MyssPhytt Member


  • I've had good results in the past with IF and am currently trying it again. For me, it is an easier way to create a calorie deficit as I tend to mindlessly nighttime snack after already hitting my calories and not really even being hungry. Because of having less "feeding times", I get fuller easier with eating bigger meals…
  • You should invite him to workout with you see how well he does. :wink:
  • We could almost be twins: 35 yro HW: 168 CW: 130 GOAL: 120-125 (fit)
  • Could it be me? 35 yrs old 5'5 HW 168 CW 130 GW 125
  • Age: 35 Height: 5'5-ish Current Weight: 130 lbs (+\- 2 or 3 lbs fluctuations) Heaviest weight: 168 lbs after having twins (and here I am looking for a twin???) Goal weight: 120-125 lbs (or maintain 130 but decrease fat and add lean muscle) BF%: I have no idea but suspect 23-26%? GBF%: 15-20% My fitness goals are to…
  • South-central Kentucky
  • Cat eye glasses for the pin-up look. LOVE IT!
  • I agree. Unfortunately with my lifestyle and work schedule, I dont get the opportunity to have an early workout. At least no earlier than 11:00 or 11:30 a.m., but even that seems to be working pretty good for me. I just try to either go longer on the fast or eat my pre-fast meal later the previous day. I'm going to…
  • Exactly, and I realize this. I mainly wanted to try IF to help me distinguish true hunger and not eat out of habit. As for the fat burning principal....I think IF could have somewhat of an effect on that, but I think maybe it needs to be researched a bit further to be able to say 100%. It makes sense however that your body…
  • Not because I believe a certain way, but I am a breakfast lover and I find that I am hungry and ready to eat not long after I wake up, but that is probably because I typically don't eat much at night, once again, not because I think its bad to eat at night, that's just the way I always have done it. Also, breakfast-type…
  • First off thank you for your info and congrats to you! That's a great transformation! Just to update everyone since starting this thread, I have been doing about a 16 hr fast 3 days a week, alternating days, and I am trying to also make those days a bit of restriction in calories to 1,000 or less. The rest of the days I am…
  • I'm going to agree with what most everyone else says here that you need a good balance of the two. It just takes awhile sometimes finding that delicate balance and what works best for you and your goals. I personally do strength training (Stronglifts) by heavy lifting at low reps 3x a week with maybe a little mild cardio…
  • Ok let me see if I can get this to make sense as to why I am sort of doing a bit of both methods.... I do the 16:8 to basically get my body to go through my glucose stores, then onto stored carbs, then to fat burning and also for stimulating SIRT1 (if theoretically all that works). But also, because I'm eating later in the…
  • So is the 5:2 basically just a calorie restriction and the 16:8 an actual fast? Right now I am loosely following the JUDDD format which seems to be an alternate day fasting with restriction. The restriction is required for obvious reasons, but the fast is required to active the SIRT1 gene to optimize fat burning and reduce…
  • Supposedly there is concern that fasting can mess up your normal bowel patterns, but I hear this less so than common. I would like to work up to 18:6 but I think as a test drive I will start at the 15:9. La5Vega5girl, how many cals do you shoot for on your down days vs up days? It is definitely going to be a mental…
  • This was one of my concerns and hopefully I will be one of the "lucky ones". Typically I'm a fairly "regular" person thanks to coffee and bulk fiber from things like oatmeal, broccoli, and an apple a day. I don't take any added fiber or magnesium and I hope I don't ever have to. I think the key of drinking lots of water…
  • I'm leaning more towards doing something like JUDDD of alternating days of very low cals (500 or lower) and around 1800 cals on the other days. I think I could stick to something like this knowing I can eat every other day but as someone else stated above, I don't want to just pig out and eat horrible on those up days. I…
  • Haha...sorry about that! I have a hard time explaining or asking things in a short-version. Drives my hubby crazy! But thank you for the info and you really answered the majority of my questions right off the bat. I'll look into those articles as well. As for putting myself into a binge, I'm not sure that I would or not. I…
  • I'm considering giving IF a try but I don't really know where to begin and want to research a bit further before I jump into it. A cousin of mine (male) does it fairly regularly and has had great results and highly recommends it, but I've heard a wide variety of mixed opinions about it. I've read it can wreck your…
  • I'm 35 yro female who started Stronglifts 5x5 in June, lifting 3x a week. I started off very light on the weight either with an empty bar or only a tiny bit of weight added to it and then progressed pretty quickly but within the last month or so, now that I have found a more challenging weight range, I'm going more slowly…
  • Whatever you may think, it is not a failure and don't let that make you throw your hands up and quit and say "tomorrow". Just take control of the situation. It's a simple as taking 30 minutes (or even 15 if you can't do that) and exercise. Maybe a high intensity circuit, jog, or really anything that can get you moving so…
  • I relate to this completely! I can't count how many times a friend, family member, or co-worker will ask me what my "secret" is. Its just good ole fashion healthy eating and exercise. Nothing secret, magical, or supernatural about it. It is what has always worked and only worked (permanently) for years and years. Anything…
  • Sorry, I should have clarified. When I say "look up", I don't mean to tilt your head up. I meant just to focus (eyes) upward. And not necessarily all the way up to the ceiling, but maybe toward the top of the wall in front of you. For some reason it helps me concentrate on control, but I guess just having any focal point…
  • Our gym has pads for the bars and I typically use them but sometimes I feel more comfortable without it. I try to remember to stick my chest out, bring my shoulder blades closer together, and have somewhat of a wider grip. And for some reason it helps me to sort of look up at the ceiling when I come up. As for the…
  • A mid-size microwave and an average human brain. But I haven't weighed lately and have picked up more on weight lifting, so I think I may have gained a guinea pig or two :laugh:
  • Ahh!!! Good news! Twinings spiced apple chai tea is 0 cals! So if you're using almond milk and stevia, it should end up about the same. Now I HAVE to try it
  • That sounds like a plan....but I wonder if it will be just as low cal? Most of the chai latte's that I like are not too calorie friendly it seems, but I've not tried very many.
  • Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! I too love hot beverages all year long. I don't care if its 110 degree outside. And I absolutely LOVE fall! This recipe sounds amazing but also sounds like a lot of work (but I'm kinda lazy like that). You should sell this in liquid form, and then I can just buy it, heat it up, and drink!…