genianc Member


  • Measure it! Measure what you put in and what's left and then add what was used to your log. It's not easy or convenient, but it's what is necessary to get an accurate count. Wish I didn't like the milk. Would save me some calories! Good luck.
  • I totally agree. During the week, I'm a stay at home mom (and work part time from home) of two little boys. I can't go to the gym until my husband gets home from work. By then I've been through the wringer with crying kids, housework, dinner, dog, etc. But on the weekends... it's actually fun to get out of the house on an…
  • Keep it up! You'll be mugging for shots in no time :-) Great job!
  • People suck sometimes. Just because what you are doing is not "normal" to them, then YOU must be wrong. Ha! It's like the crazy old auntie at Christmas... you just need to let her ramble, shake your head and then do what you are doing anyways. You are doing awesome and you are doing it the right way. I'll just for joy when…
  • I don't get out much (being a stay at home mom of two) but my hubs is constantly telling me how cute I look in my yoga/workout pants. Makes him a little handsy ;o) After 13 years together, I'll take it! Congrats on your success. I can't wait for someone to not recognize me :o)
  • I actually do eat them from KFC, but without the skin and breading. It's like 160 calories that way. I know things are different depending where it is from. I say enjoy it.
  • My husband currently takes the Oxy one. It appears to work for him but it only works for six weeks, and then you have to go off. I, personally, didn't get any benefit from it at all. Plus, my doctor told me not to take any diet pills because of my BP. And prepare yourself, you are going to get lots of posts on here telling…
  • Well Happy Birthday! Now, hit the treadmill and erase your guilt. Besides... it is a wonderful day :o)
    in rage! Comment by genianc February 2011
  • I agree with everyone else. The only problem I have during that time is that I want to eat everything in my sight! So, off to the gym :o) I have too many excuses as is... I can't afford to add "Aunt Flo" to it too - LOL!
  • I'd be interested in other's responses too because I eat it about 5 out of 7 mornings for breakfast. If it really is bad... I'm in trouble because I really don't like eggs.
  • Awesome advice. Thanks!
  • What a good job! Sorry things are stalled. I hope the running works!
  • What was in the air yesterday? I totally screwed up my diet and by night end I had horrible anxiety and was depressed. I know this is just one day, and today is a new one. So, we've all learned our lesson and won't do it again, right? Okay - buck up everyone. Back on the train! Now go do something sweaty and eat something…
  • A very safe and realistic goal. I'm in the same boat. Although I've been at it only one week and lost 6lbs in that one week, I know that is not realistic. As my doctor told me... don't get discouraged if you see only a pound a week. If you kept that up for a year, that's 52lbs! You didn't get to where you are now…