Turbo Jammers 2/9-2/15



  • megan0313
    So last night I did the Kickin Core routine for the first time. The first 30 minutes are basically a cardio party with very little instruction. It made me feel very uncordinated and we didn't use the ball at all. I did however use the gloves when I figured out it was cardio. The last 15 minutes was ball work. And overall, I thought it was okay, but wasnt sure what kind of workout it was. Well I am very much feeling the pain this morning :happy: . Plus I did burn 395 calories for 45 minutes. So overall, this one was much better than I thought. I do love the ab section & think I'm going to do this everyday since I don't have Ab Jam anymore.

    I'm heading to Seattle tonight to visit my brother & I'm going to workout while I'm there since I know we will be eating out & having beverages. Everyone, have a fantastic weekend!

    Hi msplatts!
    I'm waiting for my Kickin' Core to come...I gave my ab jam to a friend and I REALLY need some ab work, so I'm glad to hear that you like that section. I can't wait to get mine! I LOVE Seattle (I'm jealous)...have a great trip. :smile:

    ...and a shout out to all my Jammin' friends :tongue: I'm did CP3 and 3T today. Gonna try for Booty Sculpt and Abs if I can. Like I said, I really need to tone up!!!

    Have a great evening everyone :flowerforyou:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Just got done PK&J'ing. I think it helped loosen my back a little bit. Eh.

    Good job today on your workouts, everyone!

    Meanness - I don't have a HRM either so I'm no help. Sorry!
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    shapelychic...welcome to the group!

    WTG on the workout, Megan!!!

    Sara...woohoo on the workout! Glad it helped loosen your back a little. I hope you are feeling top notch again soon:flowerforyou:
  • deedun
    deedun Posts: 361 Member
    I have a confession....:embarassed:

    I have not worked out since last Saturday :sick: :noway: and I am really feeling it! It is really hard to get back into the swing of things after missing just one workout and it is after having a knock on effect of the rest of the days workouts and eating habits.

    My water intake had dramatically dropped and my food is not what it should be! Ever since I went out with the girls last week I have totally messed up my routine and I am kicking myself..

    I am off tomorrow so I am thinking of just waking up and going straight into a TJ workout to get me back on track as I was doing sooooo well..

    I hate when this happens to me :cry: and I have no one else to blame...

    I think I need a MAJOR kick up the backside :devil:
  • megan0313
    Hey deedun!
    Don't beat yourself up about it! :heart: Just jump right back on the bandwagon and you'll be fine. I know in the past when I've taken a break from working out and eating right for whatever reason, as long as I didn't go totally crazy and it only lasted a few days, it even helped my progress somehow. I'm sure if you get a good workout in tomorrow you'll be right back on track!
  • msplatts
    Megan - I'm very curious to hear what you think about Kickin Core. Please let me know after you have tried it. It does really work your core. Hard to tell while it's happening though. I love going to Seattle too. Should be fun.
  • meanness67
    meanness67 Posts: 366 Member
    Did Turbo Sculpt tonight - 367 calories per the HRM! :smile:
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    I have a confession....:embarassed:

    I have not worked out since last Saturday :sick: :noway: and I am really feeling it! It is really hard to get back into the swing of things after missing just one workout and it is after having a knock on effect of the rest of the days workouts and eating habits.

    My water intake had dramatically dropped and my food is not what it should be! Ever since I went out with the girls last week I have totally messed up my routine and I am kicking myself..

    I am off tomorrow so I am thinking of just waking up and going straight into a TJ workout to get me back on track as I was doing sooooo well..

    I hate when this happens to me :cry: and I have no one else to blame...

    I think I need a MAJOR kick up the backside :devil:

    Don't be embarrassed. The first couple time I drank myself stupid after changing my habits....I couldn't get back into them either. I would attempt to eat healthy and then binge. I wouldn't exercise for days afterward. I wouldn't drink water, which is DUMB, since alcohol dehydrates you....it was a downward spiral. But the good thing is, we learn from our mistakes and move on. Last time I got "fall down" drunk...as punishment I made get up and do cardio...I didn't have to do it perfect and I didn't have to even push myself, but I HAD to do it! Not only did I feel better afterwards but I drank my water and I made healthy food choices. Now when I drink I just know in the back of my head, that it's a night "off" not a week (or 2 or 3) off.

