Diet Food or Program - What are you doing?

I've been doing Diet to Go and am kind of sick of it. Was wondering what others are doing (if anything) like Weight Watchers, Nutri-System, etc. I'm a stay at home mommy of two and work from home so convenience is a major issue for me. That's why I am doing Diet to Go. I can't run out and grab Subway when the need arises. So, look forward to hearing what you guys are doing. Thanks!

Additional Note:
I know that dieting is dangerous. I'm not looking for something unhealthy because I know this is a lifestyle change. I should have worded it differently. Asking if anyone has other options known to them and had success with other things like Diet to Go.
If you aren't familiar with it, it's premade, healthy meals made to your calorie requirements - 1200 or 1600 a day, etc. They are made fresh and shipped to you over night. It is something I could maintain, because it's healthy, low fat eating. I'm just bored with their selection and was wondering if anyone knew of other options. But thanks to all of you for your great advice. I am in for the long haul and am making a life style change. Good luck everyone.


  • Manda1987
    Manda1987 Posts: 207
    I'm doing nothing for once!

    Well, it doesn't have a name, because "Eat healthier and exercise more" doesn't have a real ring to it.

    I'm cooking more at home, so less fast food. Hubby and I are both students, he works part time too, so I do a lot of batch cooking to make it easier on us.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    The most successful people I have seen on here just make their own with trial and error.

    The only "program" I use is the calorie tracker on this website, and being accountable to it.
  • elid
    elid Posts: 209 Member
    I don't follow any diet. As long as I stay within my daily allotted calories and get a little exercise at least 5 days a week, I'm happy. That is not to say I eat a bunch of junk food all day, because I LOVE fruits and veggies! But I still eat little treats now and again (and today and yesterday I've been feeling yucky, so I had more treats than normal :embarassed:).
  • twistygirl
    twistygirl Posts: 517 Member
    Me too I am doing nothing I am on the real life plan. I eat all things in moderation, except for candy and cookies I gave that to my God BC I couldn't handle it and He is doing alright by me. Haven't touched the stuff since Nov 20,10 before that I would blow my diet by doing sugar binges.
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    I am doing this crazy thing called "eating healthy, exercising, and drinking lots of water."
    It's awesome because I'm losing weight, increasing muscle tone, and improving my overall health. :smile:
    Someone (I can't think of who it was) said something about how you shouldn't go on a diet that you can't keep up for the rest of your life. In other words, if it isn't something you can keep up with forever, don't bother because you'll gain it all back when you quit.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    I don't have a "diet" but I do plan. This is going to be incredi-long but these are my basics:

    It's all about planning. You won't feel anywhere near as hungry if you know mentally your next meal/snack is right around the corner (some people say it "fuels your metabolism" but that sounds pseudo-sciencey to me, I just know the reassurance that I'm eating and can reach for something is a HUGE part of feeling full). So at 1470 your typical calorie breakdown should look like this (and remember, this isn't medical or in any way universal, it's just how I've managed to get through my days. As you get used to it, try playing around to find what suits your appetite best.)

    Breakfast: 250- 350 cals
    Lunch:300-400 cals
    Dinner: 500-600 cals
    Snacks(combined): 120-450

    Ok- so these arent exact (tailor them to your calorie goals), but throughout the day, this will help you gauge if you are on track (rather than inadvertantly reserving calories for dinner).

    So here is what I call my "food skeleton"
    1 glass before eating anything
    2 glasses right when I get to work
    1 glass before/with lunch
    1 glass right after lunch
    2 glasses over the rest of the afternoon
    1 glass when I get home
    Breakfast: Something protein filled- I like eggs with veggies, or pb on cinnamon rasin toast (with some berries if they are in season). I also like to have coffee (2 tsp sugar, 1/4c skim- also if you add cinnamon into the grounds, it add more flavor, making the need for sugar/cream less intense)
    Mid morning snack- Veggie with Hummus/Ranch Dressing or Greek Yogurt (I <3 Chobani Honey)
    Lunch: Sandwich, Veggie Wrap, Grilled Chick Salad, or soup with Fruit (so good for getting over the afternoon sleepies) Since it's winter, I buy a fruit juice called Ralph and Charlies and have 1/2C with lunch instead- V8 Splash is similar
    Afternoon snack- Opposite of whatever you had in the morning- Veggie with Hummus or Greek Yogurt (I <3 Chobani Honey)
    Dinner: 3-4 oz of meat/fish, 2 oz of grain, 1-2 veggie servings
    After dinner treat: Chocolate milk or something fun but little- 1/2 godiva raspberry bar & freeze the rest

