Cat problems - need advice plz!



  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    They should just break up. hahah just kidding

    It helps to keep them in separate rooms for a couple days, letting each one out to explore and get used to the others scent. You can then put them together for a little while at a time until they accept one another. Good luck!
  • _happycats_
    _happycats_ Posts: 105 Member
    Yes it'll get better. Give it time, keep them separated unless you're home for the first little while and gradually introduce them in increasing time intervals. They'll hiss and fight for a while and then settle be things out. Cat play also looks like cat fights, so half of their "fights" may not be that serious. When I got a second cat, I would lock one up if I went out for the first week or so, just to be safe, but it took less than two weeks for them to start getting along. Read the other responses and I think you've got solid advice about giving it time and gradual introduction.
  • CherokeeBabe
    CherokeeBabe Posts: 1,704 Member
    I read once about smearing both cats in tuna oil and locking them in a bathroom together. Apparently it works. They'll eventually (hopefully) get close to each other, then groom each other, which encourages bonding. :)
  • morielia
    morielia Posts: 169 Member
    You should never just plop two cats in a room together. The introduction is going to take time. First, have a room only for the kitten and make sure the kitten has its own litter box, food bowl, water bowl, and some toys. Make sure to spend time with the kitten and your full grown cat. Next, get a sock, and rub it on your kittens fur. Pet the kitten with it, make the kitten play with it, etc... Do the same thing with a different sock on your full grown cat. Then switch the socks. let the kitten play with the other cat's sock and vice versa. They need to get used to each other's scents. Let a day go by. Next day, lock the kitten in its travel cage and let the cat explore "her" room. shut the door to the main cats room and let the kitten explore that room. make sure they DON'T use each other's litter box. switch the toys between the rooms. Let them explore for about 20 mins before brining teh kitten back to her room and shutting the door and making sure the other cat is out. Next day, sit outside the room with the kitten and play with toys that can go under the door. Let both cats play. The kitten is safe in the other room while the older cat can't get in. Next, go in the room with the kitten and stick that same toy under the door for the big cat to play with. Do this repeatedly. Next day. While holding the kitten in her room, let them see each other. They may hiss. have treats and toss to both cats. Do this for two days. Then let her out of the room, but watch them carefully. let her still sleep in her room with the door shut. Do this for another week and let the kitten out more and more to interact with your big cat. In two weeks, you will have two cats who will learn to tolerate each other. It takes patience, but it is worth it.

    This. All of this. The introduction takes a lot of time and patience, but it is so important.
  • dancngdolfn
    dancngdolfn Posts: 81 Member
    It will get better you just have to give them some time. If you can seperate them in different rooms for a couple days we did that with my cats when we got married and I moved in with my husband and he had two cats. They could sniff each other under the door and through the vent and after a couple of days they learned to tolerate each other. Good luck.
  • EatClean_WashUrNuts
    EatClean_WashUrNuts Posts: 1,590 Member
    Corner kick
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    yep, i agree, it takes time.
  • Let them duke it out.

    ^This is my method of choice.
  • miracole
    miracole Posts: 492 Member
    they're establishing territory and dominance, let them fight it out, they'll be fine (don't intervene unless fur flies or an injury occurs.)
  • TheLessOfMe
    TheLessOfMe Posts: 71 Member
    my cats fight all the time, it used to be worse though. They will get used to each other, just give it time :)
  • Nicki_101
    Nicki_101 Posts: 73 Member
    get a dog.


    Are they fixed?
  • cutchro
    cutchro Posts: 396 Member
    You said they were family? and Female?? Nuff said! :yawn:
  • realme56
    realme56 Posts: 1,093 Member
    get a dog.

    My dog will be happy to help....cats are so high strung and moody!
  • pixtotts
    pixtotts Posts: 552 Member
    we had a 16 year old cat when we got 2 kittens... it took a while but eventually the kittens started playing dead as soon as the old cat walked in instead of trying to kill each other...
    my aunts cats (she got 2 kittens 1 got run over so got two more the next year though they are related...) are learning to live with each other two,
    just give them both their own spaces and let them get used to each other!

    our two "kittens" now 5 years old now fight with each other instead *rolls eyes*
  • mateo57505
    mateo57505 Posts: 83 Member
    add a dog to the mix and sit back and let the entertainment begin!!!!!

  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member
    You have already gotten great advice, but as a veterinarian I just wanted to add that as you are letting new cat out to explore old cat's space, it's helpful to have a large wire crate or the like to keep kitty safe. New cat goes in crate - can see and smell everything - old cat can stay away, make objections known, etc... safely.

    I also highly recommend using Feliway as someone else suggested to help the transition go a little smoother.

    Lastly, while on the subject of stress - give your kitties plenty of scratching posts to let out tension and so they can mark their territories - otherwise they may decide to mark in other ways! You do not want the pee wars to start!

