Nmt100 Member


  • The NHS does not promote 800kcal diets to 'normal' overweight/obese people. There is a 12 week NHS diet plan which recommends 1400kcal a day for women and 1900kcal for men and gives you nutrition/exercise goals each week which a GP will direct you to. It suggests alongside the plan to start cardio and strength training…
  • I got a part time job at McDonald's when I was 16. I used to eat at least 3 McDonald's a week and I lost a lot of weight. It didn't matter that I was eating a lot of junk. I couldn't drive so walked everywhere, I did hockey and judo, and I did at least 16 hours a week on my feet at work plus school which I walked to and…
  • I'm not sure I could manage breastfeeding and intermittent fasting. I'm still exclusively pumping for my 10 month old at the moment and I'm set at a 0.5lb loss a week and because I know how much milk I produce each day I adjust my calories accordingly. However, even at 0.5lb loss I'm still ravenous all the time!
  • Congrats on the new baby. I have a 14 month old and am down to just 2 feedings a day. I wouldn't worry too much about weight right now. I concentrated on getting a healthy diet (although that included plenty of cake and chocolate) and somewhere around 4 months the weight started dropping off and kept going until the last…
  • Calamine lotion is also good. I get really bad heat rash as well as being fair and burning easily and covering myself in calamine lotion then washing it off once its dried in a cool bath feels so good.
  • I think it is actually a minority of drivers, giving the majority a bad name. In fact I was having trouble getting out of my right turn onto a busy road on my commute home last night and someone actually stopped to let me across. I will probably decide all drivers hate cyclists again on Monday though when just one idiot…
  • I was asked this question today by people at work- not that I particularly view myself as skinny just a normal healthy bmi of 23. I have my main meal at midday so I'm quite often eating pasta or some kind of casserole, with salad and bread followed by a pudding (today was chocolate hazelnut brownie) which is a lot of food…
  • I lost 4lbs in a week switching to Yasmin from microgynon. Causes less water retention and less bloating according to GP.
  • So is reading the daily mail...
  • Hang on a minute...in Britain a ton is 2240lbs. 112lbs (8st) to a hundred weight, 20 hundred weights to a ton. 112*20 is definitely 2240lbs. Off to check difference in British and American tons.
  • Are you near a local market where you can get access to cheaper meat, fruit and veg? If not other cheap places to get food are Chinese supermarkets. When I was at uni I was probably spending £20 or less for a week of food by shopping round a bit.
  • Not doing tough murder but have done the lake district total warrior and am doing rat race dirty weekend this year. My experience tells me that being able to run at least 5k between the obstacles is essential (I started on c25k) and being able to run the distance is going to be helpful. Like others say work on strength…
  • You are your own gym is good and provides a workout plan. I'd do a different core exercise such as bicycle crunches, jack knives or a plank just crunches isn't going to get you far. You haven't got anything for lower back either (essential if doing any core work). Swimmers or superman raises are good for that. Pick up a…
  • I have been told to never static stretch before running. The walking should be enough of a warm up for C25K then once you've finished but are still warm do your static stretches for quads, calves, etc. Personally I stuck to the 3 days running a week and then did 2-3 days cross training/ active recovery (a brisk walk,…
  • It isn't usually cold enough for snow in London. It probably averages about 5 Celsius in winter. I would advise bringing a waterproof layer as rain is very likely, some gloves, a hat and long sleeved running top and winter running tights. I run outside all year round and it is very rare that I can't run because of the…
  • I agree that some cyclists are to blame as well. I ended up lending a woman my spare red light today. She goes the same route as me every Wednesday and I knew that she didn't have any lights. So I mentioned that she could borrow one as it was dark and foggy and she could give it me back once we got to the loop line…
  • I started cycling to work in September, on top of the running and strength training I was already doing. In that time I've only lost 2lbs but I've lost 2 inches from each thigh, 1 from my hips and 3 from my waist. I also have way more energy throughout the day than I used to.
    in Cycling Comment by Nmt100 December 2013
  • Our body has so many different pathways to deal with virtually every chemical structure going. Just because the phenol/carboxylic acid/amine/etc group on something is synthetic does not mean you can't suddenly metabolise it. Metabolism is just chemistry your body doesn't care how it was made. My PhD is in pharmacology and…
  • Initially yes you may lose inches running as your core muscles will have to work hard to stabilise you. Especially if running outside with proper form. You will however, adapt pretty quickly to running. My advice is run if you want to, I absolute love running, but to lose inches you need to be strength training and that…
  • Glad you're giving it a go. My husband is 5'5" and 205lbs and can out run 5'5" 147lb me. We started doing c25k together when he was nearer 230lbs and he's been fine. In fact its me that has had PF and calf issues! We're now training for a half marathon and I'm off to try keeping up with him on an 11k run this morning. Just…
  • As we're talking about toxins you should probably be really worried about dihydrogen monoxide. Extremely dangerous stuff, inhaling just a small amount will kill you. It's the major component in most acids. In excessive quantities it will kill you. I mean dihydrogen monoxide is just water but the only thing that…
    in DeToxing Comment by Nmt100 November 2013
  • Pepper spray is also classed as an offensive weapon in the UK. In fact you could get a license to carry a gun (although not sure defending yourself against hoodies is on the licensing form) but not for the pepper spray.
  • 6 months is plenty of time. I went from not being able to run the 1 mins in c25k in february to doing the 10k total warrior in august. I've just signed up to do the full (20 mile) rat race dirty weekend and will probably enter the 10 mile total warrior or a tough mudder for later next year as well. Like others have said…
  • I'm lucky that my husband took up running purely because he didn't want me running alone in the dark and is normally free to come with me, but I see your point. In winter if he can't run I don't run. I would probably find someone to run with. Is there a friend or family member nearby that would run with you or do as…
  • I'm the same as you run 5k 3 times a week and have done a couple of 10ks just over the hour. I've just signed up for the Liverpool half in march so I hope it can be done! I've also signed up for rat race dirty weekend in a fit of madness so really need to be able to finish that half...
  • How about you sit down together plan some meals for the week and then you go shopping with her? We sit down every Saturday morning and plan everything for the week and then go shopping together. Then we write everything on a board on the fridge so we don't deviate. We still have everything we've always eaten we've just…
  • Although wearing a low drop (less than 6mm) is associated with greater calf pain if you go too fast, if you transition slowly they make such a difference. I started running in Feb and started having serious calf pain once I finished c25k and was moving up to 10k. My friend is a bare foot runner and kept nagging me about…
  • As a scientist my opinion is it's generally a load of rubbish. There are too many flaws in his book and he contradicts a lot of current scientific theory. Whatever blood type you are its calories in vs calories out. His diets may work for a short time but its only because by restricting your diet you end up with a calorie…
  • I don't function without food and therefore have to eat before I cycle to work. As for working out twice a day. I cycle to and from work. I also do strength training 3 times a week using the work gym when I get there and run twice during the week when I get home after my cycle.
  • It has never occurred to me not to workout. I couldn't exactly tell the 15 lads in my judo class at the age of 13 I couldn't train every 4th week, or let the girls down in hockey. I just learned early on how to deal with TOM and exercise and controlling the mess.