    SNACKS: The snacks are interchangeable- The greek yogurt is really filling, so I have it early if I'm hungry but if I'm not, I keep it til the afternoon so I'm full when I get home. Also instead of the yogurt sometimes I have a Luna bar or Cliff bar, but again, something protein-y is important during the day, it quiets the cravings. You have room for 1-2 more snacks than I usually have (as you have more cals per day) so maybe bring an extra fruit and vegetable, or maybe some nuts you like- i would recommend unsalted. Also I would recommend having what I've heard called an "in case". It's a snack you have on hand for if you get hungry- I carry a bag of apricots and almonds (I love the combo!). So the night before (even when I stay home) I pack my lunch. When you do this, mentally plan when you will eat each piece. Idk when you wake up or what your day is like, but pick a time for each. Try to make it to that time before you eat. Enjoy eating it (even if you are working or playing with the kids or anything, take just a couple seconds to realize you LIKE what you are eating). For now you should proly do Breakfast, snack, snack, Lunch, snack, snack(?) dinner, snack if you didn't have the one before dinner.

    DINNER- Just some of my go to dinners:
    Lemon Seafood Pasta: I buy seafood salad at the deli, toss it in a frying pan with soy sauce and ginger and put over pasta. nom nom nom

    Tilapia, Spinach and Rice- cook fish in pam, and boil rice (put spinach in steamer over rice last 5 min) put all on plate and put a tbsp of pesto sauce over it

    Quick Lemon Chicken/Taco Chicken -
    I also use this same recipe and mix in taco seasoning instead of lemon juice, and frozen peas instead of sliced carrots to make taco chicken bowls also

    Chicken parm-

    I also make my own french fries for burgers/grilled chick sandwich nights: Sliced potato, 1 tsp olive oil, and Jerk Seasoning.

    Mostly with dinner tho, I come home, throw a veggie in the oven an make up the rest based on what's left in my fridge. As often as not I'm at the boyfriend's or we're at Chipotle or something. Other ideas for breakfast lunch and dinner (where I pulled this skeleton from really, and a couple of the recipies)

    WALKING: It is freezing all kinds of horribleness, but if I don't have time for a "workout" I try to go for regular walks (for me a little easier done than most- Queens is pretty forcibly pedestrian). 3 ten minute walks add up over the day- you can have 120-150 extra cals from a 1/2 hr of walking at a moderate pace.

    Ok, I've blathered on long enough. I hope you find this helpful. Let me know if you have any questions or feel free to run anything past me. Just remember- if you can stick to this for a couple of weeks, I think you'll find you've developed habits that will enable you to eat well without a ton of effort.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    so I do a lot of batch cooking to make it easier on us.

    Yes, We spend some time over the weekend cooking large batches of whatever we're eating and then portioning them out.

    We buy a lot of plastic bags and containers.
  • usmcpatience
    I'm doing nothing for once!

    Well, it doesn't have a name, because "Eat healthier and exercise more" doesn't have a real ring to it.

    I'm cooking more at home, so less fast food. Hubby and I are both students, he works part time too, so I do a lot of batch cooking to make it easier on us.

    I'm doing the same thing. Not necessarily going and raiding the grocery-store shelves of all their Weight watchers meals, but I am watching what I eat and exercising more.

    Also, I'm letting myself have the food that is "forbidden" on so many other people's diets...that is, if I want to pay the consequences. If I want french fries, then, I'm going to go have them! However, then, I have to go figure out a way to work them off! That's my deal with myself...If I choose to eat something bad for me, then I'm going to have to work my butt off to get rid of it! I've been doing this for 16 days today, and I've lost over 7 pounds. Most days I make the right choices on what to eat though. Just knowing that I would not deny myself that cheeseburger makes me okay with not eating it most of the time!
  • genianc
    genianc Posts: 16 Member
    Awesome advice. Thanks!
  • aryaw
    aryaw Posts: 36 Member
    I have been making "lifestyle" changes that I can maintain and continue with for the rest of my life. First I quit drinking pop, then I quit using sugar (except for baking) and I added more fresh fruits and vegetables into my home (my kids love me for this) and I drink water in replace of the pop. Right now I am working on changing our bread to wheat and trying to get away from prepackages items (it's slow going on the prepackaged stuff 'cause we like stoffers lasagna).

