steve2kay Member


  • It's surprising far you can go on a bike and a good breakfast. Well done for getting back on a bike again. I've got a touring bike for cycling to work, but I NEED a tatty bike for just goofing about with my son - the best sort of cycling ever!
  • Congratulations, that's an amazing transformation. What do you think are the top 5 things that led to your success?
  • Great post CricketKate - thanks for posting it. I like this thinking. I'm going to adopt this starting tomorrow. did you see that? I made a little joke, I'm starting today really.
  • Wendy you're in - people say there's a lack of opporunities for minorities in fortune 500 companies - but I say equal rights for dogs that can use a computer and type English and until recently wore a hat! (we might need an acronym for that, it's a bit of a mouthful if you're shouting it at a rally)
  • You're in Sam, you can be CIO. First order of business is to crush the naysayers (they know who they are)
  • It's a good question, and one I answer in my upcoming ebook "Mr Ticklemug - how I made my fortune" - pre-order it now. eta: don't take my word for it, here is a recent endorsement of my programme from a satisfied customer "OMG you're right!!! Thank you! I lost two pounds in the last half hour "
  • you're using the Mr Tickle bulking mug - it's an easy mistake to make - you probably need another column on your spreadsheet to track correctly. Simply buy my 2014 calendar to get the correct mug details.
  • It's from my profile, no offense taken. By the way it's after 13:30 in England now so if you walked up the stairs this morning you're going to have to eat an apple before 2pm or you'll be paying for it tomorrow. We're getting into some pretty advanced weight loss skills now - which will be covered in my DVD. If you're…
  • I skip breakfast most of the time - I only used to eat it because I thought I should but I find I'm starving by lunchtime if I do, then I eat loads at lunchtime. I also find if I have a high protein breakfast I don't enjoy cycling to work so much and so sometimes I don't cycle. So eating breakfast costs me probably 300…
  • my name is steve kay and I was working on Y2K project when I set up my email account, and so thought it would be hilarious to be called steve2kay - it wasn't.
  • I'm learning the ukulele so have been listening to people who strum guitars so I can learn about strumming styles, my two current favourites: - Ed Sheeran - Passenger neither are rock or metal.
  • How do I join in? I'd like to be part of this.
  • Oh, I agree, I don't know what the question was, but then that's not rare for either MFP forums or my brain.
  • The way I read the bit you quoted was that one person said you must eat breakfast, someone else said that's not true you don't have to, and the first guy said well in my opinion it's a good idea. Didn't sound like a silly argument to me. The OP didn't say she was hungry or eating badly so I don't think there's evidence…
  • My new thing today is drinking no tea - and lots of water. This is mainly because I forgot to bring money for milk so I can't have tea.
  • I've been skipping breakfast recently too. I never feel ready for breakfast but I read that you should have it so have been forcing food done - now I've been reading you don't need to eat breakfast so I skip it. My cycle to work is much more pleasant and I'm more inclined to cycle as I don't feel full and bloated. I find…
  • fairly mixed ride in this morning. A large lorry decided to overtake me as another large lorry was coming the other way - not leaving much room for me and I ended up on the grass verge swearing at it. Then in the quiet country lane a little colourful bird flew about 5ft infront of me for about 100 yeards. It was quite…
  • I'm about to head off for the return leg home - the rain has stopped although it's still pretty grey out there. I ride a ridgeback Voyager touring bike (English I think) - I don't like it very much but it's taken me to quite a few places and has been sturdy and reliable. And given that it lives in my rainy English garden…
  • My problem has always been finding time to prepare salads. So on Monday evening I I chopped up some celery, carrots and peppers and put them in container with a paper towel on top (a tip I read on the internet). Then I cut up some cheese and saucisson into little bits and put those in pots. Then I bought some chicken from…
  • great post Jester - that would have been my answer if I were smarter, and more eloquent, and had lost loads of weight so could talk from experience.
  • ok so while it's terrible what your husband says to you - and he sounds like an idiot - this thread has been great for some new insults, my favourite I think was "raging douche canoe" from page 1.
  • In my view if you see this as being strict on yourself or depriving yourself then it's going to be mentally tougher. My view on this is that logging my food is really about educating me what's in food and what I can eat in a normal day. For example, I didn't really know how many calories were in a chocolate bar, I knew it…
  • If I had to do this holistically then I'd never do anything because it wouldn't all line up - for me (not saying for you) it would be an excuse to not do anything. Doing one little thing often leads to another for me. I cycled to work the last few of days which made me want to eat healthier so then I started bringing in…
  • I read this somewhere and it keeps coming back to me "oh, you hate your job? there's a support group for that - it's called 'everyone' and they meet in the Pub" I guess bearing in mind where we are, you could substitute "Pub" for "Gym". I actually quite enjoy my job, the really good 40% makes the rubbish 60% more bearable.…
  • Mini eggs are the work of the devil - why do they come out in January? - noone has the will power to last from January until after Easter when the dissapear again!
  • I agree on getting out there, finding something else to focus on, finding a social club, going to the gym or joining a sporting club. I read some advice on here a while ago about someone saying that when they broke up with their partner they started going to the gym, met a whole bunch of healthy people and their life moved…
  • I commuted by bike for the first time this year - lovely sunny morning but I'm now watching the grey clouds roll in. It was good to get on the bike again and I can put the extra 500 calories I've burnt to good use.
  • thoughts don't count - whenever I see a deck chair I think about how painful it would be to get my fingers caught in it, when I see a high ledge I think about falling off it - it doesn't mean I want to do these things.
  • Yes, I went with sailing. I was surprised that joining the sailing club and going sailing works out so much cheaper than buying a console and then buying games. Turned into an interesting thread for me though. My boy isn't really interested in computer games or TV at the moment. I'm sure this time will come so it's nice to…
  • Good point, should have been chit chat - can't see how to move it.