Yikes! Who else went on a Easter binge?



  • tyediri
    tyediri Posts: 183 Member
    Oh no! Only 10 years!!!??? That is only 10 more Easters. :(

    I messaged my zumba/aerobics instructor about my binge and how she needs to make sure I work hard tonight, and she said she did the same and feels like a hippo. So I ate more Maltesers! lol!

    I may have not mentioned this, but due to the sheer amount of chocolate I ate, I skipped most of my main meals (as I felt like a beached whale) and I did go for walks, so hopefully, the damage isn't too severe.
    The challenge for me wasn't chocolate since I don't get Easter candy anymore, but family dinners. We went to my sister's, and there were all kinds of great homemade things -- homemade quiches (veggie, but she makes the crust with ground nuts -- yum!), spiral siced ham, homemade mashed potatoes, and my brother brings these pies and desserts from this great market in New York. As I get older, I'm not a big fan of packaged treats, maybe a square of Ghiardelli once in a while, but that's it. However, if it's really good quality homemade stuff or stuff from a good bakery, it's harder to resist. So, I didn't count on Easter, and burned around 700 calories yesterday working out. The other challenge is she had so much stuff that we had to take some home, so I've been eating it, but measuring it and logging it. Actually, with my workout yesterday, I was still able to eat quite a few leftovers and have calories to spare.

    In any case, my brother, who works for the NYTimes was talking about an article in magazine re_ Global Warming, and that the planet really has only about 10 more years. This conversation was not exactly conducive to self-restraint. If I'm going in 10 years, might as well have that flourless chocolate cake.
  • solarpower03
    solarpower03 Posts: 12,161 Member
    <~~ Binged for 4 days consecutively!
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    I was a good girl, the Easter Bunny owes me big time.
  • tyediri
    tyediri Posts: 183 Member
    I know, I felt awful last night! It was all the sugar plus the sheer amount of food I ate. I was literally sprawled on the sofa moaning to my finace that we needed to go for a jog! lol

    Edited to add that I am also hypoglycemic. I bet my blood sugar levels love me just now! :)

    Good work on the amount of chocolate you ate. My husband doesn't eat that much chocolate so it was all left to me. I didn't eat that much until Easter Sunday, and even then it was one creme egg, half a medium size golden bunny and 1/4 lindt egg. I was feeling it on Monday, alot of pain and realised that is way too much for me.

    We have loads left but I am trying to eat all clean food this week and might have a bit on the weekend :-) In moderation so that I am not in too much pain!!!
  • suztmills53
    I had four of my five grand kids for the weekend. Totally blew the whole diet , gained the two lousey pounds I had lost !!!:cry::brokenheart: :sad: :mad:
  • mcibty
    mcibty Posts: 1,252 Member
    I did.

    I'm not sorry.
  • tyediri
    tyediri Posts: 183 Member
    Aww.. I'm sure it is just water weight from the sudden intake of food. The scales showed a 0.5kg gain for me too, but I'm sure I didn't go 3500kcals over my limit, so hopefully it will go back to normal (ish) in a few days.
    I had four of my five grand kids for the weekend. Totally blew the whole diet , gained the two lousey pounds I had lost !!!:cry::brokenheart: :sad: :mad:
  • doglover1984
    doglover1984 Posts: 54 Member
    I had a bunch of chocolate eggs, they are my downfall, we had left overs from hiding them from the kids, I put them in the garbage this morning lol. I need to make it to my goal of 160lbs by May 1st. We all have cravings and sometimes we cave and sometimes we don't but the point is to get back at it and don't beat yourself up, it is good that we are all honest with ourselves instead of lying to ourselves .
  • amyk225
    amyk225 Posts: 154
    yep i started friday and finished yesterday,, loads of food alcohol and chocolate, im thinking 3500 cals a day lol,i feel bad but back at it today
  • tyediri
    tyediri Posts: 183 Member
    Love it! Me neither! :)
    I did.