    I don't deny myself anything. If I want some chocolate I have some but only the serving size, if I want a slice of cake I have one, if I want to go out to a restaurant and not have to cook, we do but I work on my portion sizes. I am also plating my food like the "Great Plate" ( Basically it's about having a well rounded meal and keeping things in their correct portions and not what we think a portion is.

    I have also made the conscious choice to make our meals at home 90% of the time so that I am in control of what goes into my dishes and because of this everyone is getting more healthier meals instead of going thru the drivethru and getting your whole days calories/fat in one meal (that's not even filling).

    I have done diets and they don't work for me, sure I lose weight but then after I am off it I gain all the weight back and then some. I want to make changes that I can use for the rest of my life and changes my children can do too.

    On the first my husband and I are going to join the YMCA because not only can we exercise but they have fun classes and activities for the kids too.
  • shadowofnature
    There's one bad thing about diet and it's the worst part, DIEt. Diets leave you hungry, frustrated (stressed) and usually lacking in nutrients that your body needs. Losing weight is a lot like quitting smoking, you try and fail you try again, rinse and repeat and eventually you will find your groove and the pounds will melt away! Good luck!!
  • ymachick
    ymachick Posts: 33 Member
    I'm on the Medi Weight Loss plan and it works great for me .I've lost 15 pounds since early December. In reality all it is is a low-carb, low-calorie meal plan, but the weekly appointments keep me accountable, which is what I need right now.
    I also do P90X (exercise plan) 4-5 days a week, which has really made a difference in my tone and shape. Lastly, I drink about a million gallons of water a day. :smile: It helps me stay full and keeps everything moving the way it's supposed to.
  • Manda1987
    Manda1987 Posts: 207
    I forgot the most important part.

    Crock pot. I couldn't live without it.

    I'm actually cooking way healthier now that I have one. I'm a soup person (we've had average temperatures of -20C here lately), so I was spending a lot of money (and a lot of my sodium allotment!) on canned soup. Now I make my own, which is fantastic. I get to use all my leftover meat that usually freezer burns on me, and I can chop tons of veggies and store them in freezer bags until I need them.

    Plus, what other cooking implement allows you to do all your prep the night (or even weeks) before, toss it all in the pot in the morning, then leave it all day without burning down the house?
  • lenwie
    lenwie Posts: 240
    Ive done loads a different diets from Weight Watchers to Slimming World etc even as far as the Cambridge Diet VLC, hopefully never again.

    What I love about MFP is that you can track your food, so you can still have the odd naughty foods like a packet of crisps/choc bar for instance, but you can see this needs to be balanced out with good choices, I think because you see in the nutrients that certain sections like fat/sugar etc are creeping up you seem to automatically want to make a better choice rather than feel you have too, well thats how I seem to feel anyway :)

    Finally im in control not a booklet/person telling what I should and shouldn't really have, which I dont know about you, but if your suggested a no no to something you seem to what it more?. Lets see how we go! have only been using this site for the last week and I have lost 3 lbs and cant believe how easy it has been. Ive raved about it to pals and 3 have joined the site lol

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    I'm eating an unlimited quantity of all kinds of low-starch vegetables - and I really like my veggies, so I've practically been shoveling them down. I stay away from, or at least severely limit starchy vegetables, bread, and other grain products, along with sugary beverages and desserts. And I try to watch the fat, but not too close. I figure that every brownie I don't eat cuts fat from my diet along with the sugar.

    Other than that, not much has changed. I'm still seasoning my vegetables with a little bit of fat, though it's less likely to be butter these days. My rule on butter is that it's OK only when I really, REALLY want it and no substitute will do. The rest of the time it's olive oil or some other so-called "healthy" fat, and rarely more of that then is needed to trap the aromatic (volatile) flavor components and nutrients that would otherwise go up the steam. Fat doesn't just add flavor, it helps to preserve the flavor that's already there. And as I've never had a problem with portion control when it comes to meat, I've made a point of not fartzing around with that part of my diet at all, other than to forgo any high carb filler or breading.

    As far as exercise goes, I still walk at least 40 minutes every day, weather permitting, and often 2 or 3 hours sometime over the weekend. Been doing that for years. And I still need to come up with something to tone up the upper half of my body. I have strong legs and weak, flabby arms.