rayyesnk Member


  • fernt 21, yes my due date is 12/31! I will friend you. thanks everyone. I just re-started using MFP. Turns out I'm anemic so I do need to try and eat meat - and I'm taking an iron supplement on days when I don't eat meat. My appetite is back and I'm feeling better, and getting bigger! (gained 9 pounds since my first dr.…
  • Thanks everyone! I'm going to try and use mfp to track my eating and nutrients (not to lose weight). I just don't want to be eating mindlessly. I'll also talk to my doctor on Friday. Thanks!
  • I'm the same. I'm locked in at 142-ish. I can't seem to break the 140 barrier. I'd like to be 135-138 as well. Do you feel like you've plateaued, or that if you keep at it, you can get there? how long have you been 146?
  • Thanks for sharing. I've always wondered about the 'paleo' diet. I've done the Body Ecology diet which sounds somewhat similar, except with BED, you can eat four grains (quinoa, millet, amarenth, and buckwheat). So it's gluten free, and also free of: dairy (except for kefir, then later, yogurt), processed food, most beans…
  • I sprinkle chia seeds on everything ... just sprinkle them on right before you eat. and Note: they do become gelatinous when combined with water. if you are vegan, I've heard of people mixing chia seeds with water to replace eggs in various recipes.
  • I just took a quick glance at your diary and wonder, are you watching your sugar intake? I wonder if that could have something to do with it. Maybe decrease fruits/ sugars/ and sweets (even things like fruity yogurts can have more sugar than you think) and increase vegetables and whole grains. Just a thought.
  • I've done some research on nutrition and food because I had to change my diet a couple of years ago for health reasons. But I haven't done much on counting calories or weight loss, per se. I lost weight as a side effect of changing my diet. And it seems I have gained some of it back. What type of research is one supposed…
  • Wow, I haven't been watching my sodium! I use organic sea salt so I thought that was ok and healthy. But didn't realize how much sodium it includes. Thanks for the tip. I still don't understand how increasing your calorie intake helps you lose weight. I too, am stuck at 143-144! So frustrating!
  • Hi everyone, I have a similar issue and I'm a little confused about increasing calorie intake. How does it help you lose weight if you UP your calories?? I'm hesitant to do that because I don't exercise enough. I've been doing MFP for 3 weeks now and lost about 1 lb. at the most! (I was down 2 but then seemed to gain them…
  • anything going on with your body is affected by diet, including acne! I stopped eating dairy and my acne cleared up. (Stopped eating cheese but I eat yogurt because of the live cultures). Also, my nutritionist/acupuncturist says to avoid peanut butter (which I don't usually eat anyway). I'd recommend these for normal/ mild…
  • On Sunday nights, I boil 5 eggs and store them in the fridge for the week. Every morning, I have a very quick /healthy breakfast (large brown Trader Joe's eggs have no sugar). You can always add a fruit or something. Just an idea!
  • I personally try not to eat too much sugar and that includes limiting my fruit intake. In fact, I hardly eat any fruits ... sometimes blueberries in my cereal or with yogurt. Maybe instead of oatmeal look for a low-sugar cereal or just eat almonds or other nuts with fruit. ??
  • I haven't read Eat to Live, but I've watched Forks over Knives and I have the cookbook. I try to eat healthy, whole foods and I try to generally eat gluten free. I don't eat many fruits because of the sugar. I don't eat completely plant-based but try to lean in that direction (I feel like I need eggs and some seafood once…
  • my carbs goal is 165!! that seems high, doesn't it??
  • Thanks everyone! I thought these were max levels -- which seemed crazy.
  • Hi, I'm new here too. Female, 37 yrs old; weigh about 145 and looking to lose 10 to 15 lb. Totally open to sharing my stuff (food/ exercise diary). Nice to meet all of you!!
  • give yourself a break, you just had a baby! And your weight sounds perfect. maybe you need toning/exercise?? I wish I weighed 132. I'm at about 144 and trying to lose 10 lb.
  • Hi, I just joined MFP 3 days ago. The recommendations set for me seem low, too. The calories seem fine (1200) but the fiber and protein levels seem really low (14 and 45). I'm only trying to lose 10 lb. and I eat pretty healthy. But I realized I've been alot of fats (nuts, avocados,) and I normally eat WAY more fiber than…
  • I'm supposed to eat 1200 a day for 1 lb. of loss a week as well. I only joined 2 days ago! so far, it's not easy. It's not so much staying below the calories, but eating the right balance ... I'm finding it hard to stay below my fiber and fat max. I eat pretty healthy but I guess I eat too much fiber and fats (although, I…