice if I log everything I eat it really helps me stay on track, even if I eat half a box of thin mints in 2 days (yea that was me this weekend). LOL
  • Michelle923
    Michelle923 Posts: 28 Member
    When I stopped logging I started to put on weight again. It's a pain, I know. There are days that I don't want to be bothered, but then I lose track of what I ate and eat too much. It is such an effective tool. Just gotta do it!