Is it a good idea to meet an ex for dinner?



  • djforrest84
    djforrest84 Posts: 2 Member
    Aggressive how? Physically? Emotionally? In regards to sex?
  • lilpoindexter
    lilpoindexter Posts: 1,122 Member
    Bring some jimmie hats....just in case.
  • Susanthecatwhisperer
    Susanthecatwhisperer Posts: 141 Member
    As soon as I saw the word aggressive, my gut is to say NO. If you do feel like you want to go anyway, do it in a group. Stay safe.
  • ChrisinGA
    ChrisinGA Posts: 116 Member
    is just dinner right1 he paying? I say go out to dinner and talk catch up on things you haven't caught up on in other ways.
    if he seems aggressive them excuse yourself. I would meet him there at the place to eat Don't let him pick you up, if he picks you up its a date. otherwise its two friends meeting for a dinner.
  • ThisGirl2013
    ThisGirl2013 Posts: 220 Member
    It doesn't sound to me like you want to go. If you do want to go, it doesn't sound like you want to be anything more than just friends. Either, don't go - or make it VERY clear that this is a friendship only thing for you and if he is interested, you want to be CLEAR and you don't want to lead him on and if he still wants to get together, you will go (if you WANT to).
    You "dated" for under a month though, that is not even a real relationship.
    Anyway. I don't know why you are considering it, so I guess, in the end - that's on you what you want to do.
  • BookwormAirhead
    BookwormAirhead Posts: 1 Member
    You dated for 3 weeks, you say he's aggressive AND that he's the nicest man you ever dated? Heck, I wouldn't want to meet the unpleasant ones!

    Timing is important, but whether you ended your relationship one day or 3 years before you met if he was the right person the timing doesn't actually matter. Just like all those deal-breakers and must-haves fade away when you meet the right one.

    Seriously, I wouldn't go.

    If he'd been the right man back then he'd now be taking you out for your anniversary...he wasn't and he isn't.
  • yum2leal
    yum2leal Posts: 24 Member
    Generally it's not good to meet an ex for dinner due to the following reasons: 1) you two might just forget the reason why you broke up in the first place and fall for the sake of a "romantic idea" and not really falling in love; OR 2) regardless of where you end the night, one of you might think it is getting into something deeper while the other one will think it's just one of those nights.
  • its been 2 years, you should go out with him
  • dakitten2
    dakitten2 Posts: 888 Member
    The OP has DEACTIVATED their account. So I'll keep my opinion to myself now.
  • MissingPixies
    MissingPixies Posts: 316 Member
    The OP has DEACTIVATED their account.

    I was just about to say that.
  • WeatherGirl8
    WeatherGirl8 Posts: 91 Member
    Oh hey. Deactivated. Alright then.
  • ChrisinGA
    ChrisinGA Posts: 116 Member
    The OP has DEACTIVATED their account. So I'll keep my opinion to myself now.

  • Hleaver
    Hleaver Posts: 15 Member
    are you kidding really. Ask yourself one simple question. Should I invite my husband to go with me. If the answer is no you are not happy in your relationship and you are destined to become single again. If the answer is yes then go for it and have a great time...Howard
  • TrishLG
    TrishLG Posts: 173 Member
    Well, billieljamie, you be careful. We often look back with rose colored glasses. We practice selective forgetting, remembering only the good. However, guys' mothers jumping in is a bad signal. Beware!