kcalla Member


  • I absolutely hate cooking and cook separately for my husband. I can roast a ton of veggies, crockpot some chicken, chili, roast... and be good to go for the week! I'm a throw veggies and meat in a bowl and it's a meal!
  • Sad... but I work in the medical field and see how the prescription med companies survive...find people like Paula Dean to promote their drugs! Let's hope SHE discovers Paleo and starts a cooking show on that!!
  • I've been following this way of eating for over a year. I had lost 60+ pounds (WWers) when I started Primal/Paleo. I find that all week long I eat lean meats, lots of eggs, healthy oils, and tons of veggies. Snacks are low-sugar fruits, nuts, and 60% chocolate. Once I weigh in on Fridays, I splurge with 1 Min. Muffins,…
  • All of the above. I also mix in a few cocoa nibs (sugar free cocoa), a few chopped pecans, and some raw organic coconut, warm it a bit for a dessert! Almond Joy!
  • I'm with you. I'm at goal weight and eat the same exact way. I watch my carbs and keep sugar low and eat my sugar surrounded by a plant. Still wanting to read Gundry's Diet Evolution book. Wish they had it at the library!
  • I've followed Paleo for over a year. (80/20 with weekend "paleo" splurges) for about a year. My splurges are paleo bread type recipes, dark chocolate. Only sugar is fruit. Apples, berries, bananas, grapes, dates/figs... sugar in a plant. Because I'm on maintenance, I stopped logging (and worrying about calories/carbs)…
  • Good Job Amy! I added your blog to my RSS feed!
  • We are hosting a morning Holiday Coffee and Goodies. My daughter and I are making spiced nuts and skewered lime chicken. Paleo Baby!!! Let the others bring the flour/sugar.
  • I couldn't drink wine while losing my weight. It would stall it every time. Now I enjoy 2 glasses every week or two. And it also increases my ghrelin hormone so I want to eat. As in INHALE. Eating some protein helps curb that.
  • Yeah... I may be "old" but I'm not dead and we LOVE coconut oil! I'm making mint chocolate massage butter this week to! For my girlfriends as gifts. Oh and the lemon hand scrub. :) http://everydaypaleo.com/2011/12/04/handmade-healthy-christmas-gift-ideas/
  • My ice cream is this: One Ingredient Ice Cream. Although I sometimes add 1 T. of almond butter or some cinnamon or some chopped nuts. http://www.thekitchn.com/thekitchn/stay-cool/how-to-make-creamy-ice-cream-with-just-one-ingredient-093414
  • I try not to have any sweeteners. Period. Fake or natural (agave, maple syrup.) My daughter has immediate reactions (itchy ears, headache) and even the artificial sweeteners and stevia set her off. For her she has to eat low-sugar fruits or the same thing happens. I do get my sweets from fruit and LOVE having a cup of Good…
  • I hope you love it and stick with it for a lifetime! I eat this way with my daughter and we both think it's just the healthiest, most nutritious way of eating, EVER!!
  • I'm an egg girl too. Probably always will be and never feel bad about it. Eggs stay with me best and keep me from feeling hungry at 10am. Sometimes I eat leftover dinners (meat/veggies) but mostly it's 2 HB eggs or some type of omelet. My favorite being Organic Prairie Italian chicken sausage, spinach, and mushrooms. LOVE…
  • Thank you for that link. I subscribe to this blog in my reader. Although, it may be WAY over my head!
  • Good Job JelleRose!! Now back to super good eating and I will probably indulge again on Christmas! :smile: Have a Happy Jolly Christmas!!
  • I just saw this post and Thanksgiving is over. At our house, we do have Nature's Hallow Apricot preserves http://natureshollow.com/ from time to time... mixed with nuts/flax. This product is sweetened with Xylitol. One sugar alcohol that doesn't bother my daughter. They also have sugar free honey. *that makes me scratch my…
  • I ATE! Appetizers Shrimp deviled egg spinach salad smoked salmon artichoke/onion/caper mixture Main meal turkey pork roast prime rib big serving of carrot, broccoli, cauliflower medley 1 dollop of mashed potatoes (sweet potatoes were full of sugar and marshmallows) NO STUFFING!!! :bigsmile: But then I caved.... Dessert 2…
  • Welcome! I've been basically doing Primal/Paleo since June of 2010 when my daughter was SO sick and diagnosed with resistance to wheat, dairy, and sugar (candida.) It's been a long haul (she's MUCH better now) and the longer I do it, the more consistent I get. But I am more 80/20 because I am at my goal weight for over a…
  • Too bad you don't eat sugar. You might enjoy these!! http://tastesbetterwithfriends.com/2011/10/20/sriracha-peanut-butter-cookies/ :laugh:
  • Thai beef salad (at a restaurant)...really no clue what was in the sauce...sugar? Dunno but I love it. A little salty though.
  • Well that's new to me! Gonna need to Google that! :)
  • grade b maple syrup you mean you're going to be cutting the pumpkin into 8-16 slices (depending on size of gourd) so it's not as bad when you break it down. [/quote] Ok! 16 slices into 318 grams is 20 grams. Honey-crisp apples have 17 or so. I see your point. :)
  • Rosemary & Sage Bread Stuffing Paleo Style (Grain/Gluten/Dairy/Soy/Corn/Nut/Yeast Free) http://realsustenance.com/rosemary-sage-stuffing-paleo-style-grainglutendairysoycorn-free/ Haven't tried it...and going out for Thanksgiving but wanted to share.
  • It looks good but the 1 1/2 Cups of the dark Amber Molasses is over 300 grams of sugar. :(
  • Stoneground mustard with Horseradish mayo for creaminess in veggie/meat "bowls" Spices: Chocolate curry! My new favorite Red Pepper Flakes Cumin Cinnamon (generously sprinkled on fruit) LOTS of garlic and of course oregano, basil, etc. etc. Balsamic vinegar toasted sesame oil for flavor My daughter and I are learning about…
  • Tonight was sauteed/garlic shrimp and heated up grated jicama. Deeeelicious!
  • You all make me want to go shopping and COOK! I tell ya, in this last year, I've chopped, cooked, roasted, etc. more than I ever have in my life! No more boxed stuff to throw together! It's all worth it though. I'm even starting to like cooking and have fallen in love with spices!! Chocolate Curry on roasted cauliflower is…
  • Excellent. And thank you for telling your story on your profile. Good for you and your wife. And glad you are getting back into music. I played the piano/keyboard for 20 years. Now I play the radio. ;)