Turbo Jammers 3/2-3/8

Hi and Welcome to Turbo Jam....

Welcome Back Jammers. Let's have another great week! Thank you guys so much for staying motivated and supportive. This is a great thread!

:heart: :heart:


  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Hi and Welcome to Turbo Jam....

    Welcome Back Jammers. Let's have another great week! Thank you guys so much for staying motivated and supportive. This is a great thread!

    :heart: :heart:
  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394
    Hey there Ladies!
    I'm feeling really high energy today! Just did CP3...hubby's on spring break (he's a professor) and I actually talked him in to trying PK&J again with me later. I'll let you all know how that goes. :laugh: :laugh:
    Have a great day everyone!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Megan - My hubby made it through the death squats for the first time last night & then sat on the couch behind me & said how much he was STILL sweating as I finished the work out. :grumble: I hope you dh does a bit better than that. :laugh: Good luck!

    Morning, Lyn! I started the SAHM thread this morning...we'll see how it goes. :bigsmile:

    I did PK&J yesterday & was waaaaay high on my HR the entire time, but it felt SO good. I think I'll be doing AJ, TS & some sort of cardio today...as well as whatever DH decides to do after the kids go down for the night (either 20 min. or more learning on PK&J). Toning days are my faves any more...I'm not sure why....

    Hey, everyone else! Have lovely days! :flowerforyou:
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Good afternoon!

    Megan...woohoo on this morning's workout and good luck w/ tonight's (you definitely have some energy today!!!).

    Sara...I'm proud of Doug for sticking w/ it! WTG:drinker:

    I did P,K, & J so far this morning. More to come later tonight (spending nap time scrappin'). Have a great day all!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Good Afternoon Beauties,
    The thread is up , Yea!! Thanks Drevansmom! Checking in with you all ~ got in FB this am and have 20min and AJ on for after work.... Possibly CP1 in place of 20min but we'll see how the energy is after I get off work. DH should have wrapped up trial today so that means some us time ~ he was so funny trying to justify why he didn't need to do his push ups yesterday, lol! He did half ~ which is better than
    none ~ so I'm grateful. He is still scared of TJ ~ the whole series ~ maybe I'll try to get him to try the 20min version,hmmmmmm?

    Megan: I agree w/ gottaluvboys, you do have so,e energy working for you today ~ good for you for making the most of it!

    Babybeans: You all crack me up when you talk about the "death squats":laugh: That is the perfect description. I thought of you guys yesterday as I was doing them (Lower Body Jam) kinda kept me pushing thru the burning. Sunday is my toning day ~ I am trying to add sculpt to Tuesday and Thursday but I keep getting scared that I won't get enough cardio.....Trial and error though, right?

    Drevansmom: Hope you have an outstanding day:flowerforyou:

  • deedun
    deedun Posts: 361 Member
    Hey all!!

    I have been ill the past few days so couldnt work out. Just back at it today.

    I did day 1 of ChaLEAN Extreme and after that I got in half of the lower body jam before the burning got wayyyyyy too much for me and I chickened out :laugh: :laugh: I am still not feeling my best so I don't think I did too bad of a workout!

    Tomorrow is a rest from CE so I plan on getting in CP1 and either AJ or TS (prob AJ!)

    I noticed the tickers are gaining numbers!! Congrats Drevonsmon & Dragonfly!! That is brilliant!!

    Well done everyone!!
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    I got in CP and AJ today and believe it or not I did ALL of AJ, not just the first 10 minutes :laugh:

    I love seeing you all posting your workouts.

    Deedun welcome back, sorry you haven't been feeling well.

    Okay Sara...I'm confused..."death squats" in PK&J?? Is that the section where you are doing Hi-Los to the front and back and then triple jabs and etc etc etc??

    Keep on Jammin!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Lyn - YES! Those would be the death squats. I also call the squat/kick part of CP1 the death squats as well. DEATH SQUATS! I hate wide stance squats & doing them over & over & over again makes me want to beat someone. I am VERY proud of you for powering through the entire AJ! Once you do it for a few weeks, it won't be that bad...I promise. :wink:

    Deedun - WTG on the CE! I'm hoping that I'll be at a point around August that I'll be ready for that. I hope you're feeling better soon!

    Dragonfly - Have fun tonight whatever you do! "Us" time is always a good time! Good job to your hubby pushing out half of the pushups! Better than nothing is SO true! My dh did well with learning the 20 min. workout first. FB is too "dancy" for him so he doesn't like to do that one. He thinks he'll like PK&J even more than the 20 min. b/c he feels like he's getting an "intense" workout. Then again, he hasn't "worked out" since his high school years. :laugh:

    Kelly - Have fun scrappin'! I can't wait to see some of the pages!

    My cardio ended up being CP1...complete with death squats. :drinker: Cranked out all 3 for a total of 800 cals! YAY! I love my HRM. :love: It doesn't take much to amuse me. :laugh:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    OH OH OH! I forgot! There's a gym in a town pretty close to here that just opened that my friend joined. She's the one that introduced me to turbo jam & saw there was a Turbo Kick class there so she went ot check it out. Wanna guess who teaches it?! Come on....guess!

