tamarawisniewski Member


  • I am happy to have found this thread! I attempted 21 day fix months ago, but didn't plan my meals the way I needed to, but I liked the workouts. Unfortunately, I fell off the healthy eating/working out wagon and really need to refocus my energy. I too have to portion control and stop snacking.
  • Triscuits, topped with sliced avocado and apples. Salad: spring greens with spinach, pecans, goat cheese or stilton cheese (I personally like the one with apricots), apple slices, mandarin oranges.
  • Whatever works for you is what you should do. I am adding in a few of my dvd workouts that I like better than the Shred; still will be doing shred. I really like the Jackie Warner dvd and LOVE the Jessica Smith workouts on youtube.
  • I did not work out yesterday or today. Two late nights with work/kids related activities. However, I was able to stay on track with my nutrition. Tomorrow: workout day.
  • I think extending it until you feel ready is the best thing to do. I have not taken any pics yet and I don't weigh myself regularly. I gauge myself by my clothes..I think for me that is best. Today, I did the Flat Belly Workout dvd.
  • Completed day 2; Yesterday I participated in my first 5K Walk/Run. I was feeling pretty achy, so I didn't go all out on the lunges or the dips, but completed it nonetheless. I think I may do the shred only 3 days week and do some other dvd's. I really can't stand Jillian's banter!!
  • Wow! I was going to ask this very question tonight! I have been thinking of doing this program. I think the eating program would help me get in better control of eating and I am also interested in the dvd's too. I was going to get it off of amazon, seemed less expensive.
  • I will be jogging/walking/running. Perhaps some other cardio dvd's if the weather doesn't cooperate. I get bored easily, if I do it every other day it will keep me more motivated.
  • I started today. Level 1, Day 1. I forgot how it can kick my butt! I did it a few years ago, but "fell off the wagon." I plan on doing it every other day because I will be jogging (I can't call it running yet :blush: ) too. I am glad this group is here. I can't afford a gym or really get to one because of my two young…
  • I know I am behind on this, but I would love to be added..I really need some motivation and support!
  • Congratulations!! This is amazing!
  • Jessica Smith is on you tube, all sort of great workouts! And they are free! I love Ellen Barrett's Barefoot Cardio,(her whole line of fusion dvd's are great...they are easy on the joints but you definitely get a workout!
  • I don't. I used to but wasn't losing, just staying the same. I asked a trainer and she said it sort of puts you back where you started before you worked out. So, I stopped and am finally seeing some progress. I suppose it would be different for me if I were doing some major workouts ...like some serious cross fit or…
  • I am having some challenges in this area too. It is so frustrating.
  • I have been thinking about adding jump roping to my workout, especially since the weather is getting so nice out. I was thinking of adding it a few times a week, to just break things up. Glad I saw this thread!
  • I can not believe how rude some of these posts are. I thought the question was a valid one. This site is supposed to be for health/fitness/support.
  • The 30 Day Shred is a good workout if you can get past Jillian's talking... I think Level 2 is much better than Level 1. Another great series is The Studio by Ellen Barrett dvd's. Have you tried the Biggest Loser's Boot Camp dvd?
  • You may want to consider eating more each day and lessen your workouts...the starvation mode is a possiblitly. You may need to shake up your metabolism.
  • Doug~ First off, DON"T GIVE UP ON YOURSELF! You are an important person and you are worth fighting for. If you had a friend who came to you feeling as low as you do now, you would tell this person to be good to him/herself and keep trying. Second: have you considered seeing a chiropracter or holistic practioner? Sometimes…
  • Have you tried Metromint water? It is water with mint (some of the flavors are chocomint, pepperming, spearmint, and orangemint). NO sweetners, just water with mint and then the essence of cocoa or orange.SOOO good. Also, a great way to flavor up your own water : lemon (a little freshly squeezed lemon and some wedges),…
  • AWESOME! What is your workout routine? Your arms are amazing!!!!!!!!! :smile:
  • I know how frustrated you are. I have only lost 6 pounds and have been working at losing for many months. In regards to the cooking, it doesn't have to be that hard or messy. A few suggestions: top a whole wheat tortilla with some favorite toppings (I use 1/2 mozz. cheese stick per tortilla, tomatoes, basil). There are…
  • Congratulations! You are an inspiration :):blushing:
  • I buy Kalona Supernaturals Organic Vat-Pasturized milk (available at Whole Foods), 1%, 1/2 %, 2%, or Whole Milk. It is as close to pure, raw milk as I can get. My kids love milk, and I feel good buying this product.. There is a wonderful website that discusses the advantages of milk (and nutrition in general) for children…