You are AMAZING!!! What a great job you have done - way better than I have done! In the side by side photo, it looks like a mother and daughter together! That must make you so proud of your progress!!!
Definitely good to hear. Today will be day 16 for me and while I see a difference, the scale says I've gained!
Today makes Day 16 for me. I'm on level 2 and it kicks my butt. I am drenched in sweat before it's over and I crawl to my mat for the cooldown. My tip would be STICK with it and don't stop during the workout. Even if you feel like you can't go a second longer, it's short and you CAN do it!
I am! :-) I haven't been consistent yet. I did the Start it up probably twice and I've done Ramp It Up 4 or 5 times maybe. I think it will really work for me if I would do it every day.
Ninja 500R
You are not alone although I don't think many people understand unless they have the same problem. I get it and do the EXACT same thing. When I thought about how I got to the weight I was in the first place, it was along the same lines. Now, I do great and think I've kicked the beast, and before you know it - BOOM -…
I know this is a joke, but YES, forever alone checking in...
Impressive results - great job!!!
Great job - you look so healthy now!
LOL - love it! If you were really her husband, this would be perfect!
Spread it on warm toast. If you still don't like it, add a little peanut butter on top of it.
^^^^ 2up ^^^^ He looks like an umpaloompa - just shade him purple!
You can do this! Download the free C25K app to your phone and start today! Oh, be sure you get a sports bra that's going to keep you stable so you're not fighting those! :laugh:
I'm dealing with this now. Definitely see an orthopedist - I made the mistake of going to my family doctor. They did an x-ray, but he didn't examine my knee or even look at it. Wrote me an anti-inflammatory Rx and said it would go away. It hasn't and is much worse now because I didn't take a break. Now that I'm hitting my…
You can't trust him. A trustworthy boyfriend would have told you the minute she asked him and he would not have been in contact with her again. Kick him to the curb and find a real man!
Oh my goodness! A new person completely!!!! WAY TO GO!
C25K app is free if you have 30 minutes/day...
Divorce is not the answer. Get counseling and work through it. That's what committing your life to someone else means - good and bad, better or worse, in sickness and health...
I'm right there with you. I did the first day of C25K yesterday and thought I was absolutely going to die. I can't imagine the day I jog 30 minutes solid. Seems impossible, but I'm not giving up yet - I just started! Trust me, I HATE IT, but we can do this girl!!!
Yes, stick with the program as I did session 9 yesterday and it was NOT easy for me. I haven' t really been challenged except for the overhead presses until yesterday. Now I have myself all freaked out about if I'm going to be able to do the next session - is my form right - what am I going to do about these callouses, etc.
You've done an amazing job! WOW!
Glad to see so many! I just did Day 1 yesterday. I thought I was going to DIE, but I made it!
- - get the 5x5 free app for your phone and it will get you to whatever weight you want without trying to keep up with it in your head. I'm at 85 pounds for my squats tonight.
Deep depression => emotional eating => self-loathing => more eating
Absolutely gorgeous! You should be so proud!
140. I was 120 at your age and people thought I looked too thin. I'm 5'5 and a half.
YES! WTH? I think the fitness devil has infiltrated facebook!!! I have commented on a couple of my really close friends posts to tell them to knock it off, but it seems there are more each day.
What the what? You are a rock star!
Another vote for StrongLifts 5x5: MFP also has a ladies group for this program.