Lol I'm definitely familiar with Katz :#
Just wanted to write in this post so I can remember that site
You have done such an awesome job. Your an inspiration!
Feel free to add me. I found that adding friends made me feel more accountable.
I lost some boobage. Unfortunitley :( They are still decently sized but compared to how big they were before... they are little.
Bump cause i just use my regular nike's or new balances.
When I workout right after work I leave whatever make up on that day on. I don't wear foundation just a bit of blush and I do up my eyes. So if it gets a bit messy who cares I'm there to workout not be pretty.
The cuts you have now are awesome... ::looking ino doing this dvd in the future::
Im a little said i wanted to see the results :(
I swaet more now during my workouts than when i was at my heaviest. I once heard it could be because i hydrate myself a lot better now so my body has the extra water to regulate my body tempature with. (why we sweat and have hair it's our bodies tempature control system) it seemed kind of logical soi think it could be true…
The workouts you really didnt want to do always end up being the best ones.
<3 the hair cut!
There are some pretty great reasons listed. TODAY I will stay on track because it is my second to last CKO kickboxing class and I want it to count.
lmao haha ::shakes head::
He is only going to do what he wants when he wants... it's life the same goes for you. When you wanted to workout and eat healthier you did because you wanted to not cause someone else thought you should or wanted you too. That being said my fiance is now working on bettering his health and will workout with me (something…
I run a loop in my neighborhood.... And i literally wave and pass some of the same neighbors a dozen times. They don't seem to mind and I definitley don't lol. Go for it!
I saw this commercial and at first thought w.t.f. but than I thought they should show people who run no matter what age or size. I also want to point out that my Fiance was really inspired by the commercial and after it ended literally said to me how great he thinks it is. It is meant to be inspiring if you view it any…
I am engaged and I take off my ring to even do classes. The only workout I do that I leave it on is running. I'm not gonna risk messing it up or ruining it. Rather have it somewhere safe and sound. Ples have you ever had it pinch ya? Not pleasant
My wedding is July 2014. I'm not shedding for the wedding but it'll def be a perk
From what you described you are doing a crunch. It is called a reverse crunch.
I feel like the longer I have been at this healthy life style the more I sweat. Like when i first ran i sweat but now I run the same amount of time and sweat more that profusely.
I have had the polar ft4 since April (in plum) and I love it. I don't know what I did without it!
"Everbody dies but not everybody lives" Drake its true
I'm 5'7.5 wiegh 179lbs and am a size. hope it gives you an idea.
I'm in. my workout could use some spicing up.
Wild animals. Mainly Deer, skunk, and racoons. I dont mid the rabbits or birds. Its the ones that might attack that worry me.
I'm pretty sure anything i would put near my eye i would not consume. For instance eye drops, contact lenses, contact solution. Also there are good things with garlic and bad. Such as with anything we consume.
It just made me sad that having faith is considered a deal break :( I thought things like being an addict, physically abusive, metally abusive, a cheater, a compulsive liar were deal breakers.