

  • So, since I was asked about the whole eating more fat and losing more weight situation I'll explain a bit better how it affected me. I don't think I'm losing weight just because I started eating more fat, I have been exercising more as well and that certainly made most of the difference. However the thing about eating more…
  • Not wanting to interrupt ping pong chat here and just sharing from my own experience. I couple of months ago I finally managed to overcome a plateau that I was stuck in for 3 months. I could still see my body changing, it was funny, it kind of felt like my body was adapting it's shapes to my new weight, that was after…
  • Amazing job, and you have such a beautiful face :)
  • My husband is lovely, and he insists that he never even noticed that I gained so much weight. Since we started our relationship I gained 20 kg and lost 15kg since I realised I had gained 20kg and that it was not right. However he is always very supportive and my motivation was always to be healthier, so he never had any…
  • I am sending you a friend request, it's important to have as much support as we can :)
  • You haven't told us a few things, including the most important one, do you use any birth control methods? If yes, which ones? How long have you used them? How often? Have you changed anything anytime soon? It could be related to that and your hormones adapting to your new weight, sometimes it takes a while for things to…
  • It's a personal decision, but I would prefer to keep my boobies. I'm considering changing my weight goal if my curves start to go away. But that's me and I like having some cushioning on my bones and being grabable. Your boobs are mostly fat, so if instead of just cardio and fat draining exercises you have some more toning…
  • Hello, I'm from Brazil and f there is something that can be classified as the national brazilian food that would be Black Beans. The favourite way to go about it is to make it into a stew with pieces of pork, smoked pork is even better. It's the sort of thing that you can add whatever vegetables you have around you and it…
  • cheese and bacon, oh and beer, but beer is not food it's a drink, despite being drinkable bread...should I include bread too in this case?
  • I made a start at getting healthier when I was 85kg (188 pounds), I was about a size 18 at the time, or a very tight 16, after loosing 13kg (30 pounds) I am down to a size 12 and occasionally fit into a 10, that is UK sizes. Uhuu Also, I started MFP after losing 5 kg, in case you are wondering about my tracker
  • Eating out doesn't have to be a problem, just make sure that you know what you are ordering. Sometimes people always order the same thing in the same places, try and explore more of their menu if that is the case. Choose meat and veg instead of saucy pasta when you can and avoid the deep fried stuff. Also, watch out for…
  • Revenge is an amazing motivation. I use it all every time a "pretty" lady behaves like a *****. But I think I'm worse, I love to cook and make sweets, so if a skinny person is mean to me I pretend I didn't care and start being "very nice" by feeding them very fattening things. I know it's terrible, but if you find out what…
  • I work freelance and one of my clients is the sort of person who never pays much attention to his surroundings. I was used to work with him every week for quite a long time, about 8 months or so. But I was away from his office for about a month and when I went over to check a few things he looked at me, did a double take…
  • Good luck to you all. I consider myself to have been working hard to get back on track, but there are things I will not do. Such as this. But I find it very brave of whoever is joining. I wish you all the luck (I know you don't need luck for this kind of thing, but a little bit might help, for situations such as passing by…
  • I would look for a different gym, this is simply not a good way to start.
  • Hello, I'm not quite sure on how to help you. I think maybe to consult with a physiotherapist. He/she could put together a routine of exercises that are appropriate for you. You said you live in the middle of nowhere, so that makes it a bit harder. You said swimming is no good, how about just walking around the pool or…
  • You look fantastic. I love that you are being honest when it comes to food and drinks. Some people seem to think that unless you do everything exactly how it should be you don't deserve a rocking body. I have been away from gyms as well, but I like my dance classes ;) I think that they are what keeps me going when I have…
  • hello I'm 25 and have been here for a while. It's always good to have more friends to support you :)
  • I find that when I cook at home I spend a fraction of what I would spend in a meal out. One effective way I find of saving money is on meats. Some silly things like if you buy the chicken breast separate it costs about the same as the whole chicken. So I try to butcher things home. The cheaper beef and pork cuts are…
  • How about dance classes? They are great for cardio and it's something you can see yourself improving with time, it helps you to keep motivated :)
  • Hello! Congratulations on you bundle of joy. The start of a family is something beautiful. So, I have never been pregnant, but I have worked in magazine about parenting for a while and I have learned a lot about how to deal with the ups and owns of pregnancy. One thing that called my attention in the keeping fit and…
  • I did NOT mop the juices of my scallop dish with bread...!!! There was enough to fill half a cup :) I know it was the best choice for me, but it was very hard to see the delicious juices go down the drain :(
  • You should be very angry with them, they were terrible with you!!! If I were you I would at least make sure they are aware of what happened to you, it's no way to treat your costumers and because of one silly and horrible human being they might lose a lot of business, it would be nice to let them know to try and avoid…
  • about to add you :)
  • I am down a few sizes by now, when I started I was between 18 and 20 UK size, now I'm a size 12. It's a wonderful feeling to be able to get a dress size 12, sometimes I have to get a 14 but that is for places that the clothes are usually smaller, I can even fit in a 10 if I go to Pepperberry. My goal size is a perfect 10,…
  • I have a friend that had this terrible habit of eating garlic crackers all day long. He also never wore deodorant and it was really hard on him. It was school days and he honestly didn't know why people wouldn't go near him. We had to tell him, as simple as that. Yes it was horrible, we didn't know how to go about it, but…
  • Hello, I'm glad you decided to lose weight in a healthy way. It's the good way to go if you want it not to come all back. Since I started I lost about 15kg, about half of it was before joining MFP. I took a bit of an odd approach when I started dieting. Seeing that my main problem was the little things I ate between meals…
  • Drink a lot of water or green tea. Summer time now is a good to have green tea as substitute the water in the bottle you might carry around, also keep a jar in the fridge. Make it a home, its healthier than buying those horrid bottled things. Go for long walks, and try to walk or cycle to places whenever you can, instead…
  • Oh dear, You are already at the very edge of a healthy weight, if you are looking for a more lean look get some strength exercise going on, but don't loose more weight. Besides, if you have more muscles it is usually easier to keep your figure without weight fluctuations. But for that you'll need to eat enough to get fuel…
  • Hello, you did get my attention with the whole beer things, but you sound nice and it would be lovely to have you aong my friends, besides,who knows, maybe we can go for a beer one day :)