Stupid Ducks...

I'm the type of person that will put off the important stuff if I don't have my "ducks in a row" yet I can be impulsive, and ultimately regretful, with other things--mainly spending money. Point is, I have to research and plan and buy things to get myself "motivated" to lose weight. Normally, it works at first...I buy all the low fat foods and drinks, the exercise dvds, the exercise clothes...then I lose a bit and it seems that nothing stays together like I want it to stay together. So then I have to get my "ducks back in a row" which means I end up gaining weight while I'm doing all this planning to lose weight. How crazy is that? uuugggghhh....I need some sense knocked into me :D HHHHEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLPPPPPPPP!!!!!!


  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    Try baby steps. You only have to get your exercise ducks or eating right ducks in a row at first. Then add in more.
  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member
    Sounds like you counted your chickens, er, I mean ducks, before they hatched.

    Ok, sorry. Couldn't help myself. As the above poster mentioned - one small change at a time. Do a google search for the 8 week transition diet. It REALLY helped me ease slowly into healthier eating so I could make it a habit!

    Maybe write some goals down? Like walk 10 minutes 5 days this week, and cross off each day that you walk or something - that sounds uber organized, since you like having your ducks lined up and all. :)

    Hope this helps...
  • CaptainMFP
    CaptainMFP Posts: 440 Member
    Try baby steps. You only have to get your exercise ducks or eating right ducks in a row at first. Then add in more.

    This is really the truth. As long as you're making any change you will see results in time. The less you try to do at once, the easier it is to achieve success at staying on track. (I actually blogged about this very issue in January at if you or any other reader are interested.)
  • jenj1313
    jenj1313 Posts: 898 Member
    Maybe the "research" you need to do is to look at what you're doing currently. I was in a constant state of "trying to eat well", but I'd make tons of exceptions and excuses. If I ate cookies or cake with my lunch at work (there are constantly sweets around), I just didn't let myself dwell on it... and I wasn't responsible for it.

    Once I started logging my food intake, I became a lot more motivated and accountable to myself pretty darn quickly.

    I don't buy anything different than I used to, though there are some things I used to buy that I don't anymore. I just took a look at what I was eating, and tried to keep the good things and weed out the junk. This is making it a lot easier for me to stick to my plan than it ever was when I tried different regimented diets, shake plans, etc. Those were just too big a change. I felt like I was constantly denying myself and that always got me off track.

    If your diet is absolutely horrible, you may need to make some changes, but consider starting with a week of honest logging (that's EVERYTHING you eat, even junk) and see if you don't start to naturally cut out the crap without having to switch to a "plan" that you've researched and invested in. Just make the investment of time to put the data in and look at it.

    Good luck!!!
  • dirtbikegirl5
    dirtbikegirl5 Posts: 391 Member
    It doesn't happen overnight. It is a life change. We all want to hang on to some of those old habits because they have been there for us and they are comforting.
    I log everything no matter how ashamed it makes me. I have a lot of encouragement from those on the same journey. This makes me accountable for what I am eating. I love to log my workouts because it gives me that sense of accomplishment. I could not do this without MFP.
  • mlbazemore
    mlbazemore Posts: 252 Member
    Thanks everyone...I have looked up the transition diet...glanced it, it looks promising, thanks...I'll have to learn to stop sabotaging myself!