Ta11asan Member


  • Happened the exact same way for me.
  • Well i managed to get the squat at 165 tonight to my suprise but ohp at 105 stopped me like a brick wall ...pretty confident i know why though. i was on vacation last week and couldnt lift all week. i didn't realize that missing 3 sessions would effect me that much but after failing squats monday then being able to get…
  • I failed at 165 monday...im hoping i can make it tonight but im honestly not going upset if i dont. Im still on a big deficit so i know my lifts are going suffer until i can up my calories. Squat was my first to fail but ohp is very close..ill be lucky to not fail tonight at 110.
  • I do tuna and tartar sauce!
  • Thanks for the reply. i'll get a video from the back on my next lifting session. it'll be about a week though as i'll be on vacation all next week. -Tim
  • squats 160 x 5 ...this is my 3rd set so i'm already a bit tired so please be gentle on me lol i look foward to any tips as i've only been lifting for about 8 weeks and unfortunately i'm about to my max at 160 =/ hopefully it because i'm still on a deficit and i'm sure i lost alot of muscle when i lost most of my weight…
  • Hi, I'm not sure if these pictures are good enough but i'd like an estimate on my bf% if possible. I'm 45 yrs old 5' 8.5" and as of sunday weight 195.6 lbs I started losing weight back in january of this year (started at close to 250lbs) didn't take before pics though;( while i'd like to continue losing weight i'm getting…
  • I'd be interested if not too late. Thanks, Tim
  • Hi phil, I assume you just started your weight loss and if so my guess is youre shedding alot of water with your diet change. Its normal to lose quickly when you first start but it will slow down as you go. I would still look at your diet though and make sure youre eating enough calories so you lose in a healthy way. Tim
  • I couldnt do one 6 weeks ago but with a combination of stronglifts 5x5 and doing negatives every workout i can now do 5 sets of 3. Keep at it youll get there! Tim
  • i eat pretty much the same thing for breakfast, lunch and snacks every day ....dinner is always different. works well for me. Tim
  • a power rack
  • ^^ yep, I think is more important to focus on keeping what muscle you have while in a calorie deficit. Tim
  • Thanks for posting this! I haven't been getting DOMS like i expected so i'm going to try and incorperate this into my lifting and see if it helps. Tim
  • Welcome to the "hooked on lifting" club! I started stronglifts 5x5 4 weeks ago and i'm always looking foward to the next work out! Good Luck and keep lifting! Tim
  • Thats all that matters. Ignore the scale! it's evil!!
  • My version of a mocha shake : 1/2 gallon original almond milk 4 scoops chocolate protein powder 3 tbls instant coffee (i use decaf) mix well in a blender and freeze in 8 oz containers I was a mocha frappe addict before i started my weight loss journey so i was very excited when i put this together and tasted it I actually…
  • if you're losing inches, i'd keep doin what you are ;) Tim
  • Mike, Yes, I actually have sleep apnea also and use a cpap, good point! Thanks for bringing that up! Tim
  • Thanks for the reply's everyone, I think i'll back it to 7 and see how i feel and if i'm still sluggish i'll just chalk it up to my body only needs 5 - 6 hours. the weather is changing here also so maybe thats got something to do with it ...i always feel run down when the weather changes. Guess i'll just have to do more…
  • Hi, I've had mine 21days now and been wearing it about 23.5 hours a day the past 2weeks. My average deficit over the last 3 weeks is right around 1500....I'm not trying for that big of a deficit I'm just not hungry enough to eat all my cals. I'm looking into adding more cal dense foods to get my deficit to about 1000. As…
  • Thanks Dan, I appreciate another approach. Right now I'm just starting with "you are your own gym" but its a slow start due to health issues. I think I'll set macros at 40/30/30 c/f/p and see how I do with whatever body weight workout I can do. Now that I understand all this better I just have to learn how to hit my macros…
  • Thanks Dan! I appreciate the reply. I havent been wearing it quite a month yet however thats what i've done with the 21 days i have had it. Based on that my tdee is roughly 3450 which is close to what the calcs said also. I cut 30% though as i have about 75lbs to lose. and then re evaluate each 25lbs or so? I hope that…
  • Hi, I hope this doesn't sound like a silly question, I'm just starting out with MFP and have been reading a lot of info here on the boards and learning a lot along the way. trying to process it and find the best way to go about my weight loss is challenging for me because i'm so unfamiliar with these things such as bmr,…