kyrannosaurus Member


  • Back when I used to attend Weight Watchers meetings, I used to weigh in every Thursday evening. I used to make sure I ate the same thing for lunch every Thursday (tofu and spinach cannelloni - yummm) , and stopped drinking a couple of hours of so before the meeting. Always made sure to wear the same clothes and shoes too.…
  • I log midnight to midnight. I have insomnia so sometimes I don't get any sleep and so things can get confusing. So regardless of when/if I sleep, my diary changes over to a new day a midnight. It's less confusing for me.
  • Why can't you eat more than 1500 calories? It'll slow your weight loss down, but if you feel more satiated with a higher calorie goal it'll be easier to stick to long term.
  • I also like chia pudding: soak a tablespoon of chia seeds in 1/3 cup milk (I use soy). I leave it overnight and then add fruit to flavour it.
  • banana "ice cream": freeze very ripe bananas, then process in a food processor until it is smooth like soft-serve ice cream. I like to make mine with other fruit too: usually mango and strawberries. To make it extra delicious add a small serving off toppings like granola or chocolate bits. So good.
  • If you want to do 5:2, do whatever you want. If you don't want that warning to pop up just don't hit the button to close your diary.
  • I spent a year attending WW meetings. I liked having the face-to-face accountability of attending a group in person weekly. Except I absolutely HATE the Weight Watchers points system. Through double tracking both on the WW app and here on MFP, most of the time if I stuck to my WW points I would only be eating about 1000…
  • Money management and weight management are very similar problems. Money management: have a budget; spend less than you earn Weight management: have a calorie allowance; eat less than you burn Both require planning and self control. But at the end of the day, they are both simple equations. If you're leaving for university…
  • I am a massive fan of chocolate and sweet treats. I'm still learning how to moderate them in maintenance. At the moment I am having a small treat every 2-3 days. Ultimately I'd like to eat these foods less frequently and choose more nutrient dense snacks, but my treat portions are typically fairly small.
  • That's probably because if you're not hitting your minimum calories, you are effectively starving yourself, just with the aid of a surgical procedure.
  • As I lost weight with the changes in my body sleeping did become uncomfortable. You get used to it though. Sleeping feels normal again.
  • I log midnight-midnight. As soon as the clock ticks over I start logging as the next day. I have insomnia so being awake and hungry in the middle of the night is something I frequently have to deal with during a chronic episode
  • I think a big part of it is that fewer people are cooking meals at home. When I cook my own food it tends to be healthier than purchasing the same dish elsewhere. I also naturally eat much less when I cook my own food: partly because I know how long it took to make so I want to make it last longer (making pasta from flour…
  • I gained a huge amount of weight quickly on anti-psychotics. They make you starving and specifically some of them make you crave sweet things. I was still able to lose weight on them though, I just had to realise that I couldn't trust my hunger. I had to get used to being hungry. I exercised like crazy (partly to increase…
  • I just turn on the tap, fill a glass with water and drink it.
  • 348. I am debating deliberately breaking my streak though. I missed some days logging my food recently (but logged into account so the streak continued). I was really proud of my streak when it represented a streak of logging my food each day. I kinda want to start again but at the same time I am so close to 1 year.
  • My father is a dairy farmer. My grandfather was a dairy farmer. All my uncles are dairy farmers. I grew up in a community where the entire local economy was dairy. Literally everyone in the community was involved in dairy. Dairy was my entire life for 18 years.
  • I love ice-cream and cheese and yoghurt. I just buy dairy free versions.
  • Cow's milk is for cows. I am not a cow.
  • You don't have to let her treat you like that. Once you move out you are in control. She can't treat you like crap if you don't let her. My mother and I had a terrible relationship, I set boundaries and rules, when she broke them I changed my phone number. I haven't spoken to her in 9 years. Problem solved. It might sound…
  • I don't go near it. I prefer my own cooking generally and it's a drain on the budget. I fit plenty of treats into my diet but they are things like ice-cream and homemade desserts (I love making desserts!). Fast food just isn't worth it.
  • I freeze most of mine. I'll eat a couple while they are still good and the rest get peeled and frozen. I'll use the frozen bananas in smoothies, oatmeal or protein balls mostly.
  • I have to remind myself of all the things I have gained. I can exercise without my feet hurting. I can walk into any shop and find clothes that fit. I don't have to worry about weight limits or whether or not I can squeeze into that carnival ride. I save money by not buying excessive amounts of junk food and can spend that…
  • Healthy eating doesn't have to be expensive, you just need to be smart with your cash. Most grocers sells bags of produce that are a little less fresh. They will bag up a huge amount of produce and sell it for $1 or $2. You just need to cut of a few soggy bits and freeze them if you're not cooking them straight away. By…
  • I recently bought two of these. I haven't locked food in it (yet). I locked my mobile and (the power supply) to my computer away so that I could clean the house without distractions. My house hasn't been this clean in ages. In the other safe I currently have my credit cards and money locked away.. For me, it is much easier…
  • Either learn to drink your coffee another way or make it fit. I wasn't willing to use so many calories on coffee. In the beginning I couldn't drink coffee without milk and sugar. I slowly reduced the sugar until it was gone completely. Then I started to cut out the milk. Eventually I learned to love coffee straight up. I…
  • yep, every single day. You couldn't pay me to stop using MFP. Today marks day 300 of my streak. I've lost 70lb and got to my goal weight. I weigh less than I did when I was fourteen. If you commit, it's not a waste of time.