Cereal and Milk

candistyx Posts: 547 Member
I like cereal and milk.
I don't like milk.
Once I have eaten the cereal, I don't eat the milk left over. Milk on its own tastes to me ...wrong, rubbery almost :/.
It flavours things like hot chocolate, cereal, sauces, ricepudding etc wonderfully. It tastes gross on its own.

So what I am wondering is, when I put the food in, do I put the milk that sticks to the cereal (which differs a lot depending on how absorbant a cereal is) or do I put all the milk even though I know any excess of what will stick/be absorbed by the cereal will be left uneaten (and I like my cereal crunchy not soggy or soft, eeeew).


  • misssmiles
    misssmiles Posts: 207 Member
    i HATE milk too!! I feel the same way you do... i actually consider myself to have a milk phobia... so i would love to hear the answer as well!
  • Daisy_May
    Daisy_May Posts: 505 Member
    What about measuring it when you put it on the cereal, then measuring what left when your done?
  • genianc
    genianc Posts: 16 Member
    Measure it! Measure what you put in and what's left and then add what was used to your log. It's not easy or convenient, but it's what is necessary to get an accurate count. Wish I didn't like the milk. Would save me some calories! Good luck.
  • pedalpusher5
    I see no reason to count what you didn't consume. I would measure the milk before I put it in the bowl, and then measure again the leftover milk before you toss it out and only count what you actually ate.
  • RNewton4269
    RNewton4269 Posts: 663 Member
    I would measure and recored what you put on your cereal..4 oz, 8 oz. whatever...and then measure and record what is left that you don't drink and deduct that from that you originally put on it..whatever it may be. That is about the easiest way to do it I think since you don't like milk and don't drink it from the cereal after you finish. Good luck.