Turbo Jammers 2/9-2/15



  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Jalley...I have been having some problems with my knees as well! I hope you feel better soon! WTG on your workout!

    Thanks for the advice regarding the HRM:flowerforyou: Like Megan, I'm a bit obsessive too:ohwell:

    Deedun...woohoo!!! WTG:drinker:

    Sara...how is the shoulder?

    Dragonfly...you amaze me w/ these early morning workouts! Seriously!!! Keep up the awesome work:flowerforyou:

    The next 2 days will be a tad bit crazy around here...my oldest son turns 5 tomorrow (what a sweet little Valentine he is:heart: ). We'll be busy cooking, baking, and cleaning today to get ready for tomorrow's party:bigsmile: Have a great weekend all:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Only lost 1 lb this week...better than nothing! I had a hard time eating all my cals this week and I think that's why. I will just hope and work towards 2 lbs next week. My goal is 175 by the end of Feb. That will put me 10 lbs from my goal. Then my March goal will be 170 and April 165! I think 5 lbs per month isn't too much to ask...is it???

    Have a playdate to attend today so I need to go get my workout in....I'm gonna do Fat Blaster and 3T. If I have any energy tonight, I'm going to try to get in either the 20 min or maybe CP2.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
  • Well good morning to you all! :flowerforyou:
    It was so nice to wake up this morning and see the sun shining. It hasn't shined in about a week here. Its still cold out (only 17 degrees right now) But, its so nice to have that sun out. :smile:

    I just wanted to say 'hello' to all of you, and to keep up the great work you all put in. It really does motivate me! I still am waiting for the arrival of my TJ (be early next week) so, untill then, I think I am going to do some BORING tredmill work this morning. And of course, my lifting tonight.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Kimono
    Kimono Posts: 367
    Hello, I just did my cardio party, wondering how many calories that would burn for a 130 lb woman.
  • Hi Everyone!
    Got my Kickin' Core DVD today. Haven't had a chance to try it yet, but I can't wait! Have a great weekend and a Happy Valentine's Day!
  • deedun
    deedun Posts: 361 Member
    Morning everyone!

    I just completed PK&J WITH the gloves!! I really enjoyed it!

    Happy Valentines Day everyone!!
    :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • deedun
    deedun Posts: 361 Member
    Those of you with HRM's, what cals do you burn after completing PK&J ??

    The exercise database says is around 560 :noway: .. Is that anywhere near what you get??
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Deedun-I clocked 500 the last time I did PK&J. So it's close (remember mine is based on a 30 yr old at 180 lbs, so it's different for everyone).

    Kimono-Calorie burn depends on so many different things. Those of us that don't have HRM use High intensity aerobics or kickboxing from the exercise database. Hope that helps you, and please feel free to stick with us. We always welcome new Jammers!

    Megan-Can't wait to hear what you think of the ball workout. Like I've said before it's probably not something I will ever buy (unless we get a bigger house and I have the room to do that kinda workout), but I'm interested in hearing what you think of it.

    :heart: :heart: Happy Heart Day to everyone!:heart::heart:

    I will be working out today because we are going to a hockey game tonight and eating "concession" food for dinner. Plus last night and went a little crazy with my movie snacks....I just couldn't get that "satisfied" feeling so I kept stuffing my face.....Part of it probably was emotional eating cuz my hubs and I had a minor argument after dinner. Totally my fault, I was wound up and frustrated and something little just blew up...boy did I feel dumb afterwards. :cry: Anyway all is good today. I don't know what workout I'm gonna do....I'm thinking CP2 cuz it's my fav.
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Good Afternoon Jam Friends,
    Happy :heart: :bigsmile: Day to Everyone. If no one told you yet.. You all are deeply loved!!
    Megan - Glad you got your ball work out - I have a different one I use and it is challenging and fun!
    Deedun - Really back on track, PK &J w/ gloves!!! That's fantastic!! The gloves really add something don't they!!
    Kimono- Great job on CP - that one is still tough for me and burns lots of calories.
    Drevansmom- I don't know why V-Day seems so emotionally challenging for us ladies? I know it can get that way for me too! I get my expectations up and then have a blow out over something minor, lol!
    We had one here too... over car insurance... how silly! It'sall good now but I still have to look at myself sometimes and just shake my head... very gently though:wink:

    Did CP3 and AB jam this morning and got a really good work out in. Sitting here now w/ "miss clairol" on my head hoping to get rid of the greys:laugh: Going to be a great day, a day to give love and show love! Shouldn't it be that way everyday??