    Lastly, if not already done - spay, spay, spay! Get the hormones out of the equation and momma cat (or her daughter) doesn't need to have any more babies with MILLIONS of pets being euthanized in shelters every year in the U.S.
  • Atarahh
    Atarahh Posts: 485 Member
    Possibly daughter cat was handled by humans too soon, maybe that is why mother rejects her
  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    add a dog to the mix and sit back and let the entertainment begin!!!!!


    crying from laughter!!! HAHAHAHA i love the way the dog looks up like "WHAT MTHFKR!
  • uk_angeldust
    uk_angeldust Posts: 234 Member
    Thanks so much everyone! Really appreciate the great tips and advice :)
    No, neither are sprayed but I will spray them asap!

    Must get some of that Feline air freshener :)

    Thanks again :) xx
  • Give the cats some time.

    I find it interesting that Lexi is attacking Emmie who is her mother.
  • Findekano
    Findekano Posts: 116
    Sorry guys this is not fitness related but I need some advice plz. We got a 5 month old kitten Lexi (female) in our house as of today and she keeps fighting with our 1 and a half yr old cat Emmie (female). (Long story cut short they are a mother and daughter - previously owners could not keep Lexi so they 'returned' her to us). They are not physical (yet) as I try to keep them apart but they hiss and growl at each other. Will this get any better! plz help! What can I do to make it better?

    Separate them. Keep a towel with each. After a day, switch the towels. Feed the older cat and then the younger cat on opposite sides of a closed door. After a few days, gradually prop it open more and more at feeding times until they are used to each other.
  • uk_angeldust
    uk_angeldust Posts: 234 Member
    They are both mutually attaching each other :s - but just hissing and growling at the mo!
    Also they have separate litter boxes and separate food bowls :)

    Mothers and daughters, eh? :P

    Guess I am a bit impatient too - sorry guys! Will give it a few weeks/months! :)

  • Fit4_Life
    Fit4_Life Posts: 828 Member
    Dont' put them in a different room.. They'll get along. It takes time. They're in a new environment..Let them handle it. They'll be fine.
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    I would separate them as well, and put their food on either side of the door so they associate happy eating with each other.

    when you bring the other one out, play with both of them with a string or cat toy, again happy and fun.

    Ive fostered many many cats.

    I have eleven cats. When I bring a new one in, I have to do this^^^ with them. It does work. I had as many as 18 at one time. Some cats will be more accepting than others, but they will work it out eventually. Also, share their smells, like a blanket one sleeps on to the other one. That helps the transition too. I have sometimes just kept the new one in a large dog kennel in the room, until they all adust to it. That way no one is isolated.

    On an additional note, the plug in pheromone sprays work if you have a very small apartment or one room where the cats stay. If you have a stressed cat and live in a large open house, like mine (with high ceilings too) there are calming collars now, that also use pheromones, to calm the cat and the scent is always with them. I had one anxious kitty that had licked its belly, back legs, base of the tail halfway up its' back bare of hair. He now is fluffy all over and much more affectionate and happy. I put a fresh one on every few months to make sure he stays that way. I swear by them. They can also help with inappropriate marking or urination (be sure to check for urinary issues first).
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    I have 7 cats, one is very anti-social. She and her kitten were abandoned near a small cemetery and I just had to take them home. Well Sam (Samantha) the momma cat is super friendly to people, but hates all other cats in the house she hisses if one is in the same room as her, she will even wait until she has the food/water dishes to herself. I've had to save her so many times because she tends to pick the fight and then cowards away and lets them slap her around. She has been with us for about a year in a half now, haven't improved much. So good luck with your cat
  • makemewannadie
    makemewannadie Posts: 401 Member
    What everyone else says - give it time. This forum is super useful and was a godsend when I got a kitten last summer! They know what they're talking about and there's a lot of advice/helpful people.
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    You have already gotten great advice, but as a veterinarian I just wanted to add that as you are letting new cat out to explore old cat's space, it's helpful to have a large wire crate or the like to keep kitty safe. New cat goes in crate - can see and smell everything - old cat can stay away, make objections known, etc... safely.

    I also highly recommend using Feliway as someone else suggested to help the transition go a little smoother.

    Lastly, while on the subject of stress - give your kitties plenty of scratching posts to let out tension and so they can mark their territories - otherwise they may decide to mark in other ways! You do not want the pee wars to start!

    Lastly, if not already done - spay, spay, spay! Get the hormones out of the equation and momma cat (or her daughter) doesn't need to have any more babies with MILLIONS of pets being euthanized in shelters every year in the U.S.

    I agree 100% with this post too. SPAY SPAY SPAY! It really solves a huge number of problems.
  • Nicki_101
    Nicki_101 Posts: 73 Member
    add a dog to the mix and sit back and let the entertainment begin!!!!!


    crying from laughter!!! HAHAHAHA i love the way the dog looks up like "WHAT MTHFKR!

    gets the crazy eye......
  • fairykelly13
    fairykelly13 Posts: 79 Member
    I did not read all of the other posts, but you should try rubbing them both with the same towel - back and forth between the two - to get their scents on each other. That can help them calm down...

    And I've also heard that Feliway works great
  • Maidofmer
    Maidofmer Posts: 908 Member
    add a dog to the mix and sit back and let the entertainment begin!!!!!
