Yikes! Who else went on a Easter binge?

tyediri Posts: 183 Member
So my fiance and I got loads of chocolates for easter. Between us, we consumed the following within 5 days.
1. Sticky toffee pudding
2. Rhubarb crumble
3. 3 boxes of fererro rocher (1 box had 15 choc balls, the other 2 boxes had 16 each)
4. 1 bag of fizzy farm animals
5. 1 bag of pinballs
6. 1 chocolate orange
7. 1 bag of mixed sweets (didn't even see what it was called)
8. 1.5 Waitrose easter eggs (caramel and sicilian lemon flavoured. nom!)
9. a third of a boxes of maltesers
10. 2-3 Lindt choco balls each

I started the weekend by weighing the fizzy farm animals to make sure I logged it correctly (see diary on Thrusday/Friday) and then it all went out the window and I didn't care anymore.
Plus we had a BBQ Saturday, a proper English roast on Sunday and take away pizza yesterday! (This is why my diary is empty). lol


Oh well, am going to dust my self up, go for aerobics today as usual and start tracking again! Feel a little guilty, but whats done is done eh?
Unfortunately we still have 1 more box of fererro rocher, half a Waitrose easter egg and 2/3 of a maltesers box left! Eeep!

Anyone else been really bad this weekend?


  • lindsaymarcin
    lindsaymarcin Posts: 81 Member
    I did too :( No logging Friday through Sunday :( Got back on track with an hour walk yesterday though because it was beautiful out! Hoping to get to the gym tonight as well!!
  • Kr1ptonite
    Kr1ptonite Posts: 789 Member
    I only had one average size Easter egg. But for me that's a binge lol.
  • MissBabyJane
    MissBabyJane Posts: 538 Member
    I kind of over-eat on Easter, but I didn't binge or something. At a lot of chocolate stuff.
  • ruqayyahsmum
    ruqayyahsmum Posts: 1,514 Member
    i had 2 diabetic chocolates that i failed to log. does that count lol
  • sati18
    sati18 Posts: 153 Member
    Yep - me and my boyfriend had the week off and went on a road trip up north to see his family - it was lovely but i think we probably averaged about 3000-3500 calories a day for the week because we were eating out every meal.

    I'm up 5lbs and just hoping that some of it is food weight rather than actual gain but with those numbers it really could be. Went for a 4.7 mile run this morning though and will just have to be utterly regimented for the next couple of weeks.

    and hide the remaining easter eggs we still have left over :O
  • tyediri
    tyediri Posts: 183 Member
    Haha! No it doesn't! ;-)

    I should tell people not to buy us chocolates next year! I was just starting to feel good about how my tummy looked and then boom! Easter hit us!

    This is why I never keep chocolates in the house.
    i had 2 diabetic chocolates that i failed to log. does that count lol
  • tyediri
    tyediri Posts: 183 Member
    I know! I am planning on aerobics today, a jog tomorrow and Zumba Thursday. I have a dress to fit in to for my fiance's brother's wedding on Friday!

    I should give the remaining chocolate away really, but the thought of it breaks my heart! :'(
    Yep - me and my boyfriend had the week off and went on a road trip up north to see his family - it was lovely but i think we probably averaged about 3000-3500 calories a day for the week because we were eating out every meal.

    I'm up 5lbs and just hoping that some of it is food weight rather than actual gain but with those numbers it really could be. Went for a 4.7 mile run this morning though and will just have to be utterly regimented for the next couple of weeks.

    and hide the remaining easter eggs we still have left over :O
    SEAFOODMAN Posts: 342
    I ate everything lol.............did a 36hr fast and lost it all back :happy:
  • Frood42
    Frood42 Posts: 245 Member
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member

    I should tell people not to buy us chocolates next year! I was just starting to feel good about how my tummy looked and then boom! Easter hit us!

    no one forced you to eat it all! exercise portion control and enjoy the rest in moderation!
  • mortuseon
    mortuseon Posts: 579 Member
    This happened to me. I started by measuring everything and then...whoosh, choc attack. I've found moderating myself much easier since I moved out to uni since I just don't keep 'junk food' which I am likely to binge on in the house, but at home in abundance of chocolate that all goes out of the window. At some point I decided it was impossible to log it all accurately - decided to ensure I keep active and make better choices in the following days. :)
  • fairyface87
    fairyface87 Posts: 52 Member
    I just ate an entire bag of mini eggs, nooo!
    In my defence I have a cold and was feeling sorry for myself, I only meant to eat a couple :cry:
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,659 Member
    The challenge for me wasn't chocolate since I don't get Easter candy anymore, but family dinners. We went to my sister's, and there were all kinds of great homemade things -- homemade quiches (veggie, but she makes the crust with ground nuts -- yum!), spiral siced ham, homemade mashed potatoes, and my brother brings these pies and desserts from this great market in New York. As I get older, I'm not a big fan of packaged treats, maybe a square of Ghiardelli once in a while, but that's it. However, if it's really good quality homemade stuff or stuff from a good bakery, it's harder to resist. So, I didn't count on Easter, and burned around 700 calories yesterday working out. The other challenge is she had so much stuff that we had to take some home, so I've been eating it, but measuring it and logging it. Actually, with my workout yesterday, I was still able to eat quite a few leftovers and have calories to spare.

