Weight lifting with lots of body fat to losE

So I'm about 16 pounds from ideal weight and would really like to incorporate heavy strength training. All of u have all these amazing results with lifting.. How far were u from goal? Of it was 10 or more did u actually lose weight on scale or added muscle only. I ask bcuz I have these arms that r still a Lil fatty and I can usually get small arms and shoulders so I don't know if I should just get skinny (by losing weight first) then lifting After OR lift now to start toning but will I lose fat if it's kinda a lot (just had baby)


  • mzbehaven1
    mzbehaven1 Posts: 55 Member
    start light work up to a reasonale weight. do more reps. I love weight lifting...but not for bulk...
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I started out at 31% body fat with what I felt was 30lbs to lose. I started "lifting" in January and lost 10lbs. (really just from increasing my activity) I started "heavy lifting" in February. I've only lost three lbs but I did lose over 5 inches total from my hips belly thighs and waist. I've now readjusted my goal weight at 10lbs heavier. I guess the moral is lift light if you are worried about the number on the scale. Lift heavy if you really want to see drastic changes in your body. (my doctor even complimented me today saying "You look great, you're entire body is changing." Pretty cool huh. Just keep in mind it takes a lot of hard work, like anything else, and it doesn't happen over night. (I'm at 8 weeks now)
  • If you are going to lift heavy you should get your body measured (arms, waist, chest, thighs, body fat %, ect). When you gain muscle you can gain weight but its muscle weight compared to fat weight and muscle weighs more fat. Someone 5'5" 130 lbs with 15% body fat looks completely different than if they had 30% body fat. If you are more focused on the # on the scale you may consider light weight until you hit your goal and then move to heavy weights with a new goal.It really comes down to what are your goals and your desired body type.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Something to keep in mind, picture 10 lbs of fat as a bowling ball and 10 lbs of muscle is about the size of a softball. Your weight may not change, but your body sure will. And like the other poster mentioned, you cannot freak out about initial water weight gain (I'll admit to freaking just a smidge :blushing: )
  • start light work up to a reasonale weight. do more reps. I love weight lifting...but not for bulk...

  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member
    It take a LONG time to add muscle and you have to eat crazy amounts of protein to even start to add muscle. Also, it is VERY difficult for women to bulk up.

    I lost 30 lbs by eating better and lifting the heaviest weights I could possibly lift. :) Stay away from those wussy weenie weights. Pick up those big heavy things and get started.
  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    start light work up to a reasonale weight. do more reps. I love weight lifting...but not for bulk...

    You won't bulk. You're female and don't have enough testosterone to bulk easy.


    OP... I have 60lbs to lose still and I'm lifting. I honestly haven't lost a pound since I started, but I've lost an inch around the waist, another inch around the thighs. My bust is shrinking too, of course :( The only thing that hasn't really changed is my hips (damn them!), but I'm sure they will. And the other health benefits are amazing! I LOVE being so much stronger and healthier and happier.

    I'd advise against the low weight high rep thing that a lot of women do. Lift HEAVY, as heavy as you can manage while still completing 5 to 8 reps. Do multiple sets.

    I started with New Rules for Lifting for Women... you might start there. I know a lot of people who do Stronglifts (another lifting program). You could start there...

    But really... I don't think you should wait to lose those last 16 lbs. I think you should start lifting now. You'll love the results.

    You really won't bulk. Promise.
  • liftingheavy
    liftingheavy Posts: 551 Member
    I always did body pump (lighter weights, more reps) while losing, and did not start lifting heavy (no more than 8 reps possible per set) until I hit my goal weight. I have no idea if I've gained or lost pounds, but the shape of my body is incredible, lost body fat and I can now see my lean muscle mass.
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    I've lost 70pounds

    Still about 55ish more to go

    I lift and still lose. so go for it. . .
  • Mompanda4
    Mompanda4 Posts: 869 Member
  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    Start heavy... you won't get big and bulky.

    I have been lifting heavy for awhile. I am not big and bulky if anything I am getting smaller.

    I agree check out new rules for lifting for women if you are new to lifting.
  • Wow. Lots of great information. Thank u! I am currently reading NROLFW and I'm very intrigued. I already eat high protein bcuz I lift a Lil bit but really want to try this out. So right now I do a couple sets with 8 pound weights. I'm assuming I'd need bigger. Lol. Any tips that helped u at the beginning would be great :)
  • One thing to remember. If you are lifting heavy you may not actually see the scale move down. It may stay the same or go up. You will be building muscle. Not getting bulky. Women do NOT bulk. Measure yourself and track your success that way. I love lifting. It has done amazing things for my body.
  • A great starter workout can be found on bodybuilding.com.. it is Jamie Eason 12 week live fit trainer. The best part it is free!
  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    Wow. Lots of great information. Thank u! I am currently reading NROLFW and I'm very intrigued. I already eat high protein bcuz I lift a Lil bit but really want to try this out. So right now I do a couple sets with 8 pound weights. I'm assuming I'd need bigger. Lol. Any tips that helped u at the beginning would be great :)

    if you can afford it, get a set of adjustable weights that go to at least 25 lbs. When I started out I had some from reebok. A gym membership helps but not necessary.
  • Oh wow! That sounds good. I'm gonna search for it right now. Thank u!
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    i have about 60 more pounds to lose and strength train 3 days a week.