    Janelle! Chalene's sister! Soooo...guess who's getting a 14 day trial membership just to go take the class? ME! hehehe I'll have to see if she'll let me take a picture with her. :laugh: I'm sure I'll be escorted off the property, but it'll be SO worth it!
  • deedun
    deedun Posts: 361 Member
    OH OH OH! I forgot! There's a gym in a town pretty close to here that just opened that my friend joined. She's the one that introduced me to turbo jam & saw there was a Turbo Kick class there so she went ot check it out. Wanna guess who teaches it?! Come on....guess!

    Janelle! Chalene's sister! Soooo...guess who's getting a 14 day trial membership just to go take the class? ME! hehehe I'll have to see if she'll let me take a picture with her. :laugh: I'm sure I'll be escorted off the property, but it'll be SO worth it!

    OOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I'm soooo jealous :angry: :angry: :noway: :noway: :tongue:

    You have to get a pic!!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Neener Neener Neeeeeener. :tongue:


    I'm excited to go try it out. If I like the class & the gym, I might be getting a membership. This one has a daycare & an indoor pool & my hubby can get the "corporate" rate that they are offering his employer! I might just become BFF's with Janelle & have lunch & go shopping. LOL A girl can dream!
  • deedun
    deedun Posts: 361 Member
    Neener Neener Neeeeeener.

    I might just become BFF's with Janelle & have lunch & go shopping. LOL A girl can dream!

    :mad: Ok rub it in why dont you :laugh: :laugh: We have feck all here in Ireland! :angry:

    That is brilliant !! I hope it works out for you!! When are you going to check it out?
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Hey, but YOU live in Ireland! I live in dumpy old Ohio! Blah! There's something you have going for you! :laugh:

    I think I'm going to go in the next couple weeks. I have to call Carrie b/c I'm not one to jump into an unknown social situation blindly so she has GOT to meet me there. I'm like a child. LOL
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Sara I got two words for you

    SHUT UP!!!!

    I found the website this weekend that talks about how you can get certified to be a Turbo Kick instructor, buy Turbo gear and other stuff. I'm actually considering getting certified. Of course I still have a long way to go before I could teach a class but I'm gonna keep it in the back of my head. They don't have anything like that at the gyms here. Oh and I'm going to buy a Turbo decal for my car. I'm such a junkie. Hubs even said I could buy some of the clothes from the website...yippee!!

    K gotta get of this silly addicting site. I'll be back later though!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Lyn - You MUST forward me the link to that. I want a decal for the back of my Suburban. Then I can be friends with Chalene, too since our cars would match. :wink: It isn't an Escalade, but close enough, right?! RIGHT?! I think I'm getting delusions of grandure. :indifferent:

    I would like to look into be a class instructor, but umm...let's see...Janelle teaches the class here. People would look at the schedule & I'd get like 1 student that would quickly realize their mistake & run out of there screaming. :laugh:
  • shapelychic
    Hello All!

    I have had some life stressers and fell off of everything last week. Today is a new day and you have all give me encouragement and support to go home tonight and do CP1 and AJ. Just wanted to say thanks and I am back.:wink:

  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Hello All!

    I have had some life stressers and fell off of everything last week. Today is a new day and you have all give me encouragement and support to go home tonight and do CP1 and AJ. Just wanted to say thanks and I am back.:wink:


    Hey, Tressa! I think you "joined" the group while I was a bit MIA so, hello! I'm sorry for your stressers, but i'm glad you're back at it! I hope a little TJ will make you feel better. :flowerforyou:
  • shapelychic
    Thanks 3 babybeans.
  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394
    OH OH OH! I forgot! There's a gym in a town pretty close to here that just opened that my friend joined. She's the one that introduced me to turbo jam & saw there was a Turbo Kick class there so she went ot check it out. Wanna guess who teaches it?! Come on....guess!

    Janelle! Chalene's sister! Soooo...guess who's getting a 14 day trial membership just to go take the class? ME! hehehe I'll have to see if she'll let me take a picture with her. :laugh: I'm sure I'll be escorted off the property, but it'll be SO worth it!

    OMG!! Where do you live...I'm gonna move!:tongue: That is so cool, I can't wait to hear all about it!

    Welcome back Tressa! :flowerforyou:

    I got DH to do PK&J with me :tongue: It was still WAY to dancey for him. He's used to doing about 50 reps of one kick, then moving onto the next move...but he was a good sport about it, although I don't think it's going to happen again anytime soon. :laugh:

    drevans_mom, what web site are you talking about? I was just thinking today that I'd like to look into being an instructor...or at least buying some stuff to feel like one!:tongue::laugh:

    deedun, keep us posted on the Chalean Extreme...I'm trying to decide if my next purchase should be that or a new HRM...mine keeps pooping out.

    Great job on the workouts today ladies!
  • deedun
    deedun Posts: 361 Member
    What's a decal :indifferent: :indifferent: ???

    Oh and BTW Sara, if you ever fancy doing a house-swap just let me know!! I would do anything to live in the US !!