Question and Feedback needed on Elliptical Machines

My husband and I recently bought a elliptical machine and while it gives us a decent enough work out we are experiencing annoying "noise issues" with it now. Every couple days he goes thru and tightens up anything he can but I mean there will come a time when it just can't be tightened anymore. Another downfall with this one is there is no incline adjustment on it. We want to look for another one and I thought what better place to come to for feedback as I have seen several who have one. It will take awhile before we can replace this one since we are a one income family and need to save but would like to do some research. So if anybody can share any info with me on what model you have, cost, how well it works, etc I would be so very greatful :-)


  • jaybaileys
    jaybaileys Posts: 317
    I just put one together for my wife 2 weeks ago. Its a Sole brand. It cost 1000 bucks at ****s. It has an incline feature and a computer with hr handles etc. I did read that most of the calls the cust. center gets turn out to be loose hardware. So unfortunately it sounds like you may need to check all of them. They also said often you have to clean the tracks the wheels glide on and put fresh goo on there. Just a few things I found setting ours up.
  • butterfly_lvr
    thanks for the I said, we have the concern that things can only get tightened so many times and then they will start getting stripped out. My son has the same exact one and they haven't had to do anything with it :-( guess they got lucky but then again, they don't use theirs as much as we do so maybe it will catch up with them in time...:laugh:
  • bparsont
    bparsont Posts: 50
    I've used a PRECOR (very expensive) but I've also seen on this website an add for YOWZA , they also have ellipticals and they look really nice for not alot of $. And all the feed back has been very good. Here is the website:
  • butterfly_lvr
    thanks bparsont - I checked out the site and on the four they had the cheapest was at $1000 - little bit out of our price range so the search/research continues...