Turbo Jammers 3/2-3/8



  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Hey Everybody,
    Thanks for the link ~ now I am craving all of the Turbo "goodies" (especially that studded hoodie w/ the 11 on it, too cute!)
    Anyway - can someone tell me what the difference is between TJ and Turbo Kick? Sounds like the same thing to me??

    Anyone know?:huh:

    Essentially they are the same thing. Turbo Kick is the workout that Turbo Jam is based on. I don't think there is any real big difference but I may be wrong.
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    I think Chalene owns the rights to the Turbo Kick name while BeachBody owns TurboJam so for Chalene to get the $ & the recognition for her workouts, she puts the classes under TK....does that make sense?
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Good explanation!

    Add TS and 20 min workout to my previous CP...pretty good day! I need to make a bigger effort to get in the TS a few times a week. I was about a month ago...don't know what happened:huh:
  • shapelychic
    Hello Everyone. I am checking in with 20 mintue and AJ, busy day and late start this morning but going to end the day on the right foot with those two workouts. Have a wonderful night and talk to yas tomorrow. :tongue:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    just checkin' in....I got my CP in this morning, but had to stop once for my little one. Am going to aim for the 3T tonight. I just watched it, and it looks like a good kick butt toning workout.

    just curious?? which lady is janelle?

    In CP1, she's also on Chalene's left. In the 20 min., she's on the back right platform. She's usually the one wearing a sports bra showing off her rock hard abs. :laugh:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    I think I'm going to try to get to the class tonight. I thought it was on Thursdays, but I just checked & it is tonight! For my hubby to get the rate they are offering, we have to make our minds up by next week so I need to get there & Sat. is out of the question. Wish me luck! It makes me nervous to think about it! EEK! I've never worked out in front of anybody but my husband before so this should be interesting...
  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394
    I think I'm going to try to get to the class tonight. I thought it was on Thursdays, but I just checked & it is tonight! For my hubby to get the rate they are offering, we have to make our minds up by next week so I need to get there & Sat. is out of the question. Wish me luck! It makes me nervous to think about it! EEK! I've never worked out in front of anybody but my husband before so this should be interesting...

    I'm so excited for you!! As soon as you get home tonight you MUST get on here and tell us all about it! :laugh: I feel like I should tell you not be be nervous...except that I know I would be too! :laugh: I'm sure once you get there it'll be tons of fun though and you'll forget about being nervous. Just don't forget your "W" and to look behind you on your back kicks. :wink:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    I'll try, Megan...but is IS Lost night. :laugh: I have an addiction. :embarassed:

    What's on everyone's workout agenda for today? I'm gonig to try to get in AJ & TS before I go tonight. It is an hour long class so I think I should probably hold off on aerobics b/c Lord only knows what I'm getting into. Yikes!
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Sara...how exciting! You can do it and will do great!!!:drinker: :drinker: LOL about the "w" and looking back on your kicks, Megan. Good job reminding her about her form...she will look like a pro:bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Cardio day here...I'm thinking P,K, & J along w/ Ab Jam and probably some pilates, too.
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Oh, Sara...take a picture! It would be perfect for your 365 Project (not that I'm telling you what to do:wink: ).
  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394
    I'm doing PK&J today too, and either 3T or booty sculpt hopefully. I was going through my TJ stuff this morning and I found my card that you put on your before and after measurements. I did the before about a year ago when I first got TJ and forgot about it. So for the heck of it I took my measurements again. I couldn't believe it! Of course I knew I lost the 15 lbs...but I lost almost 24 inches over my body!!! And it's ALL from Turbo Jam...I'm more motivated than ever right now! :smile:

    Have a great day everyone!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Oh, Sara...take a picture! It would be perfect for your 365 Project (not that I'm telling you what to do:wink: ).

    LOL People are going to look at me like I'm nuts. "I HAVE A PROJECT GOING ON HERE! BACK OFF!" :angry: HA!

    Speaking of 365...oy. I'm so far behind on that right now. I'm sure you'll hear about it more later. :bigsmile: Have a good workout day!