    Love to all I missed:heart: have a great day!
  • jalley31
    jalley31 Posts: 24 Member
    Hello Turbo Girls! Well I have been bad bad bad today. Instead of going out to eat for VDay we decided we were going to order Mexican Food! AHHH! So I feel totally bad because I ended up eating chicken fajitas, the refried beans and the rice! Oh and a few nachos! OH and 3 pieces of valentine candy! What a mess! But I did 40 minutes on the ellipitical machine and plan on doing CP3 tonight....if I don't have a belly ache! LOL! Hope you guys had a great Valentines day and you guys did better than I did today! I will jump back on the exercise/diet wagon tomorrow!
  • deedun
    deedun Posts: 361 Member
    Morning everyone :flowerforyou:

    How are you all feeling today?? My head hurts from the wine, vodka, shots and cigarettes I smoked last night!! :ohwell: I dont usually smoke,i really dunno what came over me!! I am feeling very "icky" now so I just filled my bottle of water and going back to bed for a while :laugh:

    I'm really feeling the weighted gloves today!! I can feel it in my back and underneath my shoulderblades. I'm gonna use them on each workout from now on, up the intensity and hopefully burn more cals..

    I think i will do the 20min dvd along with the firs 10 of AbJam for today's workout, keep it easy for my tender body :laugh:

    I'm back in work tomorrow morning for the first time in 5 months :noway: (I was in college but my fiance got made redundant so i have to go back and try and do college at night) and I'm starting to get nervous now! The last dept I was in, I got accused of all sorts of things by this one person so I am hoping, and have everything crossed, that my new department will be a lot less stressfull with NICE people this time :tongue:

    Drevonsmon thanks for that, we're not that far off each other! Cant believe that PK&J burns that much! It's brilliant :happy:

    Talk to you all later, have a good workout everyone :flowerforyou:
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Good Morning Ladies,
    we made it thru the V-day and all the accompanying treats!! Yea for us!! Haven't done anything yet this morning, I am making Sunday my easy day ~ just take it easy. PLan on doing either s(cuplt or lower body) + ab jam , haven't decided yet.
    Just wanted to check in with you guys and let you all know I'm thinking of you!

    Deedun - hang in there, girl, and try to do something today.. as soon as you can:laugh: I ate a whole bag of pop secrect homestyle popcorn watching movies last nite. Not the 100 cal variety! It was sinfully delicious and I enjoyed every chomp! Feeling a tad bloaty today , probably due to all the sodium ~ I should have drank more water. But it was sooooo good!! No worries, though, just another step in the journey. Back on track with clean eating today!! As for the new department ~ it's exactly that, new. Leave all the old junk behind, keep an open mind and make a fresh start. I trust that God will give you some nice people to connect with:happy: !

    Check ya later:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • meanness67
    meanness67 Posts: 366 Member
    I had to make my BF chocolate chip cookies for VDay last night and I was bad...mmmm cookie dough! :love:

    Back to it today. I already did 30 minutes on the trreadmill first thing this morning and will be doing PK&J here shortly. I will be using a heart rate monitor and will let you know how many calories I burn (41 yrs old, 169 lbs).

    I start Chalean Extreme tomorrow :ohwell: I will be doing before pics and fit tests :grumble: I'll still be filling in the rest days with Turbo workouts!

    Hope everyone has a great remainder of the weekend and a nice holiday tomorrow! :smile:
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    I can honestly say that I had a great day yesterday. Now don't get me wrong, I ate some v-day crap but I didn't eat near as terribly as I could have. I had conversation hearts, 3 small sugar cookies with frosting, and 2 cherry cordials. Did I count any of them?? HECK NO!! but I had about 500 cals left over from my meals so I figure I did good, considering I could have been REALLY bad.

    We went to the hockey game last night and I thought we were going to eat concession food for dinner but hubby opted for a sandwich place before the game instead. So I had a "healthier" option for dinner. And then at the game I had water and a few of my son's Dreyer's Dibs (or whatever they are called).

    I've been stressed with the new "job" this week and have eaten through some of those feelings. But today I am just exhausted. I told my hubby before I got out of bed that I didn't plan on doing a darn thing today. I'm going to be lazy and I wont feel bad about it at all. If the weather is nice this afternoon I may go for a walk, just to get out and get some fresh air....not necessarily for the exercise.

    Proud of those of you that are working out today...I really need a day off. OH I measured this morning ....
    I'm down an inch in my chest, 2 inches in my waist, an inch in my hips, an inch in my thighs and a half inch in my arms, and 6 lbs from Jan 15.
    This is so weird to me because from 12/15-1/15, I lost 7 lbs and only 2 inches over all and now I've lost 6 lbs and 7 inches (overall). I'm guessing that my body is not only changing due to exercise but finally getting back to "normal" since the baby. My mother said that our bodies can take 7 to 10 months to recover from carrying a child. Well I'm at 7 months so I'm hoping I see more positive changes in the next 3 months.
    Sorry to be rambling today...I feel pretty chatty :wink:
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Good afternoon...it's been crazy around here the last few days as my oldest son turned 5 yesterday. We had a party for him last night, but I did pretty good and didn't go too far overboard. I'm back on track today!

    I did P, K, and J today along w/ Ab Jam. Wish I had more time to chat, but I've got to get going on laundry!

    Have a great afternoon all!!!! Keep on keepin on!
  • meanness67
    meanness67 Posts: 366 Member
    As promised, here's my cal count. Per my HRM I burned 279 calories doing PK&J. My HRM considers me pretty unhealthy with my sedentary work days and I have to tone it down a little when it starts beeping at me like crazy (except during TURBO-I ignore it then). Hopefully as my heart is healthier, I'll be able to up the intensity and burn more cals.
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    As promised, here's my cal count. Per my HRM I burned 279 calories doing PK&J. My HRM considers me pretty unhealthy with my sedentary work days and I have to tone it down a little when it starts beeping at me like crazy (except during TURBO-I ignore it then). Hopefully as my heart is healthier, I'll be able to up the intensity and burn more cals.

    I hate when my beeps forever too. I try really hard to stay in the zone and I had it under control until I updated my weight....now it beeps a lot again. I too ignore it during Turbos, that's the point right...to get your heart rate WAY up. What bothers me is when it doesn't come down quickly afterwards...you would think if you go from high intensity to low intensity that it should drop within a minute or so, and sometimes mine doesn't. That tells me I went a little too far.

    Good job for getting your workout in...I'm still in my pjs :laugh:
  • Hi Everyone!
    Just did Kickin' Core today and it definitely kicked my butt! I thought the cardio was pretty intense, and I think I'll be feeling the ab work tomorrow!

    Drevans_mom, awesome progress! 7 inches is amazing! :flowerforyou:

    Meanness, I'll be anxious to hear how Chalean Extreme is. I'm seriously thinking of getting that soon.

    Have a great evening everyone:flowerforyou:
  • meanness67
    meanness67 Posts: 366 Member
    UGH!!!:frown: I just had my BF take my before photos for Chalean Extreme...you talk about things that motivate you...OMG they are gross!:noway: :grumble: :mad:
    I can't wait to get started tomorrow!!!
  • Kimono
    Kimono Posts: 367
    I am a long distance runner, and most of my workout consist of running.(35 miles a week) But I am trying to do more crosstraining. I did Turbo Jam on Friday, (cardio party) I really didn't feel like I was working that hard, in comparison to running workouts. But I was soooo sore the next day, pretty much every muscle hurt. Crazy! Totally convinced me it was a great workout.
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