    In any case, my brother, who works for the NYTimes was talking about an article in magazine re_ Global Warming, and that the planet really has only about 10 more years. This conversation was not exactly conducive to self-restraint. If I'm going in 10 years, might as well have that flourless chocolate cake.
  • tyediri
    tyediri Posts: 183 Member
    I know, I don't blame them. Am trying to be funny as I would not say no to chocolates. :)

    Yes, exercise and right back to weighing the Maltesers for me. :)

    I should tell people not to buy us chocolates next year! I was just starting to feel good about how my tummy looked and then boom! Easter hit us!

    no one forced you to eat it all! exercise portion control and enjoy the rest in moderation!
  • tyediri
    tyediri Posts: 183 Member
    That sounds exactly like my story. lol! We usually do not keep chocolates in the house and having a box of chocolates doesn't usually affect me.
    It was the fact that we had SO MUCH. 4 boxes of fererro rocher, loads of bags of sweets, 2 easter eggs, 1 box of Matesers and 1 chocolate orange just for the 2 of us!! As we were off work all I could do was think of the chocolates in the cupboard. lol!
    Don't regret it too much though. Just gotta work out a little harder. :)
    This happened to me. I started by measuring everything and then...whoosh, choc attack. I've found moderating myself much easier since I moved out to uni since I just don't keep 'junk food' which I am likely to binge on in the house, but at home in abundance of chocolate that all goes out of the window. At some point I decided it was impossible to log it all accurately - decided to ensure I keep active and make better choices in the following days. :)
  • steve2kay
    steve2kay Posts: 194 Member
    I just ate an entire bag of mini eggs, nooo!
    In my defence I have a cold and was feeling sorry for myself, I only meant to eat a couple :cry:

    Mini eggs are the work of the devil - why do they come out in January? - noone has the will power to last from January until after Easter when the dissapear again!
  • RunningMum2017
    RunningMum2017 Posts: 22 Member
    Good work on the amount of chocolate you ate. My husband doesn't eat that much chocolate so it was all left to me. I didn't eat that much until Easter Sunday, and even then it was one creme egg, half a medium size golden bunny and 1/4 lindt egg. I was feeling it on Monday, alot of pain and realised that is way too much for me.

    We have loads left but I am trying to eat all clean food this week and might have a bit on the weekend :-) In moderation so that I am not in too much pain!!!
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I didn't eat any candy. I am not a big candy person. I ate a huge amount of food and drank a bunch of wine and I didn't gain at all.
  • tyediri
    tyediri Posts: 183 Member
    Oh no! Only 10 years!!!??? That is only 10 more Easters. :(

    I messaged my zumba/aerobics instructor about my binge and how she needs to make sure I work hard tonight, and she said she did the same and feels like a hippo. So I ate more Maltesers! lol!

    I may have no mentioned this, but due to the sheer amount of chocolate I ate, I skipped most of my main meals (as I felt like a beached whale) and I did go for walks, so hopefully, the damage isn't too severe.
    The challenge for me wasn't chocolate since I don't get Easter candy anymore, but family dinners. We went to my sister's, and there were all kinds of great homemade things -- homemade quiches (veggie, but she makes the crust with ground nuts -- yum!), spiral siced ham, homemade mashed potatoes, and my brother brings these pies and desserts from this great market in New York. As I get older, I'm not a big fan of packaged treats, maybe a square of Ghiardelli once in a while, but that's it. However, if it's really good quality homemade stuff or stuff from a good bakery, it's harder to resist. So, I didn't count on Easter, and burned around 700 calories yesterday working out. The other challenge is she had so much stuff that we had to take some home, so I've been eating it, but measuring it and logging it. Actually, with my workout yesterday, I was still able to eat quite a few leftovers and have calories to spare.

    In any case, my brother, who works for the NYTimes was talking about an article in magazine re_ Global Warming, and that the planet really has only about 10 more years. This conversation was not exactly conducive to self-restraint. If I'm going in 10 years, might as well have that flourless chocolate cake.
  • qhaleesi
    qhaleesi Posts: 14 Member