southernmom3 Member


  • grandmallie. I remember my youngest child not wanting to latch. Tell her to try different positions to hold the child and in time it will come naturally. They can sense our frustration too. Praying that he latches for her soon.
  • I feel so far behind on here. I don’t get to spend time online unless the grands are sleeping or I’m on lunch at work. I’ve been working on me more this week and taking care of me. It’s hard when you have a house full and no one but you cares that anything gets done. This may sound selfish but I’m ready for my next chapter…
  • Let’s begin 2022 with focus on us. I’m ready to continue with my progress to being healthier and happier. This year I hope to focus less on negative people and thoughts and more on happiness and healthiness. I’ve been a MFP member for some time now but have not reached my goal weight yet. I’m over 50. Single mother to two…
  • I’m sorry for the delay in responding life’s been busy. I’m Eileen. From MS. I will try to get to know y’all by following this thread. Thanks for letting me join in. I have been on MFP for awhile but haven’t join in on the threads. I’m on daily but might not get in here daily. by reading the thread. This group is warm and…
  • I’m needing to join this thread. I’m 51 this year. Single mother of two with three grands who keep me busy. I do work full time still. I’m trying to get myself to a healthier weight and lower my sugar and cholesterol per my doctors suggestion. I’m on daily but do not post daily. I’d like to get to know others in my age…
  • Morning y’all. The temps here are cooler after the storms we had. It’s making it feel more like winter than spring here. Just thankful the bad storms and tornadoes missed us. I’m seeing the scale move more with me doing the 1200 calories instead of Keto. Going to stick with it and see where I get to the end of this month.…
  • March goals for me. Work out five days a week. Be more active on the weekends without being at the gym. Drink more water. Log my food to be more consistent with my intake calories. Stay under 1200 calories a day. Aim for a four pound weight loss. Take my vitamins. Work on unpacking the remaining boxes from the move. Work…
  • That’s fantastic!! It’s taken me almost two months to lose that much. Wow. That’s inspiring for sure
  • Thank you for sharing. We are all here because we need to lose weight. we all struggle with it. Sometimes our posts can inspire others to be brave enough to take that first step into taking better care of ourselves and putting ourselves first.
  • Please feel free to add me. I’m new to this group. Not MFP but the group. I’ve been at this for years. Lol. I’m heading toward 51 in March. Currently an empty nester with my youngest away at college since August. I’m trying low carb at the moment to see if maybe it will boost the scale in the right direction and boost my…
  • I’m new to the group too. I’d enjoy new friends to keep me motivated. I’ll try and friend y’all if I can figure it out. It’s been awhile since I added anyone
  • I do. I try to get in 10,000 steps a day. It equals about 5 miles throughout my day. Some days are better than others. I do my best most days to hit it. I might be doing a walking video late at night to get them in but I feel better when I stay active
  • I guess I’m being inpatient. 😉 I see others losing more than me doing less than I’m doing so I’m feeling defeated but I’m not giving up. Been here too long. Too much time invested in this and me and my health. I enjoy going to the gym each day. It’s a destresser from work and life. Going to do a better job logging what I…
  • At work on break we do Leslie Sansone’s one mile walk. It’s multi muscle cardio walk. You can see she has other videos too. When you have more time to do them
  • Just joining this group. Need help and motivation to start seeing the scale move downward more. I’m 50 and it’s been a slow go to get seven pounds off since I joined the gym the beginning of December. I would like to be twenty to thirty pounds lighter to be healthier and able to keep up with my kids and grands.
  • First name: Eileen Where I am from: Mississippi. Single mom to two. Grandma to two. Blessed Any pets: No pets at the moment Work: Accounting Hobbies: I enjoy spending time with my family and friends. Being outside. Gardening. Camping. Hiking. Fishing. Quilting. Helping others Fun fact: Even though I can’t swim and am…
  • I have fifty plus pounds to lose. This is not my first MFP journey. Seems to Slowly be coming off this go round. Some days I do good others I don’t do so good but I’m not giving up. Going to keep at it. I need to get to a healthier weight and place in my life. Anyone who wants to can add me
  • Also I have fifty pounds to lose and could use like minded moms who can help support me on this journey
  • I’m 48 mom of two. Grandma to two. Ready to refocus and get to a healthier place. Feel free to add me.
  • I've been walking most evenings and just watching what I eat. I'm down 25 pounds so far since march. Ready to get some more off and reach my goal weight. Looking to switch things up for exercises. What are your go to exercises when you need a change in pace?
  • Feel free to add me. 47 year old mom of two. Looking for help to stay focused. Getting closer to my goal over half way there. Gonna do this.
  • thanks ladies - I have added each of you. I hope we can support each other and get going on the right track to this journey to a healthier us. now to figure out a better exercise plan. any ideas on 15-20 minute cardio plan that you enjoy. I did Jillian Michael's 30 day Shred when I first joined the group back in 13-14. It…
  • Feel free to add me. Just starting back and need friend to motivate n support me
  • I need to lose 50+ pounds just started back today. Please feel free to add me
  • way to go! that is great. Small steps do indeed lead to big changes.
  • please feel free to add me... I am just starting back on MFP after being away for awhile and gaining everything I lost plus some back on. I need to lose 50+
  • I am back again too. I am almost to 190 and I don't want the scale to tip over to this number. Please feel free to add me. I need to lose 50+ pounds. Starting today on the right foot. About to take my first walk in months. I need all the help and encouragement I can get.
  • today is my start over day - here's to a the beginning of a new week and new determination. Add me if you would like to help encourage each other to our goal weight.
  • thank you, I do use hand weights (3# and 10#) to do arm exercises but I don't know the names of any of them. There are weight benches there. I will try to look online for the correct way to use them so I do not get hurt. I go in the early mornings when there is no one else there to ask for guidance.
  • I am right here with all of y'all- some days are better than others for me. I have been through a lot but have really struggled since my divorce in 2008 to overcome my depression and become a happier healthier person so I can enjoy life with my kiddos. I am trying to stay focused. If anyone wants to add me and let us…