Weight loss after switching birth control pill?

Hi all, I have hit a milestone today - l've lost 3lbs pounds since last week and my BMI is now officially within the "normal" range, yayyyy!

Obviously I'm not complaining about this, but I'm not sure why 3lbs has just dropped off me this week - I don't have a huge amount of weight to lose and until recently I'd been going slow at around 1lb a week. I've also gone over my calorie goal on quite a few days in the last couple of weeks (conference dining at work, a couple of meals out, and a wedding with a free bar last Saturday!!). I have been exercising a lot more, but my diary suggests that this hasn't anywhere near cancelled out my calorie intake, oops!

However, I have recently (as in, the last week) switched to a new contraceptive pill (from the Marvelon combined pill to the Cerozette progesterone-only pill as I have been getting the odd migraine). Could this be contributing to my weight loss?! Has anyone else experienced this? Most posts I see on here relating to BC are complaining about weight gain not weight loss!


  • Nmt100
    Nmt100 Posts: 36 Member
    I lost 4lbs in a week switching to Yasmin from microgynon. Causes less water retention and less bloating according to GP.
  • lisaabenjamin
    lisaabenjamin Posts: 665 Member
    Interesting. Just had a quick google of Yasmin and it is a combined pill not a mini pill like my new one, but there are plenty of news stories about how Yasmin can help weight loss. Nothing about Cerazette though...

    Microgynon is evil - I think it's the cheap one they put most women on to start with so I had it years ago but it gave me such bad acne!!
  • oneoddsock
    oneoddsock Posts: 321 Member
    Microgynon made me moody, and sent my blood pressure a bit haywire, so my doctor switched me to Cerazette last September - much better! I also stopped having periods so no crazy weight fluctuations at TOM, which is also good.
  • Neliel88
    Neliel88 Posts: 42 Member
    I've tried a few pills over the years. I was on Microgynon for years and gained weight steadily throughout. I tried Cerazette, but it really didn't agree with me. Most recently I was using Levest, but I was getting cramp-like tummy aches all the time. So I made the decision to just come off the pills completely. I'm not really happy with the idea of flooding my system with extra hormones anyway. I was also suffering a lot more from dry eyes on the last pill I was on too.
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    I lost 7lbs in just under 2 weeks when I switched back to Yasmin. I was in Loestrin before that.
  • lisaabenjamin
    lisaabenjamin Posts: 665 Member
    Microgynon made me moody, and sent my blood pressure a bit haywire, so my doctor switched me to Cerazette last September - much better! I also stopped having periods so no crazy weight fluctuations at TOM, which is also good.

    This sounds like my kind of pill! Although my doc did say that although some people's periods stop, other people suffer from more irregular periods and/or mid-cycle spotting :-/ I hope I fall in the no period bracket, that would be awesome!
  • fstephanie4
    fstephanie4 Posts: 196 Member
    I'm on the one you've been move to. I will warn you I get irregular and sometimes lengthy peridos. However, I don't have much of a problem being on it and I don't bloat too much when it's weigh day and I am on :love: It might just be your body adjusting and will level out soon.

    Good luck!!!