    You will be fine. Don't beat yourself up if you don't see a change in the scale this week...just look forward to next week and move on. It's all about adapting.
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    I did CP2 yesterday for the first time with a heart rate monitor. I had been logging it as aerobic-general with 390 calories burned. While doing it with the HRM, I only burned 300 calories :angry: . My intensity was too high - I kept going over my targeted heart rate range. Maybe that's why, even though I've been bringing it when I work out, I still wasn't losing much - my intensity is too high. :huh: :noway:

    Any thoughts from the experts??

    Before I got my HRM I was working too hard (didn't know at the time of course) and I was losing weight steadily. The first week or so after I got my HRM it was hard to stay within my target zone. And just when I figured it out, I changed the settings (since I had lost 8 lbs since I got it) and now I am adjusting to get within my zone again. I think higher intensity burns more calories but it's harder on your heart. "They" (the experts) do say that for optimal weight loss you should be at 65%-75% to burn fat while exercising AND during recovery. 60-65% just burns fat during exercise. This same article also says that working at over 75% does burn more calories but less fat.

    I don't know if that answers your question but I gave it a shot :) Congrats on gettin your workouts in!
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Thanks for the invite and the encouragment. I will definitely continue to be apart of your support as i need it. I do the tapes everyday and go to the gym 4-6 days a week. I have the first set and am now interested int he second set you all are talking about. Today I did CP1 and tonight I will do Ab Jam and 20 minute. GO LADIES!! Keep up all the hard work. :smile:

    Welcome to the group Shapely. Happy that you have decided to join us.
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hi Everybody,
    Getting ready for AB J &20 min - I'm trying out a steamer thing - vegies all cut up too! So when I'm changing dvd's i'll just pop in the kitch and turn the thing on and when I finish it will be time for din din. Never used this thing before hope I don't over cook them.
    Just had to type that I was going to work out b/c I really want to just goof off and channel surf but i've typed it now so guess i'm going to do it.:grumble: :laugh:
    I am starting to trip on this HRM thing ~ do I really need one? I was feeling fairly safe with guestimating the calories burned but I wonder???
    Since I don't have one is it best to work out at less than full capacity and just log the CP's as high intensity aerobics rather than kick boxing? (weight watchers theory is if you are sweating after 5 minutes its high intensity) I'm a little confused :noway: and hope you all can help.

    Glad to see everyone is working out ~ now it my turn!
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Did Turbo Sculpt tonight - 367 calories per the HRM! :smile:

    No kidding?! I really need to get a HRM...I log mine under strength training and get a much lower number:grumble:
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Dragonfly...I'm worrying about the same thing:huh:
  • megan0313
    Hey Dragonfly, how'd your veggies turn out? As far as the HRM thingy...I'd say as long as you're losing weight and feel good there's no need to trip. :noway: However, having said that, I know I did the same thing. I was so worried that I was estimating too many calories for my workouts, and I used kick boxing witch is even more than the aerobics I think. When I finally got my HRM back it said I was burning like 2x what I was recording! My point is that I'm betting you're definitely underestimating your exercise calories, which is probably fine, unless you're feeling run down or not seeing your weight move.
    Long story short (too late I know :ohwell: ), I think I obsess just as much with my HRM as I did without it. Now I worry that it's somehow reading too high and I'm afraid to eat anywhere near those calories. Sometimes I think I was better off just using the database...I dunno, I'm just an obsessive kind of person and probably the last person to give you good advise on this! Just know I sympathize!:flowerforyou:
  • annette02
    Hey ladies, again I wanted to say thanks for all the help with deciding on which TJ dvd's to get. I took the plunge and ordered my set. I was going to order just the maximum results package, but beach body was offering a discount on the elite package, so I got them both, plus all the extras! (i'm kind of a sucker for deals - expecially since I wanted some of the videos in the elite package) I am so excited!:happy: They will be here in 5 days!

