WifeMomDVM Member


  • Ha ha! I love the "batroom" scale. :) Anyway, I like this one from Amazon. http://www.amazon.com/EatSmart-Precision-Capacity-Recognition-Technology/dp/B004L6NTHU/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1458307734&sr=8-1-spons&keywords=scale+eatsmart&psc=1 I have had it for 4 years, the price is much higher now. :(
  • People type "following" because MFP allows you to check or search through posts you have posted on - so if you don't post alot, it can make it easy to find an older thread for which you are looking. Now when I am ready to re-visit this discussion in a few months, I'll be able to find it. :smile:
  • Sometimes (more mature in age) adults can be insecure about their weight too. It's possible she is: 1) Jealous of your weight loss 2) Truly fears you might take things too far and become unhealthfully thin 3) Doesn't know any better and thinks she is being supportive by saying in her own subtle way - "you've done a great…
  • I gave up Sodas two years ago. I missed them at first. Then, I would have one every 3-4 months, but now I honestly can say, I don't like them. Weird, I know. Your tastes change I guess. There are probably OTHER things I should give up (um, chocolate, bacon, cheetos.... to name a few), but don't and just enjoy in…
  • You have already gotten great advice, but as a veterinarian I just wanted to add that as you are letting new cat out to explore old cat's space, it's helpful to have a large wire crate or the like to keep kitty safe. New cat goes in crate - can see and smell everything - old cat can stay away, make objections known, etc...…
  • I'd also like to add - that QUALITY of your calories matters a bit too. Your body is more primed to burn fat if you consume more protein and fewer carbohydrates (as a general statement). You can set your macros however you like, I find that 40% carbs and 30% each of fat and protein works pretty well. The leaner you are,…
  • Yep, go find a low-cost/free clinic or something. Could be anything - you could have a cyst on your ovary messing with your cycle, doesn't sound like you are too thin for your height - so even if your parents say NO, you NEED TO SEE A DOCTOR ANYWAY. Unfortunately, no one here is going to be able to help you. :(
  • Read your blog - great read. I think you will be an inspiration to many. Stick with this - like you said - it's just a day at a time. And, alot of it is in your head. Having an "I can" attitude is certainly the first step! When you say "I can't" is when you fail. Can't wait to see your progress!…
  • I find it interesting that the "WHY" the eggs are healthier was a change in the hens' diet. Go figure. Do you know what your hens are eating? This is why I'm advocate for paying a bit more for Cage-Free Omega-3 eggs. A healthier hen, produces a healthier egg! :drinker:
  • So glad you posted this - amazing results thus far. I want to encourage you - and others - to lift HEAVY. I bet you'll get even better results. Women, you won't bulk up. If you need a place to start or to guide you try the book "The New Rules of Lifting for Women" by Lou Schuler There is a Men's version of the book too.…
  • My primary is acts of service, my secondary is QT. Hubby's primary is physical touch and secondary is QT.
  • It take a LONG time to add muscle and you have to eat crazy amounts of protein to even start to add muscle. Also, it is VERY difficult for women to bulk up. I lost 30 lbs by eating better and lifting the heaviest weights I could possibly lift. :) Stay away from those wussy weenie weights. Pick up those big heavy things and…
  • I have a 4 year old and 2 year old and work full time. Oh and I'm 14 weeks pregnant with baby #3. I find I have no other obligations at 4:30 in the morning other than sleeping, so that is when I work-out in my basement. Sometimes I'll do it after kids go to bed. You have to make you a priority. If you want it badly enough,…
  • I :heart: allrecipes.com. All those 5 star reviews have never led me astray...
  • Oh and if you enjoy documentaries check out "Killer at Large".
  • I watched it a few months ago. Already owned a juicer, but upgraded to the Breville Juice Fountain Elite. I've been having Mean Green Juice for the last couple of days (as a snack with my healthy diet - I'm not on an all juice diet) - it's delicious!!! Makes me feel great. It's a glass of fresh. But of course, I loved…
  • you are sitting on the floor on your knees and you rest your hands on top of your thighs and you suddenly realize, "Oh my goodness - my legs feel like GRANITE!!!!" :bigsmile:
  • Lift heavy weights, eat clean, be consistent for a looooong time and see what happens. Pics are on my profile. I'm 5'5.5" - close enough! The scale is just a stupid number show-er. Use measuring tape and take photos of yourself. Cheers!
  • I think you should throw away the evil scale and use measuring tape. Adopt a permanent healthy lifestyle of good-for-you-balanced foods, regular cardio and strength training and see where your new homeostasis takes you! Sorry to be so generic - but it's true. Neither you nor your husband should get stuck on any number (or…
  • I have no experience doing this but a few ladies at my work place who tried it swore never again. I was crying so hard from laughter to hear them tell it!
  • Sounds like you counted your chickens, er, I mean ducks, before they hatched. Ok, sorry. Couldn't help myself. As the above poster mentioned - one small change at a time. Do a google search for the 8 week transition diet. It REALLY helped me ease slowly into healthier eating so I could make it a habit! Maybe write some…
  • Sorry to hear about your miscarriages. :( I am currently pregnant (13.5 weeks along) with our 3rd child, but I had two miscarriages before this pregnancy after my second child was born. Like you, I was scared I would hurt the baby. Read the book "Exercising through your Pregnancy" by Eric Clapp. I bought mine on Amazon.…
  • I lost 35 lbs on this site in 10 months doing strength training 3x a week and 20-30 minutes of cardio (usually elliptical trainer) 2-3 days a week with 1-2 rest days. I tried to eat healthy most of the time (mostly clean with 40 carbs, 30 fat, 30 protein) - though there were times I completely went hog wild and ate…
  • I think you have opened a Pandora's box posting this here, but I admire your gumption. Perhaps you should give yourself a month? If you want you can run just a half mile for me. ;)
  • It takes about 6 months to complete the exercises in the book if you don't stop. ;)
  • I did not use any recipes in the book - though they look good. But I did keep my macros at 40% carbs, 30% fat, and 30% protein. I just ate my own stuff that fit those macros.
  • I strength train about 3 days a week and do cardio three days a week - usually on my elliptical and usually not more than 30 minutes of cardio :) Though sometimes I will run outside for 2-3 miles.
  • I have lots of stalkers - one more shouldn't hurt. Mind you, I'm GAINING weight right now (because I'm preggo) but watch me this fall and I'll lose it again! :) Either way, I'm still eating healthfully and exercising regularly so maybe that will help you out? I also offer a weekly blog which (I hope) is motivational (most…
  • Check out the book The New Rules of Lifting for Abs - for men and women who want a strong core and pain free back, by Lou Schuler. Another great book in the New Rules series. But, it's not going to have you use machines at the gym. Still, give it a read and see what you think.
  • I do 3 days a week... but I also do NROL. :bigsmile: Follow the book, it won't lead you astray. And to the poster who said you have to go to the gym - not true. With a bit of searching on Craigslist and your local classifieds, you can get all the equipment you need at home - like I did. :)