    Megan - That's so great! I was planning on doing my measurments again this morning, but TOM hit & I was not willing to depress myself. :laugh: You're doing so great! :flowerforyou:
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Good Morning Winners!!
    Checking in with CP2 and AB JAm this morning!! I feel great!!. Hope you all do too!! We'll probably be holding Babybeans down lest she float away on excitement!! :laugh: Girl, I am so happy for you ~ what a treat!! Don't be nervous (easy for me to say, lol!!) Just let lose and have a great time:drinker: :drinker:

    Please tell us all about it ~ I know it's going to be great!!

    Annette ~ welcome back we missed you!!

    Shapelychick ~ Good for you for fitting your workouts in even though you're busy:flowerforyou:

    Megan~ I am so proud of you for your inches gone!! FANTASTIC:drinker: :drinker: I'm supposed to do my monthly check in this weekend ~ i'll keep you posted. Thanks for the inspiration!!

    Have a fantastic day all ~ will check in later:heart:
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Sara AHHHHHHHHHHHHH I'm so excited for you. I just wanna run in circles sceaming and jumping for joy. I'm also totally jealous!!!! I would love to go to a class taught by Mindy. I don't know why but I love that girl! I know you will do great. Look at it this way, you aren't a first timer and there may be first timers there. You know a lot of the moves and possibly all of them, it will just be the combos that will take a second to get the hang of. I'm so happy for you that you get this opportunity. What's the 365 project?

    Dragonfly-great job on your workouts this morning!

    Megan-24 inches!! Wow that is wonderful. I don't measure again until the 15th, I'm hoping for some good numbers.

    Tressa-way to get your workout in during a busy day. I don't know about you but I feel like those are the best workouts because you managed to make time for yourself and it helps relieve stress.

    Kelly-have I not been paying attention to your ticker??? I swear it went from 8 lbs to 16 lbs. You are doing an amazing job!

    I have a job interview today. After the initial phone call yesterday I'm actually kinda excited about it cuz it could possibly be a great opportunity. The lady knows that I don't want to be in the office 40 hrs a week, but I'd be willing to work from home as much as I need to and I will put in face time at the office a couple hrs everyday if needed. I'm hoping that she will allow me to bring my DD along when I do need to go into the office, cuz I don't want to have to put her in daycare for just a couple hours a day. It's a commission only job (which is why I don't want to spend time in the office) and the extra income would be really great for my family. I will update all of you this afternoon when I get back. Wish me luck!
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Ooo Ooo Look what I can do.....

  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hi Guys,
    Just had to take a quick peak! Good luck on your interview Drevansmom!! I'll be sending up a prayer for you ~ I know all of our families could use the extra income :laugh:
    I love Mindy too!! She is just so cute and seems to make the low impact look challenging too!
    love the new smilees!!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Ooo Ooo Look what I can do.....


    :laugh: Watch out! Lyn figured out pics! LOL Good luck at the interview! I can't wait to hear more!
  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394
    Good Luck on the interview drevans_mom. Hope you're able to work at home mostly...it's awesome! Love the pics too!

    Great job on the workouts today everyone!!
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Drevans mom...best of luck w/ the interview!!!

    Megan...that is awesome about the inches! You have done so great!

    WTG on all of these workouts, ladies!!!! We are a bunch of awesome gals! Keep up the great work!

    As far as my ticker...this past weekend I hit the halfway point of my goal (woohoo!). I think I had a 3 pound loss last week:huh: No WI this week due to TOM:grumble: I'm getting excited to reach 20 pounds gone!

    Project 365 is basically where you take a picture a day for a year and then group those photos (and perhaps some journaling) into an album/book/etc. Of course there are days when you forget and have to play catch up:wink: I scrapbook and at this point I mainly document my kiddos lives. I thought it was a nice opportunity to document some of DH and I as well (not to mention the day to day aspects of our lives). I believe Sara is putting her photos into a book by Shutterfly, Winflash, etc at the end and I'm putting mine into a super simple scrapbook. We have been sharing our photos on our respective blogs as well.