khayashi80 Member


  • No, I mean my actual Resting Metabolic Rate is 2304, meaning that if I did nothing but lay in bed all day, I burn 2304 calories, I got it tested.
  • I've been feeling the same way. For me I think it might be stress. But it seems even eating every 2 hours I can't get enough.
  • I started a week ago Friday (today). So tomorrow I start Level 2. I'm a little nervous. I took one day off this week, will probably do the same for level 2. It is more challenging than the 30DS but totally worth it.
  • I was stuck around 20-22lbs from goal, could not get it to budge. I was livid. I actually went to get my resting metabolic rate tested. Turns out, I am WAY faster than expected. I burn over 2300 calories just at rest. My diet plan was giving me too few calories. Since then, they upped my calorie intake, I am eating every…
  • Wish I could afford it :(
  • bump, I would love to hear!
  • I had a couple of moments, but really amounted to this: 1) I went on a trip to Mexico and had to use my sweatshirt to hide the fact I couldn't buckle the seat belt, I feared they were going to kick me off the plane. When we arrived, my legs swelled up and my husband rushed me to the hospital afraid of deep vein thrombosis…
  • I actually buy a pack of chicken breasts, pound them between 2 sheets of syran wrap until they are thin and then cook them with some pam in a skillet. I use a lot of different salt-free seasonings. It is wonderful because I normally get 4-5 6oz breasts out of it and then can use them as I need them. Ground turkey measured…
  • Now that I am getting close to my goal, I do a little off-plan eating. Basically instead of a whole day of eating, I choose an off-plan item or 2 that I have been wanting. Last time it was a monster cookie and some chips and guacamole. This week will be a dessert for my husband's birthday. That way I have a plan and don't…
  • a bottle of water, package of 2 hard boiled eggs, and a veggie cup or salad.
  • Been there, done that. Little kid sees me on the light rail and says - look daddy, she has a baby in her tummy! Dad looks at me mortified as he realizes that I am not pregnant but severely overweight. I calmly and sweetly as possible said, nope, no baby, I just ate too much candy and junk food. I was so embarrassed. It…
  • Does it say what to do if you got your RMR tested and it is higher than the calculation?
  • I just finished day 30 of the 30 DS, now I am moving to Ripped in 30 starting Friday. Wish me luck
  • I plan to start on Thursday, let me know how you like it!
  • I was not in the least bit fit when I started JM 30 day shred. The first 5 days were rough, I felt so sore and whimpered whenever I moved my arms or legs. However, I stuck with it and pushed through the pain. I have now finished day 28 and have been doing level 3. I've even moved my weights from a 3lb to 5lb set. Believe…
  • I have PCOS, nothing ever seemed to work weight-loss wise for me. However, I have been on SlimGenics for about 14-15 months now and have lost a total of 164lbs. It's just an eating plan and some diet supplements. But I've had major success with it! I've recently added fitness and exercise in as my weight loss has slowed. I…
  • And how do you measure your LBM, I only know my body weight and body fat percentage
  • Sorry, feel like an idiot for asking but what is LBM?
  • I am on day 24 of the 30 day shred. If you go to you tube and enter 30 day shred, you can find level 1. Start there and see what you think. You can also google 30 day shred meal plan and find it online for free. I really like it, each workout is only 20 min, but you work hard. It's 3 minutes of strength, 2 minutes of…
  • Down 161 lbs in 14 months. I started out 324.5lbs now 163lbs. I've done it using mostly dietary change. More veggies and fruits, fewer carbs (though of course some each day) , and leaner proteins. I've also added exercise. It's been life changing. I don't know how to attach pictures or I would. Sorry
  • I'm on day 8 of level 2 (so day 18), I am sticking with Anita as well. Level 2 really works you hard, jeans are definitely getting looser. I'm not going to lie, I am a little worried about level 3. But it's a great 20 min workout.
  • For me, it's that my brain isn't engaged and so it's boring. Also, I hate the feeling really breathless and sharp wheezing. I find the 30 day shred doesn't do that to me and that I am engaged in trying to make sure my form is correct, so it's a little better. I am getting more of the jones to exercise, it just will…
  • Congratulations!!! How inspiring. And what a great response from the sales lady!
  • Hey Paige, Sorry you are struggling right now with what you see in the mirror. I myself have a similar issue. I want to applaud your openness and knowledge that you aren't what you see in the mirror, and that you have made progress. That shows true wisdom. I think one thing that can really help is to notice instead small…
  • I am on day 9 of the 30 day shred. After tomorrow I move to level 2 *gulp*
  • 30 day shred level 1 day 9. Didn't get my walk in, but did some moving when sitting too much.
  • I would love to know what the challenge is!
  • I just made an appointment for mine, at Ways to Wellness in Woodbury, MN. It includes RMR test and a nutrition consult for $125. I can't afford the V02...maybe later ($185). But this should get me some good insight.
  • True I've never gone to 2 fast food places on the way home, eaten it and then thrown away the evidence before dinner
  • Where can you get this tested? I've been curious about mine. How did you find the exercise physiologist?