RawMomma10 Member


  • Lots of info here!! Tyfs!!! I’m on week four of 16:8 if myself. Found this cool tracker if anyone is interested. I have found it helpful ... Now off to read thru all the info above!! https://lifefastingtracker.app.link/lu9hXjj1hO
  • Kicking butt!!! I am on week 4 of if 16:8... Loving it so far! Found a cool tracker if anyone’s interested... https://lifefastingtracker.app.link/lu9hXjj1hO
  • Been off the last few months due to injury but back at it. I'm doing fasted cardio and YAYOG... I hate the ladders lol but it's a great program... Went they the 12 week one before... Totally struggled but saw changes. Due to injury I can't lift heavy weights yet but can do the yayog.... Super stoked to be well enough to…
  • I don't know what sort of label what I do would be lol.... I have nothing but water as needed after 10pm every nite (unless we r out drinking... Lol ).... Then about lunchtime I do a protein shake, then a snack and or very lite late lunch, and then dinner. Dinner is always the biggest meal in my day ;)
  • I was 80% raw for about two years... U don't eat raw meat... I mean I guess u could but most people don't. It's about eating food in its natural state... Fruits, veggies... Mostly.. Then some people will lightly steam some things... But not full cook them. It's no more expensive then any other way of eating as long as u…
  • I did a program where the coach had us do fasted cardio.... 3-5 miles... Then protein drink then weights..... Then post workout protein after weights.... I did it for a few weeks and then switched it up as I was getting worn out lol...
  • Always do 5 min warm up on the treadmill (speed 3 incline 8-10) or 5 min jump rope before starting... Do 10 min light walk, or yoga stretch after for cool down. Using interval timer set to 12 rounds 1 min work and 50 sec rest 2 sets per excersize Day 1: smith machine lunges smith machine squats standing weighted calf…
  • Because it feels awesome to feel hard muscles where they used to be soft and pudgy..... you feel good in your skin, builds confidence, and is amazing to see what your body can do.... sort of like having a kid... its amazing that your body can grow a baby and pop a watermelon out .... its kind of like that amazing but a…
  • Lol I appreciate u taking it easy on me.. :) I'm not planning on doing it... Simply wanted to hear what the masses had to say.. :)
  • Lmao!!!
  • Thank you all for the replies..... I have been of the mind that just eating right... lots of fiber would do the same thing... so Im glad Im not off base with my way of thinking about this. :)
  • No this is a friend of mine who I have known for years... who prides herself on working out and eating right... but goes in spurts... so the weight is on again and off again..... regardless of all that tho she still does these colonics.... I am just curious as to what other fitness minded people...(like you all) think of…
  • Water retention is so stinking unpredictable that I cant do weekly.. it makes me crazy!! I will do monthly or even sometimes every couple of months...But thats just me... :happy:
  • People are proud of how hard they have worked and want to show off the progress..... its not like they are blasting the pics all over fb or myspace.... so its not about wanting/needing that attention in a bad way.. its about coming to a fitness site, thats supposed to be about motivation and encouragement.. and showing off…
  • Welll even when I have my cheats I am still maintaining my calorie goal.... so... I dont really pay much attention to it... I wait till the weekends for my cheats.... and during the week I work my *kitten* off and I make healthy choices and hit my goals.... so .... you just have to find a way that works for you to be able…
  • This!!!.... If there was a way to spot reduce Id have done so on my mommy muffin top from three kids years ago.... just work hard and get your body fat % down.. the lower your bf% the smaller and smaller it will get... :) Good luck!
  • Yeppers... JWIlsonPix..... now back thru the thread to follow you all.. :) lol
  • Keep in mind too when you took these pictures.. had you just eaten?? Drank some water?..... dont be so hard on yourself.. you will FEEL the differences before you start seeing them... and as with everything else.. we are always our own harshest critics... hang in there dont give up.. keep pushing.... :) <3
  • I have managed to overcome my soda addiction drinking water with mio, hawain punch flavoring, lemon/cucumber water. I indulge in soda mixed with my whiskey on the weekends but thats it..... and I drink 1/2 gal of water everyday. I carry a water bottle with me everywhere I go.... and when I get a craving for soda or…
  • I'm mom to three amazing kids. Im a freelance natural light photographer in AZ. I'm working to get to 18-20% body fat range. I'm at 23.5 % right now. I lift 3/4 days a week and do lite cardio occasionally. I try to not eat Sugar, bread, pasta, or have alcohol during the week. On the Weekends tho I indulge. ;) looking…
  • Depending on what gym you go to... when you sign up some offer a free trainer session..... you can go over form then.... start light... and youll get it... then you can go heavier as you feel ready for it...... and in most places.. they dont mind if you ask questions ... in fact theyd prefer you ask vs hurt yourself... :)
  • LMAO!!!! Thats the truth!! We dont go.. I figure if he has money he wants to blow.. he can come home and get a lap dance he can touch and just give me all his money!! :D
  • I think it'd be great!!! I'd love to meet my friends on here... Do some shots... Lol go lift and recover with fireball baby!!
  • Lol...some of these comments are killing me!! I cheated on a bf before.. I admit it... He was always partying and fishing With his buddies... Eventually another hot male with awesome body And huge sex drive showed interest... It's the natural cycle of things IMO At least for me during that period of my life... If u can't…