60 days eating clean challenge! who wants to join me?



  • Lol wast yelling my caps were on and my key board on my phone is weired. My apologies:) that's why there are smiley faces included.
  • nrz242
    nrz242 Posts: 76
    I'd really like to join - I'm very curious to see what that kind of change will look like on me after that long, however I will be cheating at least one day a month. I have to have milk or I start PMSing bad - other than that tho I'd really like to join you
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    Its not for everybody but other is just 60 days out of your life! Its about discipline and detoxification. some people are ready some aren't and that's okay with me!


    Good luck in all your endeavors, OP. :flowerforyou:
  • greentart
    greentart Posts: 411 Member
    If only that were complete true, then people wouldn't have liver failure or gain fat or have their moods affected by what they eat.
    Uhm... you do know your body takes care of "toxins" on it's own, right? There's not really anything to 'detox'....
  • Rosegardenia
    Rosegardenia Posts: 53 Member
    In for the challenge. Dairy free and pretty much gluten free anyway - trying to cut out sugar but struggling. When are we starting the 60 days? Now?
  • I'm in!
  • Good luck to you all.
    I consider myself to have been working hard to get back on track, but there are things I will not do. Such as this.
    But I find it very brave of whoever is joining. I wish you all the luck (I know you don't need luck for this kind of thing, but a little bit might help, for situations such as passing by the bakery at the moment they are taking fresh bread out of the oven, I bet it would be best if that didn't happen)!
    I hope to hear that at least some of you made it and who knows, I might even go nuts after seeing the results and give it a go ;)
  • Meg_Shirley_86
    Meg_Shirley_86 Posts: 275 Member
    I'm a vegan and prepare pretty much all of my own foods, so prepackaged junk food is a rarity. However, that is more because my tastes have changed to appreciating more natural foods and I love to cook! I am not swearing anything off, but I'd be happy to join a group or support you in your attempt.

    -It seems pretty obvious to me that OP is just trying this to challenge herself, and knows that a calorie deficit is all that is needed for weight loss.
    - Not all of us are here strictly for weight loss. Stop making that assumption. I want to have a healthy body and maybe get a bit buff. Weight loss is a byproduct, not the goal.
  • Not sure I have the willpower yet. But I would love to know what you're eating!!! Recipes please!! Seems like everything is either bland or fattening. The only thing I've found so far that's clean to eat and appeals to me is eggs.
  • Anyone wanting in add me as a friend for support and motivation. Its a challenge were all human. Mess ups are accepted :)
  • 1duffwf
    1duffwf Posts: 76 Member
    I'll join!! This is perfect timing for me as I'm looking to clean up my diet before the hubster and I start trying for a little one.

    I have been pretty much dairy free for almost 2 years now (I do have cheese here and there but that can go). When are we starting? Tomorrow?
  • renablue25
    renablue25 Posts: 17
    I would love to try this!!
  • I'm a vegan and prepare pretty much all of my own foods, so prepackaged junk food is a rarity. However, that is more because my tastes have changed to appreciating more natural foods and I love to cook! I am not swearing anything off, but I'd be happy to join a group or support you in your attempt.

    -It seems pretty obvious to me that OP is just trying this to challenge herself, and knows that a calorie deficit is all that is needed for weight loss.
    - Not all of us are here strictly for weight loss. Stop making that assumption. I want to have a healthy body and maybe get a bit buff. Weight loss is a byproduct, not the goal.

    <3 thank you! All of your own incorporations are accepted ! Your cheat days are accepted! Important only trying to push myself to show you all results at the end of this challenge!
  • Meg_Shirley_86
    Meg_Shirley_86 Posts: 275 Member
    Uhm... you do know your body takes care of "toxins" on it's own, right? There's not really anything to 'detox'....
    Yes, OP is probably the one poster to use that word correctly in a long time. Just like you have to fuel your body to heal itself, to lose weight, to build muscle, to breastfeed, whatever; you have to feed it to help your kidneys and liver detox. I undersand your concern, but it is better directed at yahoos trying to detox with lemon water, maple syrup, and tabasco or using Skinny Wraps. Wanting to do it through nutrition is hardly misguided.
    -I hope I came off as respectful in the post, I may not convey my tone as well as I would like.
  • Start this challenge right now! With your own goals! No stress no competition just help , motivation and results! Don't forget to add me :)
  • Its the perfect time to do this! Way before holidays are coming up. It will de help you around the holidays just put in the effort!
  • asugar
    asugar Posts: 178 Member
    This is perfect timing for me. I just got back from vacation and over-indulgence and was going to try to eat clean anyway. I happened upon this post and need support. I know I feel a lot better when I do not eat gluten, sugar or dairy. I am giving up packaged foods too. I hope I can make it 60 days. Please add me for support. I just started today and so far so good! I am going to have an occasional glass or two of red wine, coffee, a little bit of soy sauce on stir fries and a little bit of dressing on my salads sometimes though -- A girl's gotta live a LITTLE.:wink:
  • greentart
    greentart Posts: 411 Member
    What's the group name?
  • Group name 60 day challenge: eating clean!
    I believe its on my profile. It will be the 2nd post
  • I'm up for the challenge!:happy: I could use a good detoxification! what does the challenge require?