Turbo Jammers 3/2-3/8



  • msplatts
    msplatts Posts: 43
    3babybeans - I think you should do it. What a great opportunity! I would jump at a chance to do it. :bigsmile:
  • micheleg7
    micheleg7 Posts: 34
    Sara WOOHOOOO's! How exciting for you and what a great opportunity. I agree with all that has been said before, you should definitely go for it. But regardless, what a great victory for you, to have someone see your expertise and enthusiasm and recruit you! WTG girl.

    Again, thanks everyone for your generous welcomes yesterday. You made me feel right at home.

    I did a BOSU workout this morning and I'm counting it as a TJ workout cause Chalene is one of the instructors on the DVD. By the way, the BOSU is the next best thing to TJ. I don't usually laugh during a workout, but bouncing on the top of the BOSU just makes me giggle. I love it! Nothing better than a good giggle during a workout.

    I'm feeling so good! I forgot how much working out makes me feel GOOD. Gotta love those little endorphins running amok in my body for 24 hours after a workout. SIGH what a heavenly thing. Why don't I ever remember that when I'm in the midst of a pity party or a binge?

    ANyway, have a great day. I'll check back later.
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Sara WOOHOOOO's! How exciting for you and what a great opportunity. I agree with all that has been said before, you should definitely go for it. But regardless, what a great victory for you, to have someone see your expertise and enthusiasm and recruit you! WTG girl.

    Again, thanks everyone for your generous welcomes yesterday. You made me feel right at home.

    I did a BOSU workout this morning and I'm counting it as a TJ workout cause Chalene is one of the instructors on the DVD. By the way, the BOSU is the next best thing to TJ. I don't usually laugh during a workout, but bouncing on the top of the BOSU just makes me giggle. I love it! Nothing better than a good giggle during a workout.

    I'm feeling so good! I forgot how much working out makes me feel GOOD. Gotta love those little endorphins running amok in my body for 24 hours after a workout. SIGH what a heavenly thing. Why don't I ever remember that when I'm in the midst of a pity party or a binge?

    ANyway, have a great day. I'll check back later.

    Hold the phone...Michele! You have SEVEN kids!!! Good for you! People with a "more than average" amount of children these days are always an inspiration to me. Looking at your pic, I thought, "Oh, she has 3 beautiful daughters...and 4 other kids to boot! Wow!

    BOSU is something I've never heard of, but you have sparked my interest now!

    And thank you. I've been thinking long & hard on it today & I'm getting ready to e-mail her as soon as the monsters are asleep for their nap (which should be any second...Thank the good Lord).
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member

    I totally agree with Dragonfly and Gottaluvboyz! You should go for it...at least seriously look into it! Who knows what opportunities it might open up for you, and you don't want to look back with regret. If nothing else you can proudly say you gave it a try! :smile: And I think the kids would love going with you to the gym and getting some play time, and what a great lesson for them...that Mommy cares enough about herself and them to take such good care of herself. It's definitely not selfish! I'm really glad you had such a good night...and I have a feeling you'll be rubbing elbows with Janelle before long!! :wink: :laugh:

    Today's a rest day for me (kinda), my mom and I are going to my sister's which is half way across the state, so I'll be gone all day. I'll check in tonight to catch up.

    Have a great day everyone!

    Thanks for that, Megan. I'm nervous! Eeek!

    Have a safe trip! I hope you enjoy your time at your sister's house!

    Dragonfly - Good morning! You are such a positive force on this board! I love seeing you around!

    Msplatts - It is just something that is SO foreign to me. TJ is the first workout that I've actually WORKED OUT to, kwim? I played tennis in high school, but that didn't require much "working out" and I've done other things, but nothing that I've stuck to. It just seems like it came from so far out in left field that it took me off balance, I guess. I will suck it up & see what comes of it!
  • deedun
    deedun Posts: 361 Member
    Sara this is an opportunity you CANNOT pass up!!

    Just think, if you get "in" with the crowd, in no time at all you will be wining and dining with Janelle and chaleane!!

    Have you emailed her yet?? If no, DO IT NOW !!
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Michele...WTG on that workout! My interest is sparked as well:wink::laugh: Keep up the great work!