    I'm not sorry.
  • kilsafari
    kilsafari Posts: 61
    I was doing very well throughout the day until I got a package from my mother with a tub of chocolate chip cookies, chocolate covered nuts, a cookies-n-cream bunny, three cadbury cream eggs, and two chocolate turtles. Yeah.....

    But I think I made up for it since that morning I ran five miles and that night I completely blew my own running record out of the water by running for 65 minutes straight with no walking breaks (wooo!!!!!)
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
  • tyediri
    tyediri Posts: 183 Member
    I feel a teeny, tiny, miniscule bit guilty, but I loved every second of it, especially the chocolate orange! Now that I have satisfied my cravings, I can happily go about sticking to my goal again! :)
    I still feel a little sick though. lol
    I had a bunch of chocolate eggs, they are my downfall, we had left overs from hiding them from the kids, I put them in the garbage this morning lol. I need to make it to my goal of 160lbs by May 1st. We all have cravings and sometimes we cave and sometimes we don't but the point is to get back at it and don't beat yourself up, it is good that we are all honest with ourselves instead of lying to ourselves .
  • tyediri
    tyediri Posts: 183 Member
    Wow! That is brilliant, well done! I am training for a 10k run in July, and my best so far has been 45 minutes with no walking breaks. And after all that chocolate too! :)
    I was doing very well throughout the day until I got a package from my mother with a tub of chocolate chip cookies, chocolate covered nuts, a cookies-n-cream bunny, three cadbury cream eggs, and two chocolate turtles. Yeah.....

    But I think I made up for it since that morning I ran five miles and that night I completely blew my own running record out of the water by running for 65 minutes straight with no walking breaks (wooo!!!!!)
  • lessismoreohio
    lessismoreohio Posts: 910 Member
    Yeah, I went on a 2-day Easter binge when I got together with family. But I'm back in the saddle again and tracking my calories and exercise. Easter was my little detour on the road to weight loss.
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    I ATE on Easter.. I ate chocolates.. I ate dessert... I ate cheesy sourcream potato casserole (full fat)... I ate ham... I ate yams with marshmallows on top... I ate homemade kettle corn.. I ATE and ATE and ATE. I didn't feel sick.. I didn't feel gross.. I didn't feel guilty... I just had a great time with my family and fully enjoyed these lovely once-a-year foods.

    ONE DAY.. it was ONE DAY. Yesterday I was back on the straight and narrow. I've got a VERY TIGHT wedding dress to fit into in three weeks so I can't afford to let ONE DAY bleed into the entire week... But even with a tight wedding dress staring me down, I afforded myself ONE DAY guilt free.
  • tyediri
    tyediri Posts: 183 Member
    Like! :)
  • guthriemdg311
    guthriemdg311 Posts: 7 Member
    It started on Easter and carried over to yesterday, but today is a new day. Gotta get back on track.
  • tyediri
    tyediri Posts: 183 Member
    Exactly! It was just one day and you are allowed! You aren't going to put on pounds and pounds of fat.
    In my case it was 4 days, so a little bit naughtier than you. I too have a wedding dress to fit into in August. :)
    I ATE on Easter.. I ate chocolates.. I ate dessert... I ate cheesy sourcream potato casserole (full fat)... I ate ham... I ate yams with marshmallows on top... I ate homemade kettle corn.. I ATE and ATE and ATE. I didn't feel sick.. I didn't feel gross.. I didn't feel guilty... I just had a great time with my family and fully enjoyed these lovely once-a-year foods.

    ONE DAY.. it was ONE DAY. Yesterday I was back on the straight and narrow. I've got a VERY TIGHT wedding dress to fit into in three weeks so I can't afford to let ONE DAY bleed into the entire week... But even with a tight wedding dress staring me down, I afforded myself ONE DAY guilt free.
  • tyediri
    tyediri Posts: 183 Member
    A slightly longer detour on the road to weight loss. We will still end up in the same destination. I like that! :)
    Yeah, I went on a 2-day Easter binge when I got together with family. But I'm back in the saddle again and tracking my calories and exercise. Easter was my little detour on the road to weight loss.