

  • What results are you looking to accomplish? Weight loss? Weight gain? Toning? Adding more muscle? So, for me to really critque it, i would need to know what results you want. (again, just my own opinon and from personal experience....I am not a personal trainer or nutritionist) Good Luck! :smile:
  • I almost forgot.....Thank You to all the replys! It is great to know there are others out who indulged a bit. Again, GOOD LUCK to all of you! Happy New Year! :drinker:
  • What I meant by Holiday season, was from Thanksgiving to Christmas. So, yes, I might have ate that many extra calories troughout the month of December. We did a lot of baking this year, and my sons b-day is right in there too. And, my exercise program went out the door the last 2 weeks of December - very busy times! But,…
  • I have a lot of different videos, ranging from Power 90 to Turbo Jam and some Slim in 6 videos, along with some Denise Austin, and some pilates videos. All of which are different intensity and length. I have to say, I am a bit of a workout video junkie.......I get bored often doing the same thing. :smile: Anyways, I just…
  • Just wanted to add that you aren't the only one to do that ! I LOVE to bake, and when I think I will not have any of the goodies that I bake, I end up having more! Its hard. I hear ya! Theres always tomorrow!! Have a good day!
  • randrmom10 ~ you are right that a heart rate monitor will give you the best estimate, but even they can be off a bit. I understand that there are certain things that you can and can't enter into a machine, depending on the machine itself. But, again from my experience, the gym elliptical should give a more accurate reading…
  • I would say that the gym elliptical is more accurate. Usually the more information that you can enter about yourself (ex...weight, height, age, male/female) the more accurate it will be. Hope that helps!
  • I am confused, are you actually gaining the weight, or are you going off of the "if I were to eat like this everyday" button at the bottom of your food journal?? If you are going off of what it tells you, I have to say you can't always follow it - its just an estimate. Another thing, from my experience, eat your calories,…
  • I have to sister showed me this a couple years ago, and they are really good omlets...and healthy. NO grease or butter. And, I was shocked at how moist they were. This is a great idea that I had forgotten about....I think that's what I am making for supper. The kids will love to mix their own ingrediants! :)
  • Just wanted to add that I had my body fat % checked this morning at my local YMCA. It was nice to know, and I highly reccomend that a person have it tested professionaly!!! According to online my fat% was between 23-24% which is healthy, BUT....when I had it done this morning, it came in at 19.3% which was considered…
  • Gottaluvboyz~ (ha, ha):laugh: glad to see your happy that your ta-tas are shrinking! I wouldn't mind if mine grew a bitwho am I kidding, I mean a lot!! (((was never blessed in that area)))Thanks for the little chuckle!
  • good afternoon!!:happy: Got in CP this morning, along with 6 min abs from slim in 6. Hoping for some lifting tonight while watching 'Greys Attatomy' (sp?) Gotta run and take a quick shower befor the little one wakes up.
  • well, no workout today....:cry: I was looking forward to working out after work today, like I normally do on wed. But, then I remembered I had to pick up diapers after work so, I stoped at target, well....with no hubby or kids, I enjoyed myself a little too much! :happy: I got to browse at all the neat new spring stuff…
  • just checkin' in....I got my CP in this morning, but had to stop once for my little one. Am going to aim for the 3T tonight. I just watched it, and it looks like a good kick butt toning workout. just curious?? which lady is janelle?
  • hello ladies ~ sorry its been awhile. Our t.v. took a dump on us last week, so we had to go out and buy a new one. And let me tell you, it was not the funnest shopping trip!!!! My loving hubby (who couldn't make up his mind) and our two little ones (who were with and getting antsy cuz it was close to supper) made this one…
  • good morning! Well, I finally got to try the 20min video. I loved it! The time went by so fast! Hopefully the CP will go by just as fast! I am a little intimidated by the length of that video. Well see how it goes. Hope everyone has a great day! :smile:
  • hello ladies ~ well, I have finally recieved my turbo jam. I only got to try the learn & burn. My dad was up visiting us for the weekend, so it kind of messed up getting to try it out --a little bummed :cry: I also ate way too much this, I am getting excited for a fresh start!! So far, I liked what I did!…
  • Aslanspam - I too have P90, it is a good workout, but I never could get into the swing of things and keep going for the 90 days. (in fact I think I only did it for a full 2 weeks) I got bored with it. I just ordered my TJ and it should be here by thur. I am really excited and can't wait for it to arrive. I hope it will be…
  • Well good morning to you all! :flowerforyou: It was so nice to wake up this morning and see the sun shining. It hasn't shined in about a week here. Its still cold out (only 17 degrees right now) But, its so nice to have that sun out. :smile: I just wanted to say 'hello' to all of you, and to keep up the great work you all…
  • Hey ladies, again I wanted to say thanks for all the help with deciding on which TJ dvd's to get. I took the plunge and ordered my set. I was going to order just the maximum results package, but beach body was offering a discount on the elite package, so I got them both, plus all the extras! (i'm kind of a sucker for deals…
  • Thanks everyone for the help!! :smile: Drangonfly - I was wondering, when you say you got the "variety pack" Was it all 10 videos for one price, or did you have to buy them individualy? Also, has anyone bought used TJ videos on amazon? Was wondering if they were good quality, like no scratches or skips?
  • This is my first time ever writing on the message boards. I have been a MFP member for over a year now, and usually just read everyones post. But, you guys seemed to inspire me a bit. And...I thought you may be able to help me out with a question I have. I currently own P90 (never really got into that) and I also have Slim…