    Checking in w/ TS and Ab Jam here...planning on some cardio later this evening. For the record can I say I'm happy my ta-tas are shrinking:bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • annette02
    annette02 Posts: 23
    good afternoon!!:happy:

    Got in CP this morning, along with 6 min abs from slim in 6. Hoping for some lifting tonight while watching 'Greys Attatomy' (sp?) Gotta run and take a quick shower befor the little one wakes up.
  • annette02
    annette02 Posts: 23
    Gottaluvboyz~ (ha, ha):laugh: glad to see your happy that your ta-tas are shrinking! I wouldn't mind if mine grew a bit
    who am I kidding, I mean a lot!! (((was never blessed in that area)))Thanks for the little chuckle!
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Sara I'm so glad that you had a great time. I'm sorry that Jalene wasn't the instructor. I'm hoping that you are thinking seriously about the opportunity that has been presented to you. What a wonderful thing to be able to do what you love AND make some money! I hope you have looked over that website I posted. There was a page that talked about how to "market" yourself to gyms so that they would hire you even though you don't have "gym" or teaching experience. Even if you are teaching just a couple days a week it would be a good experience for you kids to get out and interact with other kids or other adults. I hope you have sent your email and that she can answer all your questions. Don't let this be a "what if" regret.

    Good job to those of you that have worked out today. I'm not going to workout today. I'm not feeling well (I'm too old to go out drinking alnight, I wish I would remember that BEFORE and not AFTER the fact). If I can "recover" by this evening maybe I will get something in before. Right now it takes all I've got to not puke when I turn my head to fast :sick: stupid stupid stupid!!!!

    As for the job interview yesterday...it wasn't really a job interview, it was more like "come in so I can meet you, cuz you already have the job." I will mostly be working from home. I've been in the mortgage business for about 6 years. I started out processing loans for mortgage brokers and then moved up to preparing closing documents for a lender last year before corporate came in and laid us all off last May. Of course I was 7 months pregnant at the time, so I've been a SAHM ever since. The job that I will be doing now is processing loans again. It's been a long time since I've done it but with all the changes that have happened in the mortgage industry, it doesn't matter what I don't remember cuz it's all new anyway.
    The lady was very understanding of the fact that I don't want to be in the office a lot, that first and foremost I'm a mother, and that although the additional income will be nice I don't NEED a job right now. I will need to spend some time in the office at first so that I can learn how they do things, but after that I will only be in the office when I have to be. It's a contract position, commission pay, so I don't want to have to find a day care to pay when I'm not making any money.
    We did find out yesterday that hubby's hours are being cut so with him being home more I will be able to transition into this new job easily.

    Sorry for rambling... I need to put the baby down for a nap and then shower. Hope everyone is having a great day.
  • micheleg7
    micheleg7 Posts: 34
    Sara Thank you! I'm so glad I can be inspiring to someone instead of "that crazy lady with 7 kids"! LOL That's what I usually get. No really, it's been a pleasure to be the mom to so many wonderful kids and such a relief that they've turned out so well.

    gottaluv LOL about the shrinking ta-tas. I'm so glad you're happy about that.

    annette enjoy your workout and Grey's (it's one of my favorites too). But I agree with you about the shrinkage, I've not wanted mine to shrink!
  • Good evening ladies!! You moms are all an inspiration. I am divorced with no kids so to see how much time you all make for yourself is wonderful. Being healthy and fit has always been a struggle for me(especially since my mother is 5'5" and has weighed 125 my whole life). And she eats whatever she wants. Her advice to me today was eat what I want and don't think about it...that works for her. Yeah right!

    Anyhow, sorry for the ramble but just want you all to know you inspire me to workout cause if you can do it with kids who am I kidding. I did CP1 and Ab Jam this am and will do the 20 min when I get off work. So thanks for inspiring and Sara aka 3 babybeans you should so become an instructor, it will be great for you and your family. Thing of how awesome that would be to meet the women who got us all motivated everyday. GO FOR IT and don't think twice.

    Great night all and JAM!!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hey Everybody,
    Checking in before I shut it down for the night - Just finished FB and getting ready to dig into lean Gourmet pizza - and I'll still have about 500 extra calories. I think that's part of why I work out ~ so I can eat:bigsmile:
    No sweets for me for 8 days now ~ the fruit is actually starting to be as good as a kashi bar or a sugar free chocolate pudding...........ok, :ohwell: who are we kidding ,here, hahaha but I made it thru today!!

    Drevansmom - sorry, you were a little under the weather today. Future reference: a little salt, couple of asprin and a big glass of water really holds off the "morning after" effects. that's a little wisdom from my college days~ sounds crazy and probably not that healthy (salt) but it worked every time... at least everytime I could remember to do it,:laugh: Another great remedy a big fat greasy cheeseburger!!
    Hope you feel better really soon. Glad the job is going to work out for you ~ you deserve it.:heart:

    Shapely - glad you're here with us - we need you too!! Great job on your workouts today:drinker:

    Annette- I wasn't gifted there either, alas, my gift was in the other direction!! All pear shaped:wink:
    I can't afford any shrinkage!!! Enjoy your workout!!

    Michele, I can't scroll back to view your post but what's bosu?? It sounds fun!!

