Turbo Jammers 2/16-2/22



  • jalley31
    jalley31 Posts: 24 Member
    Hey Turbo girls! I did CP2 this morning and plan on doing T3 in a bit after dinner has digested! Do ya'll know if the weighted gloves come in different weights? Need to order some new ones! Glad to see everyone is starting their week off great! Keep up the good work!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hey All,
    Just finished lower body jam and ab jam! getting ready for a ww ice cream sandwich and bed!! Glad everybody got a workout in and is hanging in there - I'm so tired I just need to shut it down.
    Jailley - as for the gloves I thnk they come in only one weight!

    Nite guys ~ catch ya tomorrow!!
  • deedun
    deedun Posts: 361 Member
    Jalley, I noticed there are black ones on ebay which weight a bit more than the blue ones so check them out!!

    I didnt loose any weight this week but I kinda expected that!! Although now that is two weeks in a row I didnt loose :grumble: I know its my own fault...

    Now I am more focused on working my *kitten* off for next weeks weigh ins..

    I am so tired, so I think I will take a rest today and go tomorrow with a 1hr workout!!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Good Afternoon Jammers,
    Boy was I tired last nite - I knocked right out!! Got up at 415 this am and did CP3 before work - man, I love that work out!! Really gets the blood pumping ~ I have a meeting after work tonight so I wont get in til probably after 8pm. Plan on AB Jam for tonight and hopefully FB - that might make up for my overindulgence Monday so I won't be disappointed for weekend weigh in.
    Scheduled for my women's retreat this weekend which should be awesome!! But it a spiritual thang and no laptops or dvd players encouraged.(they even request limited cell use so we can use the time to concentrate on our spiritual beings:heart: ) There is a very small weight room with this bow flex sorta thing and a treadmill so I won't get to Jam on Sat/Sun (unless I get home Sunday and am inspired to workout - I will probably be exhausted, LOL, I usually am) I have some pilates cards that I use when I go there and I will do a low high on the treadmill -60min on Sat and Sun to make up for it. I will have to get up early(as usual :laugh: ) so I'm not a treadmill hog. I will weigh in when I get home.
    Bringing my own snacks too ~ they always feed us way to well, lot's of that comfort food~ that isn't really so comforting when you are trying to watch it.

    Hope all my friends are doing fine and taking care of themselves ~ keep on after it!!
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    I need to get off my butt & TJ, but wanted to check in since I haven't yet this week.

    Mon - TS, AbJam, CP
    Tues. - FB, PK&J
    Wed. - Haven't decided yet. :laugh:

    I see the light at the end so I'm getting anxious getting these last 5# off! I need to see if I'm going to be happy there or if I want 5 more to go away. We'll see.

    Glad to see everyone still Jammin'! I'll try to check in more again. I'm kinda falling off the MFP boards. :ohwell:
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    dragonfly...have a great weekend! WTG on this morning's workout!

    Sara...WTG on this week's workouts! 5 more pounds...how exciting! Keep up the good work:flowerforyou:
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Almost forgot...CP and then went back to my BL Cardio Max dvd and did Level 1 (20 minutes). I like Bob, the lunges, and some of the exercises w/ weights.
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Sorry no time to read right now, on my way out the door but I wanted to say I got my workout in.
    CP3 and 3T!

    :heart: to all!
  • megan0313
    Hi ladies!
    Checkin' in with P&J and some 3T.

    babybeans, nice to see you back on the thread...WTG on the 5 lbs to goal!! :drinker:

    Dragonfly...you are amazing! As much as I love CP3 I can't imagine getting up at 4 am to do it! :laugh: You're such an inspiration...have a great retreat weekend!

    drevans_mom and gottaluvboyz....great workouts ladies!

    Have a good evening everyone :flowerforyou:
  • Pineapples
    Pineapples Posts: 246 Member
    what is CP
  • Kimono
    Kimono Posts: 367
    I am wondering if I have all the DVD's you gals have. What is 3T and there are a few other's I can't figure out too. I have puch, kick and jam. Cardio Party, Abs, Toning and 20 min. Are there more than the ones that cam in the basic package, and if so what are your favorites?
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    what is CP

    Abbreviation for Cardio Party (there are also Cardio Party 2 & 3...so CP2 and CP3).
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    I am wondering if I have all the DVD's you gals have. What is 3T and there are a few other's I can't figure out too. I have puch, kick and jam. Cardio Party, Abs, Toning and 20 min. Are there more than the ones that cam in the basic package, and if so what are your favorites?

    Currently I have the maximum results package...Punch, Kick, & Jam, Learn & Burn, 20 min workout, Ab Jam, and Cardio Party. I'm trying to get my hands on another Cardio Party (2 or 3) via ebay. From what I understand Fat Blaster is a good workout as well. I'm not sure what 3T is...hmmmm...interest sparked:wink: I'm sure others can give you more suggestions! At this point I would like to get them all:laugh:
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    WTG on the workouts Megan and drevans mom!!!!:drinker: :drinker:
  • megan0313
    I am wondering if I have all the DVD's you gals have. What is 3T and there are a few other's I can't figure out too. I have puch, kick and jam. Cardio Party, Abs, Toning and 20 min. Are there more than the ones that cam in the basic package, and if so what are your favorites?

    3T is kind of a toning program using the green band that came with my package. It's really good for overall toning. It's not cardo though. I like it alot and when I have time I do some or all of it after one of the cardios. I usually alternate with that or Booty Sculpt and Abs. I know you can get both of those and Fat Blaster on amazon, and you can probably get the band there too, but I've seen those a places like Walmart as well.
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Jessmomof3 is a beachbody coach & really helpful if you have any questions about any of the beachbody products! She's helped me out a lot with questions I've had with all the programs.

    Final tally for the day? AbJam, CP, TS and 20 min. I'm wiped out....and desperate for the last 5# to be gone! Can you tell? :laugh:
  • msplatts
    Today I did Slim in 6 - 6 Minute Abs & then TJ 3T. I also checked my progress today. I've gained 3 pounds but have lost some inches. So overall I am happy. Have a great night everyone!
  • Beeks5
    Beeks5 Posts: 41
    Way to go fellow Jammers!! You all are so amazing!! And 3babybeans .. all those workouts-Wow .. I would be surprised if you weren't tired!! Make sure you take it easy tomorrow!! haha!! Anyways just checking in to let you all know that I got in my Fat Blaster (as usual)! I am a sucker for punishment sometimes!! Well take care and have a great evening!! Later Jam Buds!:drinker: :heart: :smile:
  • Kimono
    Kimono Posts: 367
    Thanks for the info ladies, I didn't know there were more. I did cardio party today. I will have to look for cp2 and 3 now.
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    I'm so happy to see all of you gettin your workouts in. Sara and Dragonfly..you two are crazy. Kelly you are gettin up there too!
    Now that I have an extra child in the house I just cant get more workouts in. I am making the best of the ones I do though. I got a lot of walking into and that always makes we feel good....not sure it's the walk or the sun finally shining....either way I :heart: it.

    Sara I'm prayin for you on those last five lbs...heck I'm prayin I loss ONE lb this week....

    I don't know why but these last two weeks have been really rough. I'm working out, but my cravings and eating too much or too little are just killing me. Trying really hard to get control of it but you know when you slip a little you slip a little more and than your sliding...then you catch your balance and you think your safe and then you fall on your face....ya that's what I've been going thru. I think I'm suppressing stress and it's showing up in my eating. Oh heavens I'm just gonna vent for a minute....

    Okay so the new "addition" to the house (5 yr old girl that I'm baby sitting) is really bringin out terrible behaviors in my son. Ok not terrible but...maybe typical of an almost only child. He's bossy and rude and demanding and it drives me crazy. I constantly find myself gettin on his case about getting OFF her case! UGH! I do have to admit this week has been much better than last and if the warming weather will continue, we will survive.

    I went to see a mortgage loan officer to see how much we could qualify for on a house loan. We'll we qualilfied for as much as we wanted but the payments are just way too high for us to handle right now. So now we have to either look into smaller homes or moving to the next town over where the schools aren't so great and there is a lot of gang violence etc etc etc. Hubs and I thought we were moving up in the world and now we feel so defeated :cry:

    And lastly (be prepared this is pretty rude), I am SOOOO tired of people this website that are continually whining about "I can't believe I ate this..." or "I don't want to exercise..." or "I think I just want to quit..." I know we all have our weak moments and we need shoulders to lean on to help us thru but when these posts appear day after day, week after week, from the SAME individuals...I just want to tell them to QUIT!!! They obviously aren't mentally prepared to make this change in their lives. Lifestyle changes such as eating healthy and exercise takes a lot of planning and focus and WANT! If you don't want it, you aren't going to get it. Apparently they just don't want it enough and I'm tired of hearing about it! Sadly it has turned me away from some of my favorite threads (obviously not this one, all you ladies are great hard workers, that's why I'm venting here). I'm sorry, but I needed to get that out. I'd love to tell the people personally but that wouldn't be very MFP like :grumble:

    Thanks for reading....time for bed, see you all tomorrow.