Yikes! Who else went on a Easter binge?



  • nhughes808
    nhughes808 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm trying very hard to not feel bad about it because I have been very good since January and I figured I deserved a nice holiday. Ate too much chocolate and cookies and holiday food. Stayed on my feet moving all day (a whole lot of hulahooping) and logged what I could to try to be accountable. Scale told me a gained 7lbs, over the weekend. Now I know that's pretty unlikely but it seems to be clinging even after getting back on the wagon yesterday and running a few miles. I'm still up 5 extra pounds.

    Someone please tell me you can't gain 5lbs in a weekend... pretty please.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Someone please tell me you can't gain 5lbs in a weekend... pretty please.

    You can't gain 5 lbs in a weekend :tongue:
  • starrylioness
    starrylioness Posts: 543 Member
    On Sunday, I ate everything I could get my hands on. I regretted it hours later, when I had a migraine and an upset stomach. But I got back on track Monday and today so...
  • KatDJZ
    KatDJZ Posts: 224 Member
    Oh man did I binge! Not just on Easter Sunday sadly... I went to my parents' for the weekend and ate non-stop from Friday until Monday morning. I felt like crap after a lot of it but just kept eating anyway. But I'm back on track now and was pleased to see that I'm only up 2 lbs. I thought it was going to be so much worse!
  • tyediri
    tyediri Posts: 183 Member
    You can't! Don't worry. It will come right back down in a few days. Just eat and exercise like you have been since January, and it will be fine.
    Don't beat yourself up. Just start logging again. :) xx
    I'm trying very hard to not feel bad about it because I have been very good since January and I figured I deserved a nice holiday. Ate too much chocolate and cookies and holiday food. Stayed on my feet moving all day (a whole lot of hulahooping) and logged what I could to try to be accountable. Scale told me a gained 7lbs, over the weekend. Now I know that's pretty unlikely but it seems to be clinging even after getting back on the wagon yesterday and running a few miles. I'm still up 5 extra pounds.

    Someone please tell me you can't gain 5lbs in a weekend... pretty please.
  • Marcel182
    Marcel182 Posts: 143 Member
    It wasn't that bad, but I did eat an entire chocolate bunny yesterdsay (a big one!) and some small choco eggs. I did an extra workout session later in the day to compensate and gave the remaining choco eggs to my coworkers, let them dispose of the evil.

    Today I'm back to being a good boy.
  • kstand0053
    kstand0053 Posts: 15 Member
    Yeah, I did not go crazy on sweets, even avoided the chcolate pie!! But I did go overboard on delcious food from my Mama! lol... I do feel guilty!!! :( But I got back on track Monday! Like some of ya guys the scale seemed to reflect that I gained 2lbs, but I hope that it was just water/sodium/food weight!
  • kuolo
    kuolo Posts: 251 Member
    Yup. My husband got me a huge easter egg. We ate half of it over 2 days then I had to throw the rest of it away as I couldn't stop eating it. So there was some damage limitation!
    But I know from experience that if I eat sweet things, especially chocolate, a few days in a row I start to crave it like crazy and I wanted to nip that in the bud.
  • amandajones1978
    I was pretty good, I only ate one cadbury egg on Easter. It was the ham that did me in, I am retaining water like crazy. ugh.
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    I was pretty good, I only ate one cadbury egg on Easter. It was the ham that did me in, I am retaining water like crazy. ugh.

    I stepped on the scale yesterday just for fun.. I was up 6 pounds.. SIX POUNDS.. It's starting to come off now though.. I was up all night peeing like crazy. A few more trips to the bathroom with a good healthy BM thrown in for good measure and I'll be back to my pre-Easter weight.
  • SarahxApple
    SarahxApple Posts: 166 Member
    I didn't do too badly Friday, Saturday, Sunday yesterday was a total write off, I travelled back from Coventry to London (not far I know) but this meant I ate lunch out then had snack food on train then got home and had more snack food as all my 'real' food was frozen, I stopped logging as I have no idea how much any of it was. Today I went to CrossFit and I am at the gym this evening. Determined to make up for it.
  • noni1989
    noni1989 Posts: 7 Member
    had a pretty bad weekend food wise!!
    had take away pizza then ate my entire egg in 2 sittings... this thing was BIG
    oh and i ate a lindt gold bunny

    trying to get back on track today!

    i just love chocolate so much its my weakness!!
  • tegalicious
    tegalicious Posts: 629
    I didn't have a "bad" weekend or a "binge". I enjoyed every single calorie :). 19000+ calories for three days of awesome :). That includes my regular food and then the Easter treats! I weigh in on Saturdays but expect to only put on 1 pound at the most. And I can easily take that off with a slight deficit :). No shame and no regrets :). My diary is open too!
  • trobius
    trobius Posts: 6 Member
    My Easter binge was an extension of my Palm Sunday binge when my parents came for a visit. A visit from my mother always means over-eating.
  • Urban_Princess
    Urban_Princess Posts: 219 Member
    i wanted to cry last night. I had a proper cheat meal on Sunday (I ate a lot of ham, then had cassava, birthday cake, and apple crumble within reason).

    But yesterday when I got home I had half a bag of almonds and an entire ferrero rocher chocolate bunny. That was 1600cals easy.

    I still feel so guilty. Need to cut back on calories for the week.
  • Urban_Princess
    Urban_Princess Posts: 219 Member
    I was pretty good, I only ate one cadbury egg on Easter. It was the ham that did me in, I am retaining water like crazy. ugh.

    I stepped on the scale yesterday just for fun.. I was up 6 pounds.. SIX POUNDS.. It's starting to come off now though.. I was up all night peeing like crazy. A few more trips to the bathroom with a good healthy BM thrown in for good measure and I'll be back to my pre-Easter weight.

    i am up too but I hope that it is due to water retention. If not then i'll be one sad kitty cat.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    yup. All you can eat brunch.
    Pretty sure I managed to log it all, but I still went about 1500 calories over.

    the good thing is, it's finally getting warm again here so I'm starting regular exercise again.

  • Gohomebay
    Gohomebay Posts: 116 Member
    Ate tons on Sunday, not chocolate well 2 cookies just cause they were there. But had a pile of my favourites, just to much and too many of them in 1 day. This was after a weekend of decent amount of eating and drinking. No Easter chocolate eggs, never had one and don't ever plan on it. Haven't weighed myself, I know I am up, nothing I can do about. Made a pot of chicken soup and other healthy eats figure by weeks end all will be prettier on the scale.
  • kendall916
    kendall916 Posts: 4,222 Member
    Yeah me too. Mine was the Cheesecake Factory ^^;
  • jennifer_a00
    jennifer_a00 Posts: 186 Member
    I ate a lot of chocolate and jelly beans. You are not alone. Trying to get over it today, and still ended up with over 300 calories of candy in my diary. We'll, tomorrow will be easier, mainly because I have eaten most of it...