    Nite to all I missed - see you tomorrow,
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    No sweets for me for 8 days now ~ the fruit is actually starting to be as good as a kashi bar or a sugar free chocolate pudding...........ok, :ohwell: who are we kidding ,here, hahaha but I made it thru today!!

    Nite to all I missed - see you tomorrow,

    I don't know how you do it. I think all I have done is eat sweets for the last three weeks. I don't know what my deal is lately. I can't seem to get my eating back in check!! It's driving me crazy. Most days I stay in my cals but I have been over more in the last 3 weeks than I have in the last 6 months!
    Oh Yea...nice to meet you Janet :flowerforyou:

    Shapely-good job on your workout today!

    I'm still feeling :sick: tonight. Not sure if it's still the after effects of last night or if its the greasy yuckness I had for dinner :sick: Hoping to wake up feeling much better tomorrow. The additional child will be here bright and early so I guess I should get to bed so I'm physically and mentally prepared. Good night all.
  • micheleg7
    micheleg7 Posts: 34
    Morning everyone!

    Janet Bosu is like half of a stability ball that sits on a hard platform, and you use it kind of like a step but it's bouncy. Very fun,

    Drevens mom I sure hope you're feeling a little better today. I"m thinking of you!

  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Thank you Michele. I am feeling much better today. Planning on getting my workout in soon. I was so dehydrated yesterday, ugh! I drank over 64 oz of water and I don't think I went to the bathroom more than a couple times!! (sorry if TMI) Usually when I drink that much (everyday) I go ever hour or so. I'm hoping that all the toxins from the drinks and the few cigs I smoked (stupid) are gone and I can move forward.
    I weighed in this morning...no loss...but no gain. I expected it. I can't continue to eat like crap and think the weight is going to keep falling off. I consider myself very lucky that I lost 2 lbs last week and 2 the week before cuz those weeks were bad as well. So here I sit at 175, hoping that this is just a result of bad decisions for the last 3 weeks and not the beginning of a plateau.
    But....:drinker: Here's to a new week and better choices and working my butt off with Chalene!
    I will check in again after my workout.
  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394
    Good Morning Ladies!

    Checking in with CP3 and booty sculpt and abs. We finally got some nice weather here so I'm looking forward to a long walk later.

    Drevans_mom, glad you're feeling better today!

    Michele...that Bosu ball sounds pretty interesting...I've never heard of it before!

    have a great day everyone!
  • micheleg7
    micheleg7 Posts: 34
    drevans mom I'm so glad you're feeling better today. You hang in there, you'll see a loss next week!

    Megan enjoy your TJ today.

    I didn't get any TJing done but I did go for a long walk this morning and then buzzed around cleaning my house. Spent about 90 minutes getting in exercise and I'm feeling so, so good. I love what endorphins do for me. Why can't I be addicted to them instead of food? lol

  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    I did CP2 (and my push ups) and as soon as I get the kids on the bus I'm going to do 3T. My triceps are already burning, I don't know how I'm gonna make it thru the tricep section :noway:

    Michele I've heard of Bosu but never seen it done. I would think it would be a really good workout.

    Megan great job on your workout and I hope you get outside today. It's turned back into winter here (snow and everything) after the 60 degree weather we had last week :cry: But it usually warms up quickly around the end of March here and THANK GOODNESS I'm so ready for spring.

    I registered for Race for the Cure yesterday!!!!!! I'm not running but plan on walking with a group of friends. I'm so excited. I wanted to do it last year but I was 7 months pregnant and FAT!!! So I'm determined to do it this year. Has anyone else ever done this?

    ok gotta run!
  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394
    registered for Race for the Cure yesterday!!!!!! I'm not running but plan on walking with a group of friends. I'm so excited. I wanted to do it last year but I was 7 months pregnant and FAT!!! So I'm determined to do it this year. Has anyone else ever done this?

    Good for you!!! It'll make you feel SO good! My daughter and I do the "Race for Grace" here on March 28. Sadly, last year a little girl (Grace) who attended Aidan's dance school died of leukemia, and for the past several years the dance school has sponsored a 5K for childhood cancer. It's so inspiring to see all of these young ladies and their families come together...a very touching day!

    Good job to everyone on your workouts!! Have a great evening!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    I only have a quick second, but I wanted to share info with you all! I contact the TK instructor & she invited me to a Turbo Kick Master class tonight & I'm going! YAY! She's also given me information on the Turbo Kick instructor training at the end of the month. A TEN hour day! Yikes!

    Anyways, just wanted to pass on my excitement...again. :bigsmile:

    Talk to y'all later tonight after class! I have a lot of catching up to do, I see! :heart:
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