    Thanks again! I'll be checking in soon to let you know what I think TJ.
  • jalley31
    jalley31 Posts: 24 Member
    Hello Turbo Girls! I did CP3 in the morning yesterday and T3 and 10 mins of Ab Jam later that night. I just did CP2 and I am either really sore or have screwed up my knee! I think I was kicking too hard! LOL! I am having a hard time figuring out what to do tomorrow! What do you guys think? Keep working hard! The weekend is almost here! Yeah!
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Wow 4 pages and it's only Thursday evening...I'm SO HAPPY!!! I'm happy that all of you love TJ as much as I do. I love that this little thread...and believe me it was really little a few months ago is now a source of motivation and support for so many of you.

    Annette-I'm happy that you decided to order the dvds. You will love them. They will be so different from anything you have ever done, you won't go back to boring workouts. Those 9 lbs that you have left to lose will fall off!

    Jalley-glad to see you workin it girl. Sorry you hurt your knee though. Take it easy, don't make it worse.

    Dragonfly and Kelly- I totally agree with Megan....as long as you are losing weight, I wouldn't stress it. The BIGGEST benefit that I have gotten out of having a HRM is that I don't need my asthma inhaler during every workout because if I stay in my target zone I don't feel like I can't breathe. When I was working to hard, within 15 mins I would need my inhaler or I wouldn't be able to finish the workout. Now I can do hours with no problem. I often wonder how accurate my HRM actually is but I'm not stressing it. The scale is still moving in the right direction and that is all that truely matters.
  • deedun
    deedun Posts: 361 Member
    Well I broke my bad phase!

    I just woke up this morning and read what drevonsmom said and went straight to working out!! :laugh:

    For my punishment of not working out since Sat I jumped straight into Fat Blaster and man was that tough! I really felt wiped after it and Im typing this now drenched in sweat!

    So I'm gonna eat my breakfast before I shower as I am starved after that!!

    Thanks for all your advice/pep talks/kicks up the *kitten* as it worked :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    (P.S. Still waiitng on my HRM, the company which I ordered from is really annoying me now, I send them emails everyday asking for an update and they keep fobbing me off :grumble: )
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Good job, Deedun!!!! Fat Blaster is a good way to jump right back into things! 30 min...but you FEEL it! Keep it up!

    Annette - You're gonna love it! I'm a deal freak myself. LOL Hope you stick around with us!

    Jalley - When my knee hurts, it is usually b/c I'm kicking funky. Try paying attention to your form. Sometimes you just get in such a groove with it that you forget to do things "properly" so you don't get hurt. Just ask my shoulder. LOL Hope it isn't sore today!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Good Morning Ladies,
    Happy Friday! Thanks for the suggestions about the HRM ~ I am going to (try) not to worry about it and just keep on moving!.. I can be so obsessive about stuff sometimes.. one minute it's the scale, then next it's food, now the HRM, lol!! Todays motto ~ just relax and enjoy what you're supposed to be doing!! Take it easy!!
    That being said, started off fresh at 415 this am with CP, Woo Hoo!! and now I'm in the office getting ready for the day.
    Annette - Congrats on making a decision (i'm a sucker for a deal too:laugh: ) but this was by far the best choice I made !!.. I know you are going to love it ~ I was checking the mail box daily waiting on the box!!!
    Jailey - my left knee has been sore so I know what you mean. I think i'm going to try 3babybeans' advice and check my form ~ i can be so uncoordinated :tongue:
    Deedun- So glad you are out of the slump!! FB is a monster and a good reminder why I don't want to stay away too long!! I kmew you could do it!!
    Drevansmom- Always such a cheerful and supportive word ~ that's such a gift. Really glad you started this thread and all connected. The support has been amazing!! and look at many of us their are now.. we're growing!!:happy:
    (((BIG HUGS))) to all I missed ~ have an outstanding day:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: