Former runner trying to get back at it

Hey! I lost 40 pounds on MFP in 2014 and (shocker!) became a runner who enjoyed obstacle races in the process. This past year, for many reasons, (chief among them an insane work schedule) I’ve become sedentary and put on 30 pounds. I am back to eating right, normal work schedule, logging and have started walking to get back to where I can start running again. I am 55 years old and am finding it tough to be patient and take my time getting my wind and running legs back.

Is there anybody out there who can relate? I’d love to connect with people with similar goals to support/cheer on. HMU!


  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    I usually take summer off from running because it's just too hot. So when I start again in the fall, there is a period of reacclimation. Something like a sped up version of couch 2 5k. Start slow, with a few walk breaks. Increase your distance a little each week and keep taking walk breaks as needed. Sometimes I need only 10-15 sec of walking before I'm jogging again. Don't worry about speeding up. That will come later.
  • HeidiR47
    HeidiR47 Posts: 14 Member
    edited January 2020

  • HeidiR47
    HeidiR47 Posts: 14 Member
    Hello I'm Heidi, I am a 50 years old and in 2016 started running and loved it! I had an injury which slowed me down and was unable to get out there. Since I've healed I have tried getting back in the swing of things and it seems so much harder this time. Been back at it this time for a couple of weeks I'm up to 30 minutes 5 warm up and 5 cool down. I feel like I should be further along by now. I totally understand your frustration.
  • SchweddyGirl
    SchweddyGirl Posts: 244 Member
    I am in a similar shoe as you OP. I have kept up with running for the most part, but had big stretches of extreme sedentary weeks where I did nothing but eat pizza and gain weight. I lost a lot of speed due to my weight gain and lack of training, but I can still run (very slowly) for 30 minutes. I have heard of people repeating the C25K program. But you maybe able to use Coach Jenny plans. Those are what I use when I hit a running slump to get back up to a minimal base of 30 min 4 times a week.
  • Chrisiswinning
    Chrisiswinning Posts: 37 Member
    Hi I'm just getting back into running again, I'm doing the c25k app for the second time. I too thought I'd never be able to do it first time round but I did! That was a fair few years ago now, so although older I'm at least a bit fitter/lighter than last time! I find the app a lot of fun to use, very motivating. So here goes :wink:

    I’ll be with you all the way! xx

  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    I usually take the winter off as I hate cold! I've run the last two days doing 9k between the two days. That's 9k more then January 2019. :D:D:p Get yourself a nice pair of running shoes (if your last pair are worn out) and get out the door! You can do it!
  • lightenup2016
    lightenup2016 Posts: 1,055 Member
    I started doing walk breaks several years ago, and feel they’ve really helped out my joints as I get older. Now, if I’ve taken a break from running, I just start with shorter intervals of running, and gradually increase the running to walking ratio. My goal for training runs is half a mile running/a tenth mile walking. I slowly work up to that.

    I also recently added music to my running, and love it! It especially helps when I’m struggling with pace or endurance.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    i'm a couch potato at heart so i took a long stretch of only a few runs a month but i committed to a long distance goal and asked the people from the monthly challenge to keep me on track
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    YES! I was running 10k's easily a year go, then life got busy and I went though a minor medical issue and didn't exercise. I put back on the weight, and just last week I started jogging/walking again. I'm taking it slow as to not injure myself. I'll send you a friend request. :smile:
  • PhatAssets
    PhatAssets Posts: 1 Member
    Yup. I used to run several times a day. For the reason you listed and more, I stopped. And shockingly, gained as well. I just signed up for a 1/2 marathon in October. Starting fresh. again. Good luck to you!
  • pridesabtch
    pridesabtch Posts: 2,454 Member
    Five years ago I was riding time trails and running 7:30 splits for my 5K and 9:00 splits for half marathons. I got sick and work got crazy. Last year I tried to start riding & running again and it was humbling to say the least. I hadn't realized how much weight I'd put on or how easy it is to lose your fitness. Anyway I got back to 10:00 minute miles for a 5K, but I was always ticked off because I was so slow. I quit instead of pushing through. Now I'm heavier and my cardio is crap.

    I have the same issues with running and riding. I think I should be further than I am, but I'm just not. As my name suggests, it's a pride issue with me. I'm working on it. Right now I'm trying to build a bit on the bike and drop a few pounds before I start running again.

    I'm determined this go around to let me happen to life and not let life happen to me! I can start out walk running and hold my head high because it is my best right now. That is really hard for me to say, but lets face it, starting over sucks.

    My mantra "If you are tired of starting over, STOP giving up!"

    Y'all feel free to add me, I'd love some company on this roller coaster ride.


  • rsb1023
    rsb1023 Posts: 32 Member
    I can relate, I'm 54 and lost 40 pounds in 2013 and started running in 2014. Early in 2019 my knees started hurting a lot more until I was in tears by the time I ran 2 miles, I finally went to the Doctor and was told I have severe osteoporosis in my right knee. I've been sedentary since July and have gained 10 pounds. I decided to start back walking, no running for me since I don't want knee replacement surgery. I signed up for a 5K recently and walked it in 45 minutes & 32 seconds. I started back my food tracking this week and am starting either walking when weather is ok or riding a stationary bike to get back in shape and my goal is to do my next 5K in less than 45 minutes.
  • tontondam
    tontondam Posts: 7 Member
    rsb1023 wrote: »
    I can relate, I'm 54 and lost 40 pounds in 2013 and started running in 2014. Early in 2019 my knees started hurting a lot more until I was in tears by the time I ran 2 miles, I finally went to the Doctor and was told I have severe osteoporosis in my right knee. I've been sedentary since July and have gained 10 pounds. I decided to start back walking, no running for me since I don't want knee replacement surgery. I signed up for a 5K recently and walked it in 45 minutes & 32 seconds. I started back my food tracking this week and am starting either walking when weather is ok or riding a stationary bike to get back in shape and my goal is to do my next 5K in less than 45 minutes.

    Walking seems like a great way to stay in shape and get cardio. I'm in a similar situation, soon to be 55, osteoporosis, no cartilage in my left knee. Speed walking does the job, thinking of starting nordic walking.
  • ninpiggy
    ninpiggy Posts: 228 Member
    edited January 2020
    Yes, I can relate. In 2018 I was running 5 to 6 times per week on my treadmill and able to run up to 8 miles per running session on the trail near my work. Then I got pregnant spring 2019 and wasn't able to run. I'm now 9 weeks postpartum and trying to get back into running. I've had complications as a result of my weakened pelvic floor and the obvious decrease in my cardiovascular fitness. It's been frustrating and I'm currently doing the Couch to 10K training app by Zen Labs. Consistency has been difficult between sleep deprivation and schedule. But I am determined to be able to run a half marathon by November 2020.