TrishLG Member


  • My sister had surgery and it came back. I got a small oval rock and rolled it beneath my foot, stretching out that tendon that pulls on the bone causing the bone spur. I got one shot in the heel that relieved the pain, but it came back and the second time, it did not work. Rolling that stone, or golf ball or tennis ball on…
  • Stick with it. Be firm. You will get use to the diet. Clean out the house, get rid of the processed junk. Remember sugar is worse for the liver than alcohol. I find that wheat drive hunger, it is even more of a struggle to get rid of wheat, but that helps. Dr Oz suggested that you weight the calories heavier in the…
  • Cleaning toxins out of the system is not really silly. The American diet is loaded with toxins. Look at all the chemicals on nearly any food label. They do not even list the chemicals that went on the plants before they were picked. We are poisoning ourselves with bad food and chemicals which "in small quantities should be…
  • Vegetables and fruit have protein. Think of it this way. We get a lot of protein and calcium from cows; all the dairy products and red meat. But what does the cow eat to make all that protein and calcium? All grass. But we as humans can have a wide range of fruits and vegetables and still get all the calcium and protein we…
  • Enjoy your holiday. Eat more vegetables, even stuff yourself on vegetables. I have found over the years that it is easier to tell yourself what to do, way easier than it is to tell yourself what not to do. Nobody likes hearing NO, not even from ourselves. Nobody needs empty carbs and wheat is the worse. So avoiding baked…
  • Diddo: Well done. You will be there for your children. Eat more vegetables, especially because the more color; the more nutrients. That will keep you health prime.
  • The China study found that those who were complete vegetarian were the healthiest, lived the longest, and were disease free. So if children do not want to eat meat, let them have their choice. If one child is obese, that one may be sneaking junk food. Clean the junk out of the house. Let them snack on fruits and…
  • By the time I reach my goal, I can use the cash for a crusie, maybe a trip to Europe! I am going to start. I will have to find a big jar with a small opening so I can not get it out until I reach goal.
  • Magic works better than pills. Pills cost big buck and do not work. They can always find someone who went on a diet and also took their pills and lost weight. Save your money. Nothing melts fat, and if they find something that does melt fat, just consider that the brain is all oil, so will it cause brain damage? Just eat…
  • When I made Easter bread, I just put them in the braided loaf and baked the bread. The egg usually came out tough, not really good, but edible. Milk, eggs, and pork should never be cooked on high heat. The milk and eggs become difficult to digest, and the pork becomes tough. When I bake bread, there is always a pan with…
  • From now on, just say that you are making healthier choices and getting more exercise. Thank you for asking.
  • That is inspiring and wonderful. Congratulations.
  • There was a book out on feeding children healthier about 35 years ago. The name: Pizza for Breakfast. Pizza can be healthy. Thin, whole wheat crust, tomatoes, peppers, onions, mushrooms, light on the cheese, brocolli, olives. One important thing if you are buying it, choose a place that uses corn mean on the bottom instead…
  • I was 270. I lost the first 50 just by going entirely fat free and walking. You can do it. Your life depends on it and you know it. Also your happiness and self esteem.
  • I have a blender. When fruit is cheap, I freeze it. I put 1/2 frozen banana handful frozen strawberries 1/2 slice frozen pineapple some almond milk and/or fruit juice--usually light on sugar, but dark in color like pomegranate or blueberry whip and drink. I do not handle chemicals well, so this is my best solution. Could…
  • Look, you came to the right place. I got as high as 270 and am at 216, still more than you. I just got down to a size 18 pants, so no longer have to go to the big girls store. You will get there tool. This is a good place to lose weight. You can make friends, ask questions, both give and get support. Yet you still stay…
  • Stick with foods and avoid appetite suppresants and doctors. They will prescribe anything and most of the meds on the market do more harm than good, in fact they are more likely to do you in, than the problem for which it was prescribed. Eat more vegetables and protein. Avoid wheat, that really spikes your hunger.
  • Give it a rest. Perhaps the inflamation will settle down. If you need to take something, try just aspirin. It is good for the heart. Aleve and Celebrex can raise blood pressure and it may not come down when you stop. Some other meds damage the liver.
  • Nitrates are bad. No Trader Joe's or Whole Foods around? Just go back to peanut butter and jelly. Better still Almond Butter and jelly. I think that Boar's Head is nitrate free and Hannerfords may carry them.
  • Rice Tortillas. I spray lightly with EVOO, then put in toaster oven until crisp, then throw veggies on top, sometimes sauted, sometimes raw. Meats without nitrates. when I was eating meat. Rice pasta, priced at half of other stores. I love their savory rice crackers (I am gluten intolerant). And they did have dried…
  • Do what works. I had to put my daily calorie allowed down to 1200. Then I try to not use my additional calories from exercise. What ever works for you is the right thing to do. And what works for you may not be the best choice for someone else.
    in Calories Comment by TrishLG March 2013
  • Watch the dyes in cereals and snacks. They are worse than the sugar. Also watch the chemicals.
  • Carbs differ. Wheat is evil. It make you hungry and kills diets. Basically all calories are equal when it comes to weight loss, but consider a burger, bread, fries, and coke can run you over 1000 calories and not really have any vitamins or fiber. Well, a bit in the potato, but the fact that it is fried and browned on the…
  • You could always do the math, number of servings times the number of grams should give you the whole package weight.
  • My suggestion is to tell her to keep the $15/week. You never want to give her reason for going after the child again. Tell her off the record. I am a woman and know it can be tough on the man. Some lawyers even tell the woman to claim abuse so the court rules even more favorably on her. I did foster care. I loved it. Talk…
  • All of the above and you do not look like you have to lose weight. If you feel better and fit better, you probably are better. Take it. You win!
    in Frustrated Comment by TrishLG March 2013
  • Everyone deserves a chance to love and be loved. Truth now, you got yourself in shape not only for good health but to meet someone. Get out there, and just enjoy socializing. When someone is interested, she will send out signals. Eyecontact is the easiest to notice. If you are interested as well, approach and show…
  • Well, billieljamie, you be careful. We often look back with rose colored glasses. We practice selective forgetting, remembering only the good. However, guys' mothers jumping in is a bad signal. Beware!
  • You are probably pushing yourself to run flat out as fast as you can go. Too many women try to run with their husbands and get to that same place. Instead you need to choose your own pace, back it up until you get a comfortable rate, possibly run, walk, run walk, run, walk. Or do like me and just walk. I am 65 now, so…
  • Happy days ahead for you. You will be an inspiration to many, but most important of all you taught yourself what wonderful things you are capable of achieving. You go, girl!