    you wont bulk as long as you dont take steroids, eat a crazu amount of calories over your maintenance or get a sex change. i'm finding that the bigger weights i lift, the more inches i lose.

    i'm doing NROL4W but strong lifts is also another great strength program to try
  • Thank u for ur reply. :) my weight that's still left is my wrry bcuz I don't want to start lifting and stay at how thick I look. I would assume if I can get down to 112 that even lifting I'd have some weight to lose so I was just curious about it. Thanx for ur help
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    You will still slim down even if you don't lose anything on the scale.
  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Something to keep in mind, picture 10 lbs of fat as a bowling ball and 10 lbs of muscle is about the size of a softball. Your weight may not change, but your body sure will. And like the other poster mentioned, you cannot freak out about initial water weight gain (I'll admit to freaking just a smidge :blushing: )

    That is such a perfect analogy!!!! I love that and can totally picture it!!!!!
  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Thank u for ur reply. :) my weight that's still left is my wrry bcuz I don't want to start lifting and stay at how thick I look. I would assume if I can get down to 112 that even lifting I'd have some weight to lose so I was just curious about it. Thanx for ur help

    You will not get bulky at all! In fact, you'll be leaner and more toned!! Take a look at some of the pics on the Eat More to Lose Weight group. Most of those ladies lift heavy weights and they are not bulky at all. They are toned, sculpted and sexy!!
  • debwaid
    debwaid Posts: 573 Member
    A great starter workout can be found on bodybuilding.com.. it is Jamie Eason 12 week live fit trainer. The best part it is free!
    Totally awesome program! I am doing her program and I love it. Its simple to understand, great recipes and you will see results!! I lost 6 inches overall during the first Phase, no weight but since then the weight is dropping!! I will measure again for the second month next week. I will also have my body fat anaylzed too!
  • Fitwam
    Fitwam Posts: 275 Member
    I am truly becoming a believer in lifting heavy too. I can't decide whether to do the NROLFW or the Jamie Eason program. I have Jillian Michael's Body Revolution...but too much jumping around for me right now. I just need to find something and stick with it! I want to lose 12 lbs (first goal) and then see where I am and evalate. Just not sure how to get there....
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    So I'm about 16 pounds from ideal weight and would really like to incorporate heavy strength training. All of u have all these amazing results with lifting.. How far were u from goal? Of it was 10 or more did u actually lose weight on scale or added muscle only. I ask bcuz I have these arms that r still a Lil fatty and I can usually get small arms and shoulders so I don't know if I should just get skinny (by losing weight first) then lifting After OR lift now to start toning but will I lose fat if it's kinda a lot (just had baby)

    I'm struggling with the same decision. I'm about 20 pounds from goal, and cardio is still working for me, but I've started incorporating a very small amount of core and strength training in. I really, REALLY want to get rid of the fat before I proceed (I'm the type of person who likes to finish a goal), but I think once I'm down where I want to end up I'll accept a gain to build some muscle for long-term caloric burn.

    I'm 40+. I'll never have a 6-pack, but I'll settle for a better-looking keg. LOL
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    It is best to start right away and work up to heavy weights. the reason for this is as you lose weight you tend to lose lean muscle as well as fat. By starting strength training right away you will retain more of your muscle and be a lower bf% at your goal weight you would otherwise would be. That and it is much easier maintaining lean muscle in a deficit, then it is to rebuild what you lost after the fact.
  • Pedrocas
    Pedrocas Posts: 22 Member
    Start... NOW! You'll feel great besides all the weight bonus.. believe me! Enjoy the journey!
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    So I'm about 16 pounds from ideal weight and would really like to incorporate heavy strength training. All of u have all these amazing results with lifting.. How far were u from goal? Of it was 10 or more did u actually lose weight on scale or added muscle only. I ask bcuz I have these arms that r still a Lil fatty and I can usually get small arms and shoulders so I don't know if I should just get skinny (by losing weight first) then lifting After OR lift now to start toning but will I lose fat if it's kinda a lot (just had baby)

    I'm struggling with the same decision. I'm about 20 pounds from goal, and cardio is still working for me, but I've started incorporating a very small amount of core and strength training in. I really, REALLY want to get rid of the fat before I proceed (I'm the type of person who likes to finish a goal), but I think once I'm down where I want to end up I'll accept a gain to build some muscle for long-term caloric burn.

    I'm 40+. I'll never have a 6-pack, but I'll settle for a better-looking keg. LOL

    Please be aware that to lose the most amount of body fat as a %, it is best to have a slight caloric deficit (a goal of 0.5 to 1lb/week rate of loss), and no cardio is needed at all, but strength training is to maintain the muscle you already have.

    All cardio does is for fat loss is allow you to eat more and maintain the same caloric deficit you could have got from diet alone. Cardio has a host of other benefits but fat loss is not one of them, that is purely based on a caloric deficit (which you can get from diet alone or a combo of diet and cardio)
  • Mercenary1914
    Mercenary1914 Posts: 1,087 Member
    delete me
  • Mercenary1914
    Mercenary1914 Posts: 1,087 Member
    edit..mistake post
  • Rosa1213
    Rosa1213 Posts: 456 Member
    I'm going to continue to say what everyone's been saying: You won't bulk up, but lifting is very beneficial.
    Plus, (I don't know if this is just me), but it's way more enjoyable than other exercises. It makes me feel like the She-Hulk, ready to go kick some butt!!