Leslie Sansone Walking DVDs

Has anyone tried any and what is the best way to log them in our exercise diaries?


  • Sherry1979
    Sherry1979 Posts: 457
    I use them every day on days that I don't get to go to the gym and I LOVE them!! I have a heartrate monitor so I enter them by the totals it gives me but I think you could also enter them as aerobics too because that's basically what they are.
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    I use them all the time. I usually log them as walking, brisk pace 4.0 miles per hour. Just put in how many minutes. Most of her tapes are based on approximately 15 minute miles so the 4.0 miles per hour is perfect. Some are a little faster and some maybe slightly slower.
  • jessicajoy87
    I use them all the time. I usually log them as walking, brisk pace 4.0 miles per hour. Just put in how many minutes. Most of her tapes are based on approximately 15 minute miles so the 4.0 miles per hour is perfect. Some are a little faster and some maybe slightly slower.

    Thsi is what I do. I try to average it out and it usually is 4 mph.
  • Natural
    Natural Posts: 461 Member
    i LOVE her walking DVDs. i log the workout as 3.0 maybe 3.5. i low ball it because after several days of doing the 2 mile walk, it's easy.
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Really weird that you're asking this since I just finished one of her workouts just a minute ago! Came to myfitnesspal to log it before I went to bed. :) Anyways, I love her DVDs. They almost seem too good to be true. Everything is super easy and yet it still gets your heart rate up and you burn tons of calories. I wear a heart rate monitor, so I'm able to tell exactly what I burn... I loge it under "walking 4.0, very brisk." I've noticed MFP underestimates for me. I have to manually change the value for the one I got on my HRM. :) No biggie, though. I think it's better to underestimate exercise calories. It can't hurt. You should invest in getting an HRM if you want exact calories burned. I'm absolutely addicted to mine! Good luck to you. I definitely recommend Leslie Sansone.
  • annette02
    I have a lot of different videos, ranging from Power 90 to Turbo Jam and some Slim in 6 videos, along with some Denise Austin, and some pilates videos. All of which are different intensity and length. I have to say, I am a bit of a workout video junkie.......I get bored often doing the same thing. :smile:

    Anyways, I just finished her "Walk and Kick" interval video this evening, and i must say I love it. I always come back to it. It is simple and gets my heart rate up. And if I want to ramp up the intensity, I put on my weighted gloves, or I run in place instead of walk for one of the intervals. They are basic moves that I think anyone can do, which is why I think I always come back to it. I have also tried her "Walk and Jog" interval video, which I also liked, but don't currently own.

    When I log the calories I enter it under aerobics, either low or high, depending on my intensity that day. I definatly think these DVD's are worth a try, and if you have Netflix you can rent these DVD's and try them out without investing the money. thats how I found the ones that I liked.
  • reinventingandrea
    Thanks everybody. Lots of great input here! I really enjoyed doing this workout tonight. I feel like I've done something if I work up a sweat lol.