ninpiggy Member


  • My plan for the winter is to run intervals on the treadmill and work on improving/increasing my speed. I live in a climate with harsh winters and I have a baby so it's better and safer for me to workout at home. My goal is to run a 5K in 30 minutes or less, comfortably by spring.
  • I loved this app. I used to prop my ipad on my treadmill and run to it before I got pregnant. I credit this app for getting me really into running, so much so I was eventually running 6 to 8 miles. It was a lot of fun. I think I'll redownload it again now that I'm 10 weeks postpartum. Thanks!
  • The Nike Run Club has this. It's free. Really good app.
  • Yes, I can relate. In 2018 I was running 5 to 6 times per week on my treadmill and able to run up to 8 miles per running session on the trail near my work. Then I got pregnant spring 2019 and wasn't able to run. I'm now 9 weeks postpartum and trying to get back into running. I've had complications as a result of my…
  • Hello! I just had my first on November 7th. I'm only two weeks postpartum and still waiting for medical clearance to be able to exercise again. I have about 10 lb. to go to hit my pre-pregnancy weight and 25 lb. to hit my goal weight.
  • RunKeeper, Nike Plus Run Club, Strava are probably the three best in terms of accuracy and features. Nike Plus provides for free what Runkeeper Pro offers. Strava is my least favorite of all, personally. Nike+ has been a bit buggy lately though on my watch. I suspect they’ll do an update soon though to fix it up. I hope so…
  • I have a home gym in my basement. It has two treadmills and an elliptical with exercise mats on the entire floor. I have some free hand weights, yoga mats and a foam roller. I'd like to add more strength equipment but not sure what to get, honestly. I'm leaning toward finding a Bowflex Home Gym.
  • I had the Forerunner 235 and loved it until it broke. :neutral: That was pretty upsetting. But while I had it, I really enjoyed it. I kind of miss it, actually.
  • This is a great link. Thank you!!
  • Hello! I am new to being GF, having only started a few weeks ago. But I have already noticed a change in how I feel and have noticed a decrease in my weight. I stick to lean meats, lots of vegetables, fresh fruit, and drink a lot of water. My carbs are roasted squash and potatoes. Sometimes I eat rice but not often. I only…
  • I use RunKeeper Pro (paid) and Nike+ Running Club. Yes, I use two. I can’t help myself.
  • Perhaps you’re going too fast or need to gradually build up your cardiovascular system. I recommend the couch to 5k programs. I went from barely being able to run for a minute at a time to running 3 consecutive miles. It’s awesome. With that said, there’s no harm in checking with your doctor to make sure that there is…
  • I have a 5K this summer with friends (June) and then in September I am running a half with friends and my sister. The half is what I’ve started training for. I’m using my customized plan on RunKeeper Pro. I can’t wait. It’s going to be a fun race.
  • I’m in! Goal for March is 35 miles. Currently I’m at 9.4 miles.
  • Lyfe Essentials is a great vegan protein powder (I prefer chocolate mixed with 1.5-2 cups unsweetened almond milk, plus one banana and ice). And Garden of Life has a ton of great vegan protein powders. My favorite of theirs is the coffee and I blend with the same as I wrote above (unsweetened almond milk, banana, and ice).…
  • Agreed. I honestly don’t know why it’s so difficult to say, “Excuse me but I’m working out on limited time and I’d rather listen to my music.” It’s not rude and actually it’s a basic assertive communication skill. Perhaps if this is an area in your life you struggle with, the gym would be a nice place for you to practice…
  • I prefer the trails but honestly I like the treadmill too. It’s in the comfort of my own home and it allows me the luxury of running any time of the day I want. Not everyone lives in an area where it’s safe to run. Personally, I live in a rural area where there are no sidewalks to run along and I don’t feel like it’s worth…
  • While running on my treadmill I set my iPad on the shelf in front of my treadmill (mine faces the wall in my home gym) and run to trails on Treadmill TV on YouTube. It’s free and gives me something to look at. The last few times I’ve ran on a gorgeous trail in Hawaii even though I’m actually in my basement in cold, wintry…
  • I second the comment on the IT band. The good news is that there are great stretches and exercises you can do to help it. Oddly enough if you search for Yoga for Runners on YouTube you will find wonderful exercises that work the IT band. I can tell you that it worked wonders for me. Now I use yoga for cross training and I…
  • Weekends - late mornings and/or afternoons Week days - immediately after work or before dinner. I’ve tried many times to set my alarm in the mornings to exercise and I always hit snooze. No matter what! I’ve forced myself to exercise in the morning and I just don’t enjoy it. I need to be really hydrated to have a good work…
  • I walk 3.0 mph on the treadmill and run at 4.0 mph at a 2% incline. My treadmill has speed buttons on the side so I push 3 for walking and 4 for running. My goal is to increase my speed as my endurance improves.
  • I’m on Week 4, Day 2. Well, of a 5K Training program. It’s not specifically C25K but I have completed C25K before a few years ago. Loved it.
  • Blogilates (Pop Pilates, Pilates Intense Interval Training), Yoga with Adriene is great, Jillian Michaels has a great app plus her fitness dvds. I’m using a Running for Weightloss app that I do on my home treadmill too.
  • Congratulations on finishing your race! Not sure what to say about the numb foot. That only happens to me on an elliptical machine; never while running. You may want to check in with your doctor about that. Congrats again!
  • Have you seen your doctor?
    in Running Comment by ninpiggy January 2018
  • I use Running for Weight Loss which I enjoy. It has a weight loss program, a running program for beginners, a 5K training, 10K training, half marathon and marathon training programs. I really like it. The app also has tips and a meal plan but that is with a paid subscription which I have. The programs can be used on the…
  • I bought a treadmill and love it. It gets most of its use in the winter time. I am glad I bought it. Mine is a NordicTrack with the iFit. Edited to say: I bought my treadmill in 2013. It’s survived two moves. Runs great. And I have a home gym and it works best for my work schedule.
  • This is wonderful! Thank you for sharing!
  • It sounds like when you eat foods that aren’t healthy for you it’s because you perceive that you are missing out on the junk foods that your family and coworkers are eating. I recommend working with a therapist or a life coach on changing your perceptions so that you can approach a healthy diet and exercise routine as a…
  • I can’t emphasize enough how important it is for you to get checked out by your doctor first before you start any running program. Unless you’re seriously trying to do a full fast run and that’s why your chest hurts, that sounds really concerning to have chest pains after a brief period of exercise. Better to be safe than…