Turbo Jammers 2/16-2/22

Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
edited September 19 in Fitness and Exercise
Welcome Turbo Jam Addicts!!!

Sorry I'm late today. The site was down last night and I slept in this morning :smile:

Now let's get this Party STARTED!


  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Welcome Turbo Jam Addicts!!!

    Sorry I'm late today. The site was down last night and I slept in this morning :smile:

    Now let's get this Party STARTED!
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Good afternoon Jammers!

    I just completed P, K, & J:smile: I'm planning for some pilates later this evening once the kiddos are in bed.

    Question...for those who have CP 2 & 3...which do you like better? I want to get another one:wink:
  • Hi Everyone!
    Today I did PK&J and Kickin' Core. I think I need some practice on that ball though, I just seem to flop around an alwful lot! :huh:

    Gottaluvboyz, I have CP2 and 3 but I haven't done CP2 in months, I don't remember why, I'll have to try it again, but I love CP3!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Afternoon Jam Fans,
    I overslept this morning and missed doing CP2 :grumble: did lock my office at lunch and got in 20 minutes of pilates so i did something. Going to shoot for Fat Blaster when I get home or CP2.
    Did Lower Body Jam and Ab Jam last nite and that was a good combo!

    Gottaluvboys- I think I prefer CP3 - there is a great capioera (sp) at the end that I adore!! Bit both are really good!!

    Have a great day everyone ~ it's going to be a great week.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • deedun
    deedun Posts: 361 Member
    Hey everyone!!

    I never managed to get my workout in yesterday but I did manage to bring the dogs on a 20min walk instead!

    When I got home from work today I done the TJ20 + AbJam + Weighted Gloves.. That is me done for the day!!

    I am wrecked after my first day back in work but after doing that workout I'm all pumped up!!

    So how did everyone else get on today??
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Just poppin in to report that I did get my workout in today.
    CP1 and TS

    Kelly---I like both....I don't think you will go wrong with either.
  • Beeks5
    Beeks5 Posts: 41
    Hey fellow Jammers!!

    No I did not fall off the face of the earth .. just had one heck of a busy week! As it will be for the next couple weeks until skating and hockey are done! But I had managed to get a workout in almost everyday .. I find during "that time of the month" that I am drained. So now that I'm done the energy is flowing yet again! So here's to another great week and kick *kitten* jamming! Take care y'all and i'll chat with you soon!!:wink::drinker:
  • Aslanspam
    Aslanspam Posts: 2 Member
    Hi All,
    I'm trying to choose between Turbo Jam and P90. I respond best to music, so does that mean I should go with Turbo? Also, does anyone know of any discount coupons to order the set on beachbody?

  • jalley31
    jalley31 Posts: 24 Member
    Hey turbo girls! I got my workout in at the strike of 12 am! Hehe...So I did CP1 and AbJam. My knee is feeling a whole lot better so far so maybe I will kick it up a little tomorrow...we will see. Maybe with the weighted gloves but they are busting at the seams! I have to buy some new ones....LOL! Talk to ya'll tomorrow! :)
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hey Jam Friends,
    Good morning!! Overdid yesteray w/ my food - over by 800 cals and exercise was low :grumble: but it was DH birthday so we just enjoyed each other and the evening:heart::heart: :heart:
    Back on track this morning w/ CP2 (thank you, Gottaluvboys). And AB Jam scheduled for this evening, possibly pilates at luch - we'll see how the day goes.
    I love CP2 and 3 so anyone who's looking for good cal burning and sweat producing workouts won't be disappointed at all.
    Beeks - glad to see you're back ~ missed that smile:happy: and glad you've been getting your workouts in!
    Jaiiley13- Glad the knee is healed -mine is much better too now that I started paying attention to my form( thanks Drevansmom)
    Hope all have a fantastic day!!

  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Good morning!

    Beeks...hi-glad to hear you have been getting in your workouts! Keep up the great work:flowerforyou:

    Pam...I know nothing of P90, but I do know I LOVE Turbo Jam! It's a great workout and if you respond well to music I think you will really like it:smile:

    jalley...12am-that is dedication! WTG!!!!

    Dragonfly...WTG on getting back on track. I got off this past weekend w/ V-Day and my son's b-day, but started back up again yesterday. You so inspire me w/ your AM, lunch, and PM workouts! Talk about some dedication:flowerforyou:
  • aslanspam - I'm also looking - you can get the turbo jam on ebay - brand new etc with everything for 64.99
  • deedun
    deedun Posts: 361 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Got my Bootyscupt+Abs dvd today and had to try it out. 30mins of a workou but I am not impressed with it.. Dont feel like I did anything althought my *kitten* and thighs were burning...

    I am having a really hunger day, havent had my dinner yet but I only have 95cals left after adding in my exercise cals.. Havent got any energy left (thim TOM is on the way!) so cant get in another exercise so think I will just have a small bowl of crunchy nut cornflakes for dinner :ohwell:

    How is everyone else getting on?
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Deedun-if your thighs and buns were burning you were doing something....you were changing the shape of your body. Exercise should be fun and you shouldn't finish thinking you are glad its over, you should think that was fun can't wait to do it again. I think if you do that dvd a couple more times you will enjoy it. I'm sorry you are having one of those days...they happen (especially if TOM is near). Don't let it get you down, don't starve either. Eat something healthy and drink your water.

    aslanspam-if music moves you than Turbo Jam is what you want. I dont know anything about p90 but I do know one of the other ladies here (where is Sara anyway???) has both and she has quit doing P90 because she enjoys the Turbo so much more. I think if you google turbo jam discount codes you will find some. Hope you will order them and join us. We love them and you will too!

    Martyfen-I hope you will get them and join us as well. They really are great, fun, dancy, but work your butt off workouts.

    Jalley-if it was that late I would have been sleeping, not thinking about gettin my workout done. Good for you!

    Hello Dragonfly and Kelly. Glad everyone is gettin their workouts in.
    Megan, if you are out there and I missed your post I'm sorry.

    Beeks nice to see you back, hope this week goes well for you.

    Well I managed to get my workout in. I did CP2 and the first 10 mins of Ab Jam. During my Cardio I managed to stay in my heart rate zone for almost the ENTIRE workout. I was SO proud of myself....however I didn't burn quite as many calories :ohwell: But I'm glad to know that I am improving in this area and my HRM doesn't beep at me the whole workout. I will be walking this afternoon if the rain/snow stops and it warms up a little.
    Have a great day! :heart:
  • I everyone!
    Just finished Kickin' Core and Booty Scupt and Abs

    Drevans_mom, thanks for saving me alot of typing :tongue: I agree with every comment you made!

    Deedun, here's a suggestion when you're feeling better (sorry you're feeling bad), I do Booty Sculpt and Abs after a cardio. Usually Fat Blaster, and I burn tons of calories cause my HR is still up a little from the cardio and I keep it up slightly for another 30 mins doing the weights.

    Glad to see you back Beeks!

    Meanness, where are you???? Have you started Chalean Extreme yet?

    Have a great evening everyone!
  • deedun
    deedun Posts: 361 Member
    Thanks everyone for your comments!

    I really need to up my exercise time, so in future I will combine all the sculpting dvd's after I complete the cardio workous, it's just getting the spare time :laugh: :laugh: but in order to achieve what I want I have to make the extra effort!!

    I'm not having a bad day girls just hungry and lacking in energy but tomorrow is a brand new day and I will get a 30mins extra in bed (YAY me) so there will be no excuse in not having time for an extra workout!! I already plan on doing CP+TS !!
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Good afternoon to all! WTG on getting in those workouts ladies!

    I don't have a lot of time to shout out to everyone, but hope you are all having a great day:flowerforyou:

    I just finished CP and TS...w/ TS I upped my weights from 3 to 5 pound weights for the first time! I definitely felt the difference! WooHoo me!!!!
  • Hello Everyone,

    I had a 4 day weekend with really good intentions. I was in Seattle staying with my brother & he doesn't even have a stove or an oven so we mostly ate out. Plus we were so busy I didn't get any workouts in & I had a large amount of alcohol both Friday & Sat night. BUT, I am back on track today & plan on working out tonight.

    Just wanted to say Congrats to drevans mom on the inches lost. I'm thinking I should measure. It's probably a better indicator. Also, I have both P90x & Turbo Jam. TJ is much more fun to do. The P90x are really good workouts, but mostly weight lifting reps & less FUN! I think TJ is a better motivater - especially if you are motivated by music.
  • Aslanspam - I too have P90, it is a good workout, but I never could get into the swing of things and keep going for the 90 days. (in fact I think I only did it for a full 2 weeks) I got bored with it. I just ordered my TJ and it should be here by thur. I am really excited and can't wait for it to arrive. I hope it will be a lot of fun. But, for the P90, it is a good workout; just gets a little too repetiative (and somewhat boring) for my taste. Hope that helps! :smile:
  • Beeks5
    Beeks5 Posts: 41
    Hey girls!!

    Only had time to squeeze in a 20 minute workout .. but I took the kids for a walk in the nice weather .. hopefully it stays!!
    Glad to see this group growing .. the more the merrier!! hahaha

    Well talk to ya later .. gotta run .. Happy Jamming!!:drinker